NCLEX Quiz Questions and Answers
The candidates can download the NCLEX Quiz Questions and Answers for Preparation. The NCLEX-RN Quiz Papers will help the aspirants to crack the exam easily. Also, Visit our website for the NCLEX-RN for the Last 5 Years Papers Quiz Papers. Refer the NCLEX Quiz Questions and Answers to get an idea of the difficulty level of exam. The aspirants who are going to attend the NCLEX-PN Examination can use this syllabus and Quiz Papers as a reference for the preparation.
Interested applicants can go through this page to download the Quiz Questions of National Council Licensure Examination Exam. The NCLEX-PN Quiz Papers are the most important aspects for the proper exam preparation. With the help of these NCLEX Quiz Question Papers, you will get an idea about the test pattern, subjects, difficulty level, and weightage of each section. So, download the NCLEX-RN Quiz Papers along with the answers. We are providing the National Council Licensure Examination Quiz Question Papers of for free of cost. Use these Last 5 Years NCLEX-RN Exam Quiz Question Papers as a reference for the exam preparation.
Quiz Questions and Answers for NCLEX
1. The client is admitted to the hospital in chronic renal failure. A diet low in protein is ordered. The rationale for a low-protein diet is:
A. Protein breaks down into blood urea nitrogen and other waste.
B. High protein increases the sodium and potassium levels.
C. A high-protein diet decreases albumin production.
D. A high-protein diet depletes calcium and phosphorous.
2. The mother of a 1-year-old wants to know when she should begin toilet-training her child. The nurse’s response is based on the knowledge that Sufficient sphincter control for toilet training is present by:
A. 12-15 months of age
B. 18-24 months of age
C. 26-30 months of age
D. 32-36 months of age
3. A client with an inguinal hernia asks the nurse why he should have surgery when he has had a hernia for years. The nurse understands that Surgery Is recommended to:
A. Prevent strangulation of the bowel
B. Prevent malabsorptive disorders
C. Decrease secretion of bile salts
D. Increase intestinal motility
4. The nurse is caring for a client who has been on bed rest for several weeks. Which problem is least likely to be related to bed rest?
A. Muscle atrophy
B. Hypostatic pneumonia
C. Varicose veins
D. Thrombophlebitis
5. Which of the following examples represents parallel play?
A. Jenny and Tommy share their toys.
B. Jimmy plays with his car beside Mary, who is playing with her doll.
C. Kevin plays a game of Scrabble with Kathy and Sue.
D. Mary plays with a handheld game while sitting in her mother’s lap.
6. The nurse is caring for a client after a laryngectomy. The client is anxious, with a respiratory rate of 32 and an oxygen saturation of 88. The nurse’s first action should be to:
A. Suction the client
B. Increase the oxygen flow rate
C. Notify the physician
D. Recheck the 0, saturation
7. The nurse is inserting an indwelling urinary catheter in an adult woman. The nurse locates landmarks before inserting the catheter. The urethral opening is located:
A. above the clitoris.
B. behind the vagina.
C. between the clitoris and the vagina.
D. between the vagina and the rectum.
8. A 20-year-old is admitted to the rehabilitation unit following a motorcycle accident. Which would be the appropriate method for measuring the client for crutches?
A. Measure five finger breadths under the axilla
B. Measure 3 inches under the axilla
C. Measure the client with the elbows flexed 10°
D. Measure the client with the crutches 20 inches from the side of the foot
9. As adult is admitted with bleeding esophageal varices, and a triple-lumen nasogastric tube is inserted and the balloons inflated. What should the nurse keep at the bedside because the client has this tube?
A. Adhesive tape
B. A syringe with water
C. Scissors
D. A clamp
10. An adult is receiving external radiation therapy. What should the nurse include in the teaching plan about care of the skin at the radiation site?
A. Tape a loose dressing to the radiation site.
B. Shower each evening before therapy.
C. Apply ice compresses to the site to relieve pain.
D. Avoid washing the skin in the area being radiated.
11. A client with Hodgkin’s lymphoma is receiving Platinol (cisplatin). To help prevent nephrotoxicity, the nurse should:
A. Slow the infusion rate
B. Make sure the client is well hydrated
C. Record the intake and output every shift
D. Tell the client to report ringing in the ears
12. The nurse is caring for an adult who is taking digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.25 mg daily. Which comment by the client is of greatest concern to the nurse because the client is taking digoxin?
A. “I don’t seem to have much of an appetite lately.”
B. “My energy level is not as high as it once was.”
C. “My pulse yesterday was 60.”
D. “I have a pain in my right foot.”
13. The physician has prescribed Cobex (cyanocobalamin) for a client following a gastric resection. Which lab result indicates that the medication is having its intended effect?
A. Neutrophil count of 4500
B. Hgb of 14.29
C. Platelet count of 250,000
D. Eosinophil count of 200
14. During a home visit, the nurse observes a man who is recovering from a left total hip replacement. Which observation indicates that the client understands his care?
A. He is sitting in a soft, overstuffed easy chair.
B. He bends over to pat his cat.
C. He crosses his legs when sitting.
D. He holds the cane in his right hand when walking.
15. The client is scheduled for a myelogram today. The permit has been signed. The client tells the nurse that she has changed her mind and does not want to have the procedure. What should the nurse do?
A. Tell the client that once permission has been given, the procedure has to be done
B. Tell the client that the physician will be very upset if she does not have it done
C. Suggest to the client that it is in her best interests to have the procedure as scheduled
D. Understand that the client has the right to change her mind about procedures
16. The nurse is caring for a woman who had a mastectomy following a diagnosis of breast cancer. When the nurse enters the room, the curtains are drawn, and the client is lying with her body turned toward the wall away from the nurse. When the nurse approaches her, the client says, “Just leave me alone. I’m no use to anyone. I’m not even a real woman.” How should the nurse respond?
A. Leave the room
B. Open the curtains
C. Say, “You sound upset.
D. Say, “Women are more than breasts.”
17. “An adult client has been medicated for elective surgery. The operating room nurse discovers that the consent form for surgery has not been signed. What should the nurse do?
A. Have the client sign the consent form
B. Tell the physician that the consent form has not been signed
C. Have the client’s spouse sign the consent form
D. Continue preparation for surgery because the client has given implied consent
18. The nurse is inserting an indwelling catheter in a female. The nurse knows that the urethral meatus is located where?
A. Between the clitoris and the vagina
B. Between the vagina and the rectum
C. Above the clitoris
D. Below the rectum
19. Because an adult is scheduled for a cystoscopy, the nurse should plan to do which of the following immediately prior to the procedure?
A. Keep the client NPO for eight hours
B. Ask the client about claustrophobia
C. Ask the client about allergies to shellfish
D. Encourage fluids
20. The nurse is caring for the patient following removal of a large posterior oral lesion. The priority nursing measure would be to:
A. Maintain a patent airway
B. Perform meticulous oral care every 2 hours
C. Ensure that the incisional area is kept as dry as possible
D. Assess the client frequently for pain
21. A client with cervical cancer has a radioactive implant. Which statement indicates that the client understands the nurse’s teaching regarding radioactive implants?
A. “l won’t be able to have visitors while getting radiation therapy.”
B. “Il will have a urinary catheter while the implant is in place.”
C. “I can be up to the bedside commode while the implant is in place.”
D. “l won’t have any side effects from this type of therapy.”
22. “An adult is scheduled for a cardioversion next week. What should the nurse plan to include when teaching the client about the procedure?
A. The client should be NPO for eight hours before the procedure.
B. The client will be awake during the procedure.
C. The procedure will probably need to be repeated every month for at least six months.
D. The procedure is usually done for life-threatening dysrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation.
23. The nurse reviewing the lab results of a client receiving Cytoxan (cyclophasphamide) for Hodgkin’s lymphoma finds the following: WBC 4,200, RBC 3,800,000, platelets 25,000, and serum creatinine 1.0mg. The nurse recognizes that the greatest risk for the client at this time is:
A. Overwhelming infection
B. Bleeding
C. Anemia
D. Renal failure
24. An adult asks the nurse what could be causing him to have a black tongue and black stools. The following items are in the client’s history. Which is most likely to be causing his symptoms?
A. He is taking bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) for loose stools.
B. He has been eating a lot of beets and broccoli recently.
C. He has been taking iron tablets for anemia.
D. He eats a lot of red meat.
25. A client with benign prostatic hypertrophy has been started on Proscar (finasteride). The nurse’s discharge teaching should include:
A. Telling the client’s wife not to touch the tablets
B. Explaining that the medication should be taken with meals
C. Telling the client that symptoms will improve in 1-2 weeks
D. Instructing the client to take the medication at bedtime, to prevent nocturia
26. In terms of cognitive development, a 2-year-old would be expected to:
A. Think abstractly
B. Use magical thinking
C. Understand conservation of matter
D. See things from the perspective of others
27. An adult is being discharged from the emergency room with instructions to apply a cold pack to his sprained ankle. The client asks why it is necessary to use a cold pack. The nurse replies that the cold pack will do which of the following?
A. Keep the sprain from becoming a fracture
B. Prevent bruising and ecchymosis from occurring
C. Keep the client from developing a fever
D. Help reduce swelling and pain
28. A client is admitted with a diagnosis of polycythemia vera. The nurse Should closely monitor the client for:
A. Increased blood pressure
B. Decreased respirations
C. Increased urinary output
D. Decreased oxygen saturation
29. The nurse is caring for an adult who had a total gastrectomy last week. Because of the type of surgery, the nurse should monitor the client carefully for which of the following? Select all that apply.
A. Pernicious anemia
B. Ulcerative colitis
C. Dumping syndrome
D. Stress ulcers
E. Hiatal hernia
F. Thrombophlebitis
30. There is a train wreck causing 46 casualties. The nurse is asking personnel on the floor to suggest clients who could be discharged to make room for casualties. Which client would be best for the LPN to suggest?
A. A 77-year-old who had a fractured femur with hip replacement yesterday
B. A 58-year-old who had an open cholecystectomy two days ago
C. A 52-year-old who had a bowel resection with colostomy yesterday
D. A 44-year-old who is undergoing internal radiation for cancer of the cervix
31. A hospitalized client asks the nurse for “something for pain.” What information is most important for the nurse to gather before administering the medication?
Select all that apply.
A. Administration time of the last dose
B. Client’s pain level on a scale of 1 to 10
C. Type of medication the client has been taking
D. Beeper number of the client’s physician
E. Client’s most current height and weight
F. Effectiveness of prior dose of medication
32. A 5-month-old infant is admitted to the ER with a temperature of 103.6°F and irritability. The mother states that the child has been listless for the past several hours and that he had a seizure on the way to the hospital. A lumbar puncture confirms a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. The nurse Should assess the infant for:
A. Periorbital edema
B. Tenseness of the anterior fontanel
C. Positive Babinski reflex
D. Negative scarf sign
33. Which vitamin should be administered with INH (isoniazid) in order to prevent possible nervous system side effects?
A. Thiamine
B. Niacin
C. Pyridoxine
D. Riboflavin
34. Clients with sickle cell anemia are taught to avoid activities that cause hypoxia and hypoxemia. Which of the following activities would the nurse recommend?
A. A family vacation in the Rocky Mountains
B. Chaperoning the local boys club on a snow-skiing trip
C. Traveling by airplane for business trips
D. A bus trip to the Museum of Natural History
35. The client admitted with angina is given a prescription for nitroglycerine. The client should be instructed to:
A. Replenish his supply every 3 months
B. Take one every 15 minutes if pain occurs
C. Leave the medication in the brown bottle
D. Crush the medication and take with water
36. A behavior-modification program has been started for an adolescent with oppositional defiant disorder. Which statement describes the use of behavior modification?
A. Distractors are used to interrupt repetitive or unpleasant thoughts.
B. Techniques using stressors and exercise are used to increase awareness of body defenses.
C. A system of tokens and rewards is used as positive reinforcement.
D. Appropriate behavior is learned through observing the action of models.
37. A postoperative client is to be discharged today. She will need to change her dressing daily. Which statement she makes indicates that she understands the process?
A. “I will wash my hands before and after change the dressing.”
B. “I can touch the dressings with my hands if I only touch the edges.”
C. “I should clean the area around the incision by moving the swab toward it.”
D. “I can put the old dressings directly in the waste basket.”
38. The nurse is reviewing the results of a sweat test taken from a child with cystic fibrosis. Which finding supports the client’s diagnosis?
A. A sweat potassium concentration less than 40mEq/L
B. A sweat chloride concentration greater than 60mEq/L
C. A sweat potassium concentration greater than 40mEq/L
D. A sweat chloride concentration less than 40mEq/L
39. The physician has ordered Amoxil (amoxicillin) 500mg capsules for a client with esophageal varices. The nurse can best care for the client’s needs by:
A. Giving the medication as ordered
B. Providing extra water with the medication
C. Giving the medication with an antacid
D. Requesting an alternate form of the medication
40. Which person is at greatest risk for developing Lyme’s disease?
A. Computer programmer
B. Elementary teacher
C. Veterinarian
D. Landscaper
41. Four clients have signaled with their call bell for the nurse. Who should the nurse observe first?
A. An adult who needs assistance walking to the bathroom
B. A postoperative client who is asking for pain medication
C. An adult who has just been given penicillin
D. An elderly client who is in a geriatric chair
42. The nurse is teaching testicular self-exam to a group of young men. Which information should be included in the instructions? Select all that apply.
A. Perform the exam once a week.
B. Palpate each testicle between the thumb and forefinger.
C. Palpate the spermatic cord.
D. Look in the mirror for dimpling.
E. Testicles should be the same size.
F. Both testicles should be at the same level.
43. The nurse hears another staff member talking in a crowded elevator about a client on the unit. The client is identified by name and details of illness. What action should the practical nurse take at this time?
A. Report the behavior to the head nurse
B. Report the behavior if it happens againa
C. Interrupt the conversation in the elevator
D. Speak to the staff member when he/she gets off the elevator
44. The nurse is caring for an adult who had a kidney transplant. He is taking maintenance doses of cyclosporine and prednisone. Which of the following is the greatest cause for concern to the nurse?
A. Moon face
B. Acne
C. Sore throat
D. Mood swings
45. The doctor has ordered antithrombolic stockings to be applied to the legs of the client with peripheral vascular disease. The nurse knows antithrombolic stockings should be applied:
A. Before rising in the morning
B. With the client in a standing position
C. After bathing and applying powder
D. Before retiring in the evening
46. The nurse is caring for an 8-year-old following a routine tonsillectomy. Which finding should be reported immediately?
A. Reluctance to swallow
B. Drooling of blood-tinged saliva
C. Anaxillary temperature of 99°F
D. Respiratory stridor
47. The nurse is about to medicate a client who is to have surgery today. The client says, “I do not understand what the doctor is going to do,” and asks the nurse to explain specific details of the surgery. The client has already signed an operative permit. What is the best action for the nurse to take at this time?
A. Attempt to answer the client’s questions
B. Notify the physician of the client’s concerns prior to medicating the client
C. Reassure the client that the physician is well respected and very competent
D. Suggest that the client ask the physician her questions when in the operating room
48. The nurse is caring for an older adult. Which statement made by the client is not typical of normal aging?
A. “I seem to be more sensitive to the taste of salt than I used to be.”
B. “I have trouble reading the newspaper.”
C. “I don’t drive at dusk anymore.”
D. “Sometimes I have trouble matching my socks.”
49. While obtaining information about the client’s current medication use, the nurse learns that the client takes ginkgo to improve mental alertness. The nurse should tell the client to:
A. Report signs of bruising or bleeding to the doctor
B. Avoid sun exposure while using the herbal
C. Purchase only those brands with FDA approval
D. Increase daily intake of vitamin E
50. A nurse is triaging in the emergency room when a client enters complaining of muscle cramps and a feeling of exhaustion after a running competition. Which of the following would the nurse suspect?
A. Hypernatremia
B. Hyponatremia
C. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
D. Decreased potassium