Important Question Papers on Ayurveda for Interview Preparation
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Important Question Papers on Ayurveda Practice Set
1. “Gyansayabhavo Bhav Ev Ch” is:
(A) Manasya Guna
(B) Manasya Vishyas
(C) Manasya Lakshna
(D) Atma Guna
2. According to Charaka in a pregnant woman “Spandana” occurs in:
(A) Second Month
(B) Third Month
(C) Fourth Month
(D) Fifth Month
3. How many chapter are in Charak Nidan Sthan?
(A) 8
(B) 16
(C) 10
(D) 12
4. Triskandha is:
(A) Hetu, Linga, Aushad
(B) Vata, Pitta, Kapha
(C) Hetu, Dosha, Dravya
(D) Satva,Atma, Sharir
5. “Ardita” Vyadhi is related with:
(A) Shakha
(B) Madhyam Roga Marga
(C) AbhyantarRoga Marga
(D) None of these
6. Astakatvar taila is indicated mainly in:
(A) Raktapitta
(B) Jwara
(C) Kushta
(D) Urustambha
7. Best Vishaghana Dravya is:
(A) Vatsanabha
(B) Shirisha
(C) Swarna
(D) Ghrita
8. Neshtaki Chikitsa was first described by:
(A) Vagbhata
(B) Sushruta
(C) Bhavamisra
(D) Charaka
9. According to Charaka Anjaii Pramana of Rasa Dhatu is:
(A) 10
(B) 8
(C) 6
(D) 9
10. Which disorder is produced by Trishna Vega Dharna?
(A) Akshi Roga
(B) Manya Stambha
(C) Badhirya
(D) Ardit
Ayurveda MCQ Question Papers |
11. Swedavaha Srotas Mool are:
(A) Medha and Jangha
(B) Medhaand Lomkoopa
(C) Asthiand Sandhi
(D) Snayu and Twaka
12. Proper time for applying Tlkshanjana is:
(A) Madhyana
(B) Purvahana
(C) Ratri
(D) Any time
13. Adanakal consists of which Ritus?
(A) Shishir, Basant, Grisham
(B) Shishir, Sharad, Grisham
(C) Varsha, Sharad, Hemant
(D) Varsha, Basant, Hemant
14. According to Charaka Sandhishethalya is Iakshana of:
(A) Medha kshaya
(B) Asthi kshaya
(C) Majia kshaya
(D) Shukra kshaya
15. Bhayaja Atisara and Shokaj Atisara resembles with the symptoms of:
(A) Pittaj atisara
(B) Kaphaj atisara
(C) Amaj atisara
(D) Vataj atisara
16. The Satmya due to abhyasa is known as:
(A) Ritu satmya
(B) Desh satmya
(C) Kala satmya
(D) Okasatmya
17. Ahara, Nidra, Brahmacharya are:
(A) Trividha Bala
(B) Triskanda
(C) Trayoupastambha
(D) Trividha Esanas
18. Anusanga Vyadi is:
(A) Rajayakshama
(B) Prameha
(C) Kushta
(D) Jwara
19. Swabhavoparama Siddhanta is described in:
(A) Ch. Sut. 16
(B) Ch. Sut. 12
(C) Ch. Sut. 24
(D) Ch. Sut. 23
20. Sound intolerance is due to:
(A) Majja Dhatu Kshaya
(B) Medho Dhatu Kshaya
(C) Asthi Dhatu Kshaya
(D) Rasa Dhatu Kshaya
21. Which of the following pair is true?
(A) Swedana-Stambhana
(B) Langhana-Snehana
(C) Snehana-Slambhana
(D) Rukshana-Swedana
22. According to Acharya Charaka, “Lashuna Ksheerpaaka” is used in which of the following disease?
(A) Haradyaroga
(B) Gulma
(C) Vatvyadhi
(D) Vatrakta
23. In which disease, Acharya Charaka use “Takrarishta”?
(A) Arsha Chikitsa
(B) Gulma Chikitsa
(C) Udarrog Chikitsa
(D) Yakshma Chikitsa
24. Which of the following is specially used in Rajyakshama treatment?
(A) Varah Maansa
(B) Gavya Maansa
(C) Aja Maansa
(D) All of these
25. “Pratimarga Haranam” Chikitsa is used in which of the following disease?
(A) Yakshma
(B) Jwara
(C) Raklpitla
(D) Kaas
26. “Prakriti Vighaat” Chikitsa is used in:
(A) Prameha Pidika
(B) Madhumeha
(C) Kandu
(D) Krimi
27. Best medicine for“Kushtha” Vyadhi:
(A) Vacha
(B) Ativisha
(C) Khadir
(D) Haridra
28. “Shadadharan Churna” is used by Acharya Sushruta in which disease?
(A) Yakshma
(B) Urustambha
(C) Vaatvyadhi
(D) None of these
29. “Pinda Taila” is used by Acharya Charaka in:
(A) Grahini
(B) Vaatrakta
(C) Kshatasheena
(D) Swasroga
30. In Madatyaya, if Madhya is given then it is included in which type of treatment?
(A) Hetu Vipreet Chikitsa
(B) Vyadhi Vipreet Chikitsa
(C) Hetu Vipreet Arthkaari
(D) Hetu Vyadhi Vipreet Arthkari Chikitsa
31. Maanas Roga Chikitsa is:
(A) Dhaiirya
(B) Smriti
(C) Samadhi
(D) All of these
32. Atatvaabhenivesha treatment is given in which of the following chapter?
(A) Unmaad Chikitsa
(B) Apasmaar Chikitsa
(C) Murchha Chikitsa
(D) Chhardi Chikitsa
33. Bhaishajya Kaal in Apaan Vaya Viguntaa:
(A) Aahara Purva
(B) Aahara Madhya
(C) Pratah Kaala
(D) AaharaAanta
34. Ideal treatment for Krisha Purusha:
(A) Vrahana
(B) Laghu, Santarpana
(C) Guru, Aptarpana
(D) None of these
35. Siravedhana position in Plihaudara:
(A) Jaanu
(B) Shankha
(C) Karpura Sandhi
(D) Vankshana
36. Hodgkin disease is related with:
(A) Bones
(B) Thyroid gland
(C) Pineal Body
(D) Lymph nodes
37. Haemophilia B is due to the deficiency of:
(A) Factor VIII
(B) Factor IX
(C) Factor VII
(D) Factor X
38. Adverse effect of Ethambutol:
(A) Optic Nerve damage
(B) Hyperuricemia
(C) Hypersensitivity
(D) All of these
39. Heat regulation centre is located in:
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Thalamus
(C) Pons
(D) Medulla
40. Which of the following disease is water borne disease?
(A) Malaria
(B) Dengue
(C) Cholera
(D) None of these
41. What is the name of First Chapter of Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana?
(A) Dirg hajivitiya Adhyaya
(B) Vedotapatti
(C) Ayushkamya
(D) Yogya Sutraya
42. Which one of these of Savisha Jaioka?
(A) Savarika
(B) Samudrika
(C) Mushika
(D) Kapila
43. Total number of Vranaupkrama according to Acharya Sushruta:
(A) 6
(B) 27
(C) 36
(D) 60
44. According to Sushruta Cheena Bandha is used at:
(A) Apanga Pradesh
(B) Lalat Pradesh
(C) Ura Pradesh
(D) None of these
45. Which one of these is Pradhantum Yantra?
(A) Kankamukha
(B) Hasta
(C) Nakha
(D) shaiaka
46. Types of Kshara according to Sushruta;
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
47. Which of the following is Raktastambhan Kriya?
(A) Dahan and Pachan
(B) Badhan and Patan
(C) Vimlapan and Avasechan
(D) Rakiamokshan and Vishravan
48. Ksharsutra Nirman Vidhi has been described in:
(A) Sushruta Samhita
(B) Charaka Samhita
(C) Astang Sangraha
(D) Chakraduta
49. According to Vagbhata which one of the following is Shastrakarma?
(A) Vivarna
(B) Kuttan
(C) Nirghatan
(D) Bhajan
50. According to Sushruta types of Arsha are: –
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7