Environmental Studies Old Question
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Old Question on Environmental Studies
1. In a dry atmosphere under adiabatic condition the lapse rate is …………..
(A) – g/cv
(B) – g/cp
(C) – g/cpR
(D) – gcp/R
2. Solar constant is :
(A) 1345 W/M
(B) 1345 W/M2
(C) 1200 W/M2
(D) 345 W/M
3. If carbon monoxide concentration at 1 atm and 25°C is 9.0 PPMV, then concentration in mg/m3 is :
(A) 10.3 mg/m3
(B) 15.2 mg/m3
(C) 20.0 mg/m3
(D) 5.6 mg/m3
4. Choose the correct concentration for the gases given in List-I generally found in the urban environment :
List-I : O3, CO2, CH4, CO
(A) 400 PPMV, 60 PPBV, 1.9 PPMV, 600 PPBV
(B) 60 PPBV, 400 PPMV, 1.9 PPMV, 600 PPBV
(C) 1.9 PPMV, 60 PPBV, 400 PPMV, 600 PPBV
(D) 600 PPBV, 400 PPMV, 40 PPBV, 1.9 PPMV
5. Which one of the following causes warming of the atmosphere but cooling of the Earth’s surface ?
(A) Ozone
(B) Black carbon aerosols
(C) All greenhouse gases
(D) Sulphates and nitrates
6. Which of the following gases facilitates formation of tropospheric ozone in the presence of sunlight ?
(A) SO2
(B) NO2
(C) NH3
(D) SF6
7. Alamatti Dam is on river Krishna and is built in the state :
(A) Karnatka
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Telengana
8. What is the source of cloud formation and precipitation in troposphere ?
(A) Water vapour
(B) Rain
(C) Infiltration
(D) All of them
9. Generally the rain water having pH ……………………. is considered as acid rain.
(A) More than 5.6
(B) Less than 5.6
(C) 10
(D) 7
10. Which one is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere ?
(A) CH4
(B) SF6
(C) N2O
(D) CO2
11. Which one of the following is NOT a common component of photochemical smog ?
(A) O3
(B) SO2
(D) CFC’s
12. Arrange the following greenhouse gases in the increasing order of their Global Warming Potential (GWP) :
(A) N2O < SF6 < CH4
(B) SF6 < N2O < CH4
(C) CH4 < N2O < SF6
(D) SF6 < CH4 < N2O
13. Decay of one α-particle from Thorium (90Th232) will result in :
(A) 90Th231
(B) 88Ra228
(C) 88Ra223
(D) 88Ra226
14. Gypsum is :
(A) CaCO3
(B) CaSO4.2H2O
(C) CaCl2
(D) CaF2
15. Out of As, Bi, Sb and graphite semimetals, which one of the following is considerded as metalloid ?
(A) Bi
(B) As
(C) Sp
(D) Graphite
16. Immobilization of sulphur in soil occurs when the C : S ratio is :
(A) Below 50 : 1
(B) Below 100 : 1
(C) Below 200 : 1
(D) Above 400 : 1
17. Mass spectrometer separates ions based on the :
(A) Charge
(B) Mass
(C) Mass to charge ratio
(D) Molecular weight
18. The use of buffer eluent is common in :
(A) Atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS)
(B) Gas chromatography
(C) High performance liquid chromatography
(D) Capillary electrophoresis
19. In the process of dynamic dilution to quantify odor in water, the meaning of olfactory perception threshold is :
(A) 25% of the jury perceives the odor
(B) 50% of the jury perceives the odor
(C) 75% of the jury perceives the odor
(D) 100% of the jury perceives the odor
20. Temporary hardness of water is caused due to :
(A) Magnesium chloride
(B) Magnesium sulphate
(C) Magnesium carbonate
(D) Calcium sulphate
More Questions on Environmental Science
21. Out of the following, the first step of water treatment is :
(A) Filtration
(B) Coagulation
(C) Chlorination
(D) Sedimentation
22. Which one of the following is a micronutrient for plants ?
(A) S
(B) B
(C) Ca
(D) P
23. Gas used as fuel in Atomic Absorption spectrometry is :
(A) Air
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Acetylene
(D) Nitrous oxide
24. The following reaction is an example of CuCO3 —> Cu + CO2
(A) Acid base reaction
(B) Chemiluminescence
(C) Thermal decomposition
(D) Photometry
25. Calculate molar mass of HNO3 :
(A) 48 g/mol
(B) 63 g/mol
(C) 62 g/mol
(D) 49 g/mol
26. Factors influencing the environmental gradients in species diversity are :
(A) Temperature
(B) Rainfall
(C) Potential evapotranspiration
(D) All of the above
27. In a deep water lake zonation of water bodies w.r.t. levels from top to bottom of D.O. and temperature are different zones are :
(A) Epilimnion Hypolimnion Mesolimnion
(B) Mesolimnion Epilimnion Hypolimnion
(C) Hypolimnion Mesolimnion Epilimnion
(D) Epilimnion Mesolimnion Hypolimnion
28. Which one of the following zones in a deep water lake is known as Dark Zone ?
(A) Littoral zone
(B) Epilimnion zone
(C) Mesolimnion zone
(D) Hypolimnion zone
29. Any organism that obtains its nutrition from dead organic material is known as :
(A) Autotrophs
(B) Heterotrophs
(C) Saprotrophs
(D) Chemotrophs
30. Blue baby syndrome is caused to the human infants due to :
(A) Nitrate
(B) Sulphate
(C) Calcium
(D) Potassium
31. Oxidation pond method used for treatment of clarified sewage work on :
(A) Bacteria
(B) Algae
(C) Bacteria and Algae
(D) All of the above
32. One of the following organisms is most commonly used as biofertilizer :
(A) Choococcus
(B) Pediastrum
(C) Nostoc
(D) Aphanocapsa
33. Which one of the following is observed when analyse sewage polluted water ?
(A) Low level of plant nutrient and excess growth of algae
(B) Low growth of algae and less D.O.
(C) High concentration of nutrients and low growth of algae
(D) High concentration of nutrients and excess growth of algae
34. Which of the following is NOT used for bringing about bioconversion of different substances ?
(A) Yeasts
(B) Molds
(C) Bacteria
(D) Viruses
35. Azolla is used as a biofertilizer as it has …………………. that fixes nitrogen.
(A) Rhizobium
(B) Anabaena
(C) Mycorrhiza
(D) Azotobacter
36. Which of the following are air-borne viral diseases ?
(A) Chickenpox, influenza, measles
(B) Polio, rabies
(C) Tuberculosis, diphtheria
(D) Cholera, typhoid
37. Contaminated water can spread disease like :
(A) TB (Tuberculosis)
(B) Typhoid
(C) Tetanus
(D) Diphtheria
38. Pick the odd one out :
(A) Agrobacterium – horseradish
(B) Azolla – Anabaena
(C) Frankia – Alder
(D) Rhizobium – Peas
39. The ocean thermal energy conversion system that is meant to generate power in most suitable in :
(A) Sub-tropical region
(B) Tropical region
(C) Cold region
(D) Moderate climate region
40. Primary cosmic rays are composed of very energetic :
(A) Electron
(B) Mesons
(C) Protons
(D) Neutron
41. A discordant igneous intrusion is known as :
(A) Lopolith
(B) Laccolith
(C) Dyke
(D) Sill
42. Solifluction is a ……………….. type of mass movement.
(A) Subsidence
(B) Slide
(C) Rapid flow
(D) Slow flow
43. ……………….. denotes all rectilinear or curvilinear features observed on remotely sensed data products which are of geologic origin that reflect underlying structure.
(A) Lineament
(B) Linear
(C) Line
(D) Superlineament
44. The orbit of the satellite around the earth that keeps pace with rotation of earth is known as :
(A) Sunsynchronous orbit
(B) Geostationary orbit
(C) Low earth orbit
(D) Elliptical orbit
45. An automated system for capture, storage, retrieval, analysis and display of spatial data is knonw as :
(B) Landsat
(D) Radiometer
46. Which of the following is NOT a social impact ?
(A) Demographic
(B) Cultural
(C) Gender
(D) Investment
47. Scoping in EIA :
(i) is a systematic exercise that establishes the boundaries of EIA.
(ii) clearly establishes/indicates what is relevant and what is not.
(iii) serves as a work plan for the entire EIA process.
Which of the following are true ?
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) All of the above
48. Which of the following is NOT a part of Environmental Management Plan in EIA ?
(A) Monitoring
(B) Implementation schedule and cost estimates
(D) Mitigation
49. Which category of projects does not require Environmental Impact Assessment in accordance with Indian EIA notification 2006 ?
(A) Category B2
(B) Category B1
(C) Category A
(D) Category C
50. Which is the Umbrella Act of the Government of India for Protection and Conservation of Environment ?
(A) Water (P & CP) Act, I
(B) Air (P & CP) Act
(C) Wildlife Conservation Act
(D) Environmental Protection Act