NCLEX Previous Year Questions and Answers

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Interested applicants can go through this page to download the Previous Year Questions of National Council Licensure Examination Exam. The NCLEX-PN Previous Year Papers are the most important aspects for the proper exam preparation. With the help of these NCLEX Previous Year Question Papers, you will get an idea about the test pattern, subjects, difficulty level, and weightage of each section. So, download the NCLEX-RN Previous Year Papers along with the answers. We are providing the National Council Licensure Examination Previous Year Question Papers of for free of cost. Use these Last 5 Years NCLEX-RN Exam Previous Year Question Papers as a reference for the exam preparation.

NCLEX Previous Year Questions and Answers

Previous Year Questions and Answers for NCLEX

1. The home health nurse is visiting a client with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (ATP). The client’s platelet count currently is 80,000. It will be most important to teach the client and family about:
A. Bleeding precautions
B. Prevention of falls
C. Oxygen therapy
D. Conservation of energy

2. A client is being evaluated for carpel tunnel syndrome. The nurse is observed tapping over the median nerve in the wrist and asking the client if there is pain or tingling. Which assessment is the nurse performing?
A. Phalen’s maneuver
B. Tinel’s sign
C. Kernig’s sign
D. Brudzinski’s sign

3. The client is receiving furosemide daily. Which statement by the client indicates to the nurse that the client understands the dietary needs related to this medication?
A. “I always have eggs and apple juice for breakfast.”
B. “My favorite snack is an apple.”
C. “My favorite salad is cucumbers and radishes.”
D. “I eat watermelon almost every day.”

4. The nurse is completing an assessment history of a client with pernicious anemia. Which complaint differentiates pernicious anemia from other types of anemia?
A. Difficulty in breathing after exertion
B. Numbness and tingling in the extremities
C. A faster than usual heart rate
D. Feelings of lightheadedness

5. Which of the following lab studies should be done periodically if the client is taking warfarin sodium (Coumadin)?
A. Stool specimen for occult blood
B. White blood cell count
C. Blood glucose
D. Erthyrocyte count

6. The nurse is providing dietary instructions for a client with iron-deficiency anemia. Which food is a poor source of iron?
A. Tomatoes
B. Legumes
C. Dried fruits
D. Nuts

7. The nurse is caring for an adult who is admitted in right heart failure. Which observation is most consistent with this condition?
A. Distended neck veins
B. Facial edema
C. Renal failure
D. Constipation

8. An adult is on a clear liquid diet. Which food should the nurse offer him?
A. A milkshake
B. Fruited gelatin
C. Sherbet
D. Apple juice

9. Which set of vital signs would best indicate an increase in intracranial pressure?
A. BP 180/70, pulse 50, respirations 16, temperature 101°F
B. BP 100/70, pulse 64, respirations 20, temperature 98.6°F
C. BP 96/70, pulse 132, respirations 20, temperature 98.6°F
D. BP 130/80, pulse 50, respirations 18, temperature 99.6°F

10. While providing care to a 26-year-old married female, a nurse notes multiple ecchymotic areas on her arms and trunk. The color of the ecchymotic areas ranges from blue to purple to yellow. When asked by the nurse how she got these bruises, the client responds, “Oh, I tripped.” How should the nurse respond? Select all that apply.
A. Document the client’s statement and complete a body map indicating the size, color, shape, location, and type of injuries.
B. Contact the local authorities to report suspicions of abuse.
C. Assist the client in developing a safety plan for times of increased violence.
D. Call the client’s husband to arrange a meeting to discuss the situation.
E. Tell the client that she needs to leave the abusive situation as soon as possible.

11. Provide the client with telephone numbers of local shelters and safe houses. The nurse is discussing iron deficiency anemia with a community group. Which of the following persons are at risk for iron deficiency anemia? Select all that apply.
A. A 15-month-old who drinks a lot of milk
B. A 6-year-old who has sickle cell anemia
C. An adolescent female
D. A woman who is 8 months pregnant
E. An African-American middle-aged man
F. A 78-year-old on a fixed income

12. Which comment by the mother of a child who has classic hemophilia indicates a need for more nursing instruction?
A. “It is so hard to tell my son he cannot play football.”
B. “We encourage our son to do everything the other children do.”
C. “I hate needles, but I have signed up for classes on how to administer the factor VIII medicine.”
D. “Our son has won several chess tournaments.””

13. The client has surgery for removal of a Prolactinoma. Which of the following interventions would be appropriate for this client?
A. Place the client in Trendelenburg position for postural drainage
B. Encourage coughing and deep breathing every 2 hours
C. Elevate the head of the bed 30°
D. Encourage the Valsalva maneuver for bowel movements

14. An adult had major abdominal surgery this morning under general anesthesia. When the client arrives in the recovery room, she is very lethargic and restless. Her BP is 150/98; pulse is 110 and irregular; and respirations are 30 breaths per minute and shallow. Postoperative orders include meperidine (Demerol) 75 mg IM for operative site pain; reinforce dressings PRN; oxygen at 6 L/min PRN; irrigate nasogastric tube every 2 hours and PRN; IV 2500 cc D5W in 24 hours. What should the nurse do next?
A. Carefully inspect the dressings for any drainage
B. Irrigate the nasogastric tube
C. Administer meperidine (Demerol) as ordered
D. Administer oxygen

15. The nurse is discussing hemophilia with a group of parents. Which child is most likely to have classic hemophilia?
A. A male whose mother is a carrier
B. A male whose father has the disease
C. A female whose paternal uncle has the disease
D. A female whose father has the disease

16. Omeprazole (Prilosec), cimetidine (Tagamet), and Maalox are ordered for an adult. When should the nurse plan to administer these drugs?
A. Give omeprazole (Prilosec) before meals, cimetidine (Tagamet) with meals, and Maalox after meals.
B. Give omeprazole (Prilosec) with meals, cimetidine (Tagamet) after meals, and Maalox before meals.
C. Give omeprazole (Prilosec) after meals, cimetidine (Tagamet) before meals, and Maalox with meals.
D. Give all of the drugs after meals.

17. A woman is pregnant for the first time and is Rh negative. Her husband is Rh positive. She tells the nurse that he is very worried about her baby. Which information should the nurse plan to include when talking with this woman’?
A. The first baby should not be affected.
B. She will need to get treatment after the second baby is born.
C. There is nothing that can be done to prevent the baby from developing erythroblastosis fetalis, but it can be treated.
D. She can have intrauterine transfusion for the first baby if blood levels indicate that the child is affected.”

18. A mother calls the pediatrician’s office stating that her 15-month-old son received an MMR vaccination yesterday. Today, the site of the injection is red, warm, and puffy. What is the best action for the nurse to take?
A. Report the symptoms to the physician as an adverse reaction
B. Suggest the mother apply a warm compress every two hours
C. Advise the mother to give her son baby aspirin
D. Explain to the mother that this is an expected response

19. An obstetrical client decides to have an epidural anesthetic to relieve pain during labor. Following administration of the anesthesia, the nurse Should monitor the client for:
A. Seizures
B. Postural hypertension
C. Respiratory depression
D. Hematuria

20. Which of the following statements reflects Kohlberg’s theory of the moral development of the preschool-age child?
A. Obeying adults is seen as correct behavior.
B. Showing respect for parents is seen as important.
C. Pleasing others is viewed as good behavior.
D. Behavior is determined by consequences.

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21. The afternoon following a thyroidectomy, the client experiences all of the following. Which one indicates to the nurse that the client is experiencing a serious complication?
A. A sore throat
B. Pain at the surgical site
C. Temperature of 100.2°F
D. Sudden hoarseness

22. A client is admitted with a diagnosis of pernicious anemia. Which of the following signs or symptoms would indicate that the client has been noncompliant with ordered B12 injections?
A. Hyperactivity in the evening hours
B. Weight gain of 5 pounds in 1 week
C. Paresthesia of hands and feet
D. Diarrhea stools several times a day”

23. The nurse is conducting an admission assessment of a client with vitamin B12 deficiency. Which finding reinforces the diagnosis of B12 deficiency?
A. Enlarged spleen
B. Elevated blood pressure
C. Bradycardia
D. Beefy tongue

24. A young adult is admitted to the psychiatric unit because she has become very withdrawn and has stopped attending college classes. She sits for hours rocking back and forth and appears to be talking to someone at intervals. She does not eat or bathe or relate to others. How should the nurse approach this client upon admission?
A. Explain the unit routines to her in detail
B. Ask her if she has any question about the unit or what she is supposed to do
C. Briefly explain the most essential information and then sit with her
D. Take her by the hand and orient her to the unit

25. The nurse is planning care for the patient with celiac disease. In teaching about the diet, the nurse should instruct the patient to avoid which of the following for breakfast?
A. Puffed wheat
B. Banana
C. Puffed rice
D. Cornflakes

26. The nurse is teaching the client with AIDS regarding needed changes in food preparation. Which statement indicates that the client understands the nurse’s teaching?
A. “Adding fresh ground pepper to my food will improve the flavor.”
B. “Meat should be thoroughly cooked to the proper temperature.”
C. “Eating cheese and yogurt will prevent AlDS-related diarrhea.”
D. “It is important to eat four to five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day.”

27. The client is admitted to the unit after a motor vehicle accident with a temperature of 102°F rectally. The most likely explanations for the elevated temperature is that:
A. There was damage to the hypothalamus.
B. He has an infection from the abrasions to the head and face.
C. He will require a cooling blanket to decrease the temperature.
D. There was damage to the frontal lobe of the brain.”

28. A client with nontropical sprue has an exacerbation of symptoms. Which meal selection is responsible for the recurrence of the client’s symptoms?
A. Tossed salad with oil and vinegar dressing
B. Baked potato with sour cream and chives
C. Cream of tomato soup and crackers
D. Mixed fruit and yogurt

29. A client was transferred to the hospital unit as a direct admit from a Small community hospital. While the nurse is obtaining part of the admission history information, the client suddenly becomes semiconscious. Assessment reveals a systolic BP of 70, heart rate of 130, and respiratory rate of 24. What is the nurse’s initial action?
A. Lower the head of the bed
B. Initiate an IV with a large bore needle
C. Notify the physician
D. Call for the cardiopulmonary resuscitation team

30. The nurse is caring for a client following a right nephrolithotomy. Post-operatively, the client should be positioned:
A. On the right side
B. Supine
C. On the left side
D. Prone

31. A client in labor admits to using alcohol throughout the pregnancy. The most recent use was the day before. Based on the client’s history, the nurse should give priority to assessing the newborn for:
A. Respiratory depression
B. Wide-set eyes
C. Jitteriness
D. Low-set ears

32. A nurse is caring for a client who sustained a chemical burn in his right eye. She’s preparing to irrigate the eye with sterile normal saline solution. Which steps are appropriate when performing the procedure?
Select all that apply.
A. Tilt the client’s head toward his left eye.
B. Place absorbent pads in the area of the client’s shoulder.
C. Wash hands and put on gloves.
D. Place the irrigation syringe directly on the cornea.
E. Direct the solution onto the exposed conjunctival sac from the inner to outer canthus.
F. Irrigate the eye for 1 minute.

33. The doctor has ordered a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) unit for the client with chronic back pain. The nurse teaching the client with a TENS unit should tell the client:
A. “You may be electrocuted if you use water with this unit.”
B. “Please report skin irritation to the doctor.”
C. “The unit may be used anywhere on the body without fear of adverse reactions.”
D. “A cream should be applied to the skin before applying the unit.”

34. “An adult has completed an alcohol detoxification program and will be discharged later today. Which comment indicates the best understanding of the discharge care?
A. “I will be so glad to get out of here so I can be with all my old friends again.”
B. “I know I cannot drink as much as I used to.”
C. “I have found three different AA meetings to attend.”
D. “I know I cannot drink hard liquor, but a beer or two won’t hurt me.”

35. The RN charge nurse hands the LPN/LVN a syringe filled with medication that the RN has just drawn and asks the LPN/LVN to administer this to a client. How should the LPN/LVN respond?
A. Do as requested by the charge nurse
B. Ask the charge nurse what the medication is and then administer it
C. Ask the charge nurse what the medication is, check the order, and then administer it
D. Refuse to administer the medication

36. A client with metastatic cancer of the lung has just been told the prognosis by the oncologist. The nurse hears the client state, “I don’t believe the doctor; | think he has me confused with another patient.” This is an example of which of Kubler-Ross’ stages of dying?
A. Denial
B. Anger
C. Depression
D. Bargaining

37. A 9-year-old is admitted with suspected rheumatic fever. Which finding is Suggestive of Sydenham’s chorea?
A. Irregular movements of the extremities and facial grimacing
B. Painless swellings over the extensor surfaces of the joints
C. Faint areas of red demarcation over the back and abdomen
D. Swelling, inflammation, and effusion of the joints”

38. The nurse is conducting a community group discussion on nutrition. One of the participants says to the nurse, “I am a vegan. I have been told I might get pernicious anemia. How can I prevent that?” What should the nurse include when answering the client?
A. She is not at risk for pernicious anemia because there are many nonmeat sources of vitamin B12.
B. She is at risk of developing pernicious anemia, but taking a vitamin supplement that contains vitamin B12 should prevent it.
C. She should see her physician and ask about getting monthly injections of vitamin B12 because she is a risk for pernicious anemia.
D. She should be tested for an enzyme that produces vitamin B12. If she is deficient, she should be treated with daily injections.”

39. An adult is prescribed lovastatin (Mevacor). The nurse should teach the client that while he is taking lovastatin (Mevacor), he must avoid:
A. eating apples.
B. drinking grapefruit juice.
C. using aspirin.
D. using ibuprofen.

40. A client with a diagnosis of passive-aggressive personality disorder is seen at the local mental health clinic. A common characteristic of persons with passive-aggressive personality disorder Is:
A. Superior intelligence
B. Underlying hostility
C. Dependence on others
D. Ability to share feelings

41. The nurse approaches a 4-year-old boy to administer a medication. The child has no identification armband. Which action is most appropriate?
A. Check the room and bed number the child is in with the room and bed number on the medication order and administer the medication if they agree
B. Ask the child what his name is before administering the medication
C. Ask the child if his name is George (the name on the medication order) and administer the medication if the child says that is his name
D. Ask the adults at the bedside what the child’s name is and administer the medication if the adults verify the name of the child”

42. A child is admitted with acute glomerulonephritis. Which finding in the client’s history is most consistent with the diagnosis?
A. A recent tick bite
B. Pharyngitis two weeks ago
C. A mosquito bite last week
D. Ingestion of foods high in uric acid”

43. A client admitted for treatment of bacterial pneumonia has an order for intravenous ampicillin. Which specimen should be obtained prior to administering the medication?
A. Routine urinalysis
B. Complete blood count
C. Serum electrolytes
D. Sputum for culture and sensitivity

44. A 65-year-old client is admitted after a stroke. The nurse is concerned about skin breakdown and decubitus ulcer development. Which nursing intervention would best improve tissue perfusion to prevent skin problems?
A. Assessing the skin daily
B. Massaging any erythematous areas on the skin
C. Changing incontinence pads as soon as they become soiled
D. Performing range-of-motion exercises and turning and repositioning the client

45. A client on a psychiatric unit is glaring across the room and pointing a finger at empty space and yelling. What is the nurse’s best response to the client’s behavior?
A. Say to him, “There is no one there. Keep your voice down.
B. Escort the client to his room
C. Restrain the client
D. Offer PRN haloperidol (Haldol) as ordered

46. The nurse is administering hygienic care to an elderly client in her home. What should the nurse wash first?
A. Perineal area
B. Face
C. Upper torso
D. Hands

47. The registered nurse is conducting an in-service for colleagues on the Subject of peptic ulcers. The nurse would be correct in identifying which of the following as a causative factor?
A. WN. Gonorrhea
B. H. influenza
C. H. pylori
D. E.coli

48. “The nurse is caring for a client who has been in alcohol detoxification for one week. The client has slurred speech and is bumping into doorframes and walking unsteadily. What is the most appropriate initial action by the nurse?
A. Assess for Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
B. Ask for an order for blood alcohol level
C. Request a neurology consult
D. Administer a PRN dose of diazepam (Valium)

49. When administering total parenteral nutrition, the nurse should assess the client for signs of rebound hypoglycemia. The nurse knows that rebound hypoglycemia occurs when:
A. The infusion rate is too rapid.
B. The infusion is discontinued without tapering.
C. The solution is infused through a peripheral line.
D. The infusion is administered without a filter.

50. An alert adult is being admitted for elective surgery. Which comment made by the client indicates a need for more instruction regarding advance directives?
A. “I brought a copy of the completed form with me.”
B. “I am glad I don’t have to make decisions about my care anymore.”
C. “My husband is the one who gets to make decisions for me.”
D. “My children all have copies of the living will.”

What is the passing score for NCLEX?

NCLEX, or the National Council Licensure Examination, is a standardized test that is required to be passed by individuals who wish to become licensed as a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) in the United States. This exam is designed to assess the candidate’s knowledge and competency in various areas related to nursing, and passing the NCLEX is a critical step towards obtaining a nursing license. In this article, we will discuss the passing score for the NCLEX and what it means for aspiring nurses.

What is the NCLEX?

The NCLEX is a computerized adaptive test that consists of multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in nursing practice. The exam is administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), which is responsible for developing and maintaining the exam. The NCLEX is designed to ensure that nurses who are licensed to practice in the US have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide safe and effective patient care.

What is the passing score for the NCLEX?

The passing score for the NCLEX is not a fixed number. Instead, it is based on a candidate’s ability to answer questions correctly at a level that demonstrates minimal competency in nursing practice. The NCLEX is a computerized adaptive test, which means that the level of difficulty of the questions is adjusted based on the candidate’s performance. The exam is designed to determine the level of a candidate’s knowledge and competence by presenting questions of varying difficulty levels. The more questions a candidate answers correctly, the more difficult the questions become.

The NCLEX uses a pass/fail system, which means that there is no numerical score given to candidates. Instead, candidates receive one of two results: pass or fail. The NCLEX pass rate is not a fixed number and varies based on the state in which the exam is taken. Each state’s board of nursing sets its own passing score based on the difficulty level of the exam and the minimum competency level required for nurses to practice safely in that state.

What happens if you fail the NCLEX?

If a candidate fails the NCLEX, they can retake the exam. However, there are some restrictions on how often a candidate can retake the exam and how many times they can take it. The exact rules vary by state, but most states allow candidates to retake the exam after a certain period of time has passed. Candidates who fail the exam are provided with a detailed report of their performance, which can be used to identify areas where they need to improve their knowledge and skills.

What can you do to prepare for the NCLEX?

Preparing for the NCLEX is a crucial step in passing the exam. There are many resources available to help candidates prepare for the exam, including review courses, study guides, and practice tests. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the NCLEX:

  1. Understand the test format: The NCLEX is a computerized adaptive test, which means that the level of difficulty of the questions is adjusted based on the candidate’s performance. Understanding how the test works can help you prepare more effectively.
  2. Study the content: The NCLEX covers a wide range of topics related to nursing practice, including pharmacology, health promotion, and disease prevention. Make sure you have a solid understanding of these topics before taking the exam.
  3. Take practice tests: Taking practice tests can help you identify areas where you need to improve your knowledge and skills. Many review courses and study guides include practice tests.
  4. Manage your time: The NCLEX is a timed exam, so it is important to manage your time effectively. Make sure you have a strategy for answering questions quickly and efficiently.
  5. Stay calm and focused: Taking the NCLEX can be stressful, but it is important to stay calm and focused during Exam.