Forensic Medicine Quiz
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Quiz Question on Forensic Medicine
1) Forensic Medicine is defined as:
A) That deals with medical aspect of Law
B) That deals with legal aspect of practice of medicine
C) That deals with negligence cases
D) hat deals with duties of doctors and medical ethics
2) Police inquest files under:
A) S.172 Cr.P.C.
B) S.174 Cr.P.C.
C) S.176 Cr.P.C.
D) S.179 Cr.P.C.
3) Death sentence is passed by which of the following:
A) Chief Judicial Magistrate
B) Chief Metropolitan Magistrate
C) First Class Magistrate
D) District and Session Judge
4) Conduct money fee is offered to a witness in:
A) Criminal Cases
B) Cognizable offence
C) Civil Cases
D) Murder Cases
5) Following are example of documentary evidence except:
A) Medical Certificate
B) Medico legal reports
C) In famous conduct
D) Dying deposition
6) Leading questions are allowed in:
A) Cross-examination
B) Examination in chief
C) Re-examination
D) Dying declaration
7) Magistrate Inquest is not needed in:
A) Exhumation
B) Murder
C) Police custody death
D) Dowry death
8) When a doctor issues a false medical certificate then he is liable under section I.P.C.:
A) 87
B) 88
C) 197
D) 190
9) Hostile witness is:
A) Refuses to answer
B) Willfully gives false evidence
C) Give truth evidence
D) Threatens the doctor
10) A witness who after taking oath willfully, give a statement which he knows to be false is punished under section:
A) 93 IPC
B) 193 IPC
C) 293 IPC
D) 393 IPC
11) Following are functions of state medical council except:
A) Maintain medical register
B) Disciplinary control
C) Warning notice
D) Maintain standard of medical college
12) The Indian Medical Council act was established in year:
A) 1946
B) 1956
C) 1970
D) 1971
13) Professional death sentence is given by:
A) District and Session Judge
B) Medical Council of India
C) Chief Judicial Magistrate
D) State Medical Council
14) According to gazette of India April 6, 2002 M.C.I. minimum period for which a doctor should preserve his patient record is:
A) 01 year
B) 03 year
C) 05 year
D) 10 year
15) Consent is required for:
A) Medico legal autopsy
B) Pathological autopsy
C) Exhumation
D) Mass Immunization
16) As per MCI guideline following are unethical acts except:
A) Advertising
B) Charging fees from patient
C) Rebates
D) Euthanasia
17) Giving poisonous medicine carelessly, the doctrine applicable is:
A) Contributory negligence
B) Res judicatory
C) Res Ipsa loquitor
D) Civil negligence
18) Corpus delicti means:
A) Race
B) Cephalic index
C) Body of offence
D) Body of accuse
19) In dolico-cephalic, cephalic index is between:
A) 60-70
B) 70-75
C) 75-80
D) 80-85
20) In Klinefelters syndrome sex chromosome pattern is:
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21) First permanent teeth that erupt is:
A) Central incisor
B) Lateral incisor
C) First bicuspid
D) First molar
22) Age of marriage for girls is:
A) 16 years
B) 18 years
C) 20 years
D) 21 years
23) For a 18 years old girl, site for X-ray to determine her age is:
A) Elbow
B) Wrist
C) Clavicle
D) Ankle joint
24) For a 21 year male, site for X-ray to determine his age is:
A) Elbow
B) Wrist
C) Clavicle
D) Knee joint
25) At what age Xiphoid unites with body of sternum:
A) 14 to 25 years
B) About 30 years
C) About 40 years
D) About 50 years
26) The coronal, Sagittal and lambdoid sutures start to close on their inner site at about the age of:
A) 15 years
B) 25 years
C) 35 years
D) 45 years
27) At what age a rape victim can give consent for examination:
A) 12 years
B) 16 years
C) 18 years
D) 15 years
28) Sex can be recognized in fetus at the age of:
A) 2 Months
B) 3 Months
C) 4 Months
D) 6 Months
29) Preservative use for chemical analysis in suspected poisoning death case is:
A) 10% formalin
B) 40% formalin
C) Saturated solution of Sodium chloride
D) Saturated solution of Sodium Fluoride
30) Exhumation order can be given by:
A) Director general of Police
B) Superintendent of police
C) Executive magistrate
D) Inspector general of police
31) Last structure to be autopsied in hanging death:
A) Heart
B) Thorax
C) Abdomen
D) Neck
32) Which is surest sign of death:
A) Cessation of respiration
B) Cessation of circulation
C) Rigor mortis
D) Cooling of the body
33) The first external sign of putrefaction in body over skin region develop at the site of:
A) Face
B) Neck
C) Chest
D) Abdomen
34) When a virgin girl dies the last organ to putrefy is:
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Uterus
D) Kidney
35) Under Indian evidence act a person is presumed to be alive, if there is nothing to suggest the probability of death within:
A) 20 years
B) 30 years
C) 40 years
D) 50 years
36) Rigor mortis not seen in:
A) Fetus less than 06 months
B) Fetus 10 months
C) Emaciated body
D) 90 year old person
37) Injury is define under section:
A) 40 IPC
B) 42 IPC
C) 44 IPC
D) 46 IPC
38) Most common type of abrasion is:
A) Scratches
B) Grazes
C) Pressure
D) Impact
39) The HARA KIRI unusual type of wound is:
A) Accidental
B) Homicidal
C) Suicidal
D) Explosion
40) Choking is characteristic of:
A) Shotgun
B) Rifle
C) Revolver
D) Pistol
41) Following are example of rifled weapons except:
A) Revolver
B) Pistol
C) Machine gun
D) Breech loader gun
42) What is probable distance of the fire arm if diameter of the spread of shot on the skin is 10 inches:
A) 5 meter
B) 9 meter
C) 15 meter
D) 20 meter
43) Whiplash injury is associated with:
A) Spinal cord
B) Whiplash intestine
C) Chest injury
D) Abdomen injury
44) Dowry death is under which section of IPC:
A) 304 A
B) 304 B
C) 304
D) 306
45) Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by sharp weapon come under section IPC:
A) 324
B) 325
C) 326
D) 323
46) Lucid interval is seen in:
A) Extra Dural hemorrhage
B) Intraventricular hemorrhage
C) Sub arachnoid hemorrhage
D) Intra cranial hemorrhage
47) A 16 year girl found dead in burning hut with 100% burn the surest sign of antemortem burn is:
A) Soot particle in mouth
B) Soot in larynx
C) Soot particle in stomach
D) Soot particle in middle ear
48) Filigree burns are characteristic of:
A) Flame burn
B) Scald
C) Lightning
D) Electrical burn
49) Blister formation in burn is classified as:
A) First degree
B) Second degree
C) Third degree
D) Fourth degree
50) Commonest cause of death in hanging is:
A) Asphyxia
B) Venous congestion
C) Asphyxia & Venous congestion
D) Fracture of Cervical vertebrae