Environmental Studies MCQ
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MCQ Question on Environmental Studies
1. ENVIS centres have been started by Ministry of Environment and Forest to ……………..
(A) Impart training to student
(B) Spread awareness among masses about environment
(C) Disseminate environmental information
(D) Carry out environmental research
2. Soot is contributed as a major air pollutant mainly from :
(A) CNG driven transport
(B) Diesel driven transport
(C) Petrol driven vehicles
(D) Biofuel driven vehicles
3. Which of the following protocols/ conventions is aimed at controlling of transboundary movement of hazardous waste :
(A) Basal convention
(B) Ramsar convention
(C) Kyoto protocol
(D) Montreal protocol
4. The clouds and the weather systems are mostly observed in which part of the atmosphere ?
(A) Troposphere
(B) Ionosphere
(C) Mesosphere
(D) Exosphere
5. The flux of radiation from black body is directly proportional to :
(A) T
(B) T4
(C) T2
(D) 1/T
6. Production of wealth and providing jobs for human society without degrading the environment is termed as :
(A) Sustainable economy
(B) Green revolution
(C) Environmental conservation
(D) Community
7. The mean annual temperature of two stations at different elevation, located at the same latitude, both away from the coast will be :
(A) Higher for the station with higher elevation
(B) Lower for the station with lower elevation
(C) Same for the two stations
(D) Lower for the station with higher elevation
8. The ionosphere which extends up to 500 km above the earth surface is characterised by :
(A) Steady decreasing temperature with height from mesosphere
(B) Steady temperature increase with height from mesopause
(C) Constant temperature along with increasing height from stratosphere
(D) Steady temperature increase with height from stratosphere
9. 25 mg of KCl is dissolved in 100 mL of water. What will be its concentration in PPM ?
(A) 0.25
(B) 2.5
(C) 25
(D) 250
10. Fluoride pollution mainly affects which of the following ?
(A) Kidney
(B) Teeth
(C) Brain
(D) Heart
11. Which of the following elements cannot be determined using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer?
(A) Iodine
(B) Potassium
(C) Zinc
(D) Copper
12. Consumer organisms that feed on dead organic plant and animal matter are known as :
(A) Detrivores
(B) Autotrophs
(C) Heterofeeders
(D) Chemotrophs
13. The Gaia hypothesis was proposed by :
(A) Swaminathan
(B) Maurice Strong
(C) Brutland
(D) James Lovelock
14. The highest level of species richness is observed in :
(A) Temperate grasslands
(B) Tropical rain forest
(C) Coniferous forest
(D) Alpine forest
15. How the biological oxygen demand gets affected with the increased presence of organic matter in water ?
(A) It increases
(B) It decreases
(C) It remains unchanged
(D) It first increases, then decreases
16. Ecological niche refers to :
(A) Functional attribute of organism
(B) Morphological attribute of organism
(C) Biomass of organism
(D) Biochemical properties of organism
17. Geopressurized have huge potential reserves of :
(A) Petroleum
(B) Oil shale
(C) Natural gas
(D) Kerosene
18. Land Evaluation is the process of :
(A) Valuation of mineral resources
(B) Assessment of land for a specific purpose
(C) Assessment of land market of an area
(D) Evaluation of biodiversity
19. Onset of South West Monsoon over the Indian subcontinent occurs generally during the month of :
(A) July
(B) May
(C) June
(D) April
20. Tropical cyclones are low pressure areas with winds exceeding at least :
(A) 15 kts
(B) 20 kts
(C) 27 kts
(D) 33 kts
More Questions on Environmental Science
21. Nearly ……………….. of the annual rainfall over Indian subcontinent occurs during S.W. Monsoon.
(A) 50%
(B) 70%
(C) 80%
(D) 95%
22. …………………….. is an example of Biomass Energy conversion system.
(A) Pyrolytic (Thermal) gasifier
(B) Heat extractor
(C) Electrical cutter
(D) Kerosene stove
23. Which of the following is an example of perpetual source of energy ?
(A) Nuclear energy
(B) Fossil fuel
(C) Biomass energy
(D) Wind energy
24. Wind mills are most suited to which of the following locations or regions :
(A) Off-shore
(B) Lands
(C) High altitude
(D) Deserts
25. Solar energy in the infrared range is about ……………….% of the total solar.
(A) 50
(B) 46
(C) 60
(D) 40
26. Photosphere is situated at the ………………. of the Sun.
(A) Outer layer
(B) Middle part
(C) Central region
(D) Outer Edge
27. Which one of the following is a primary as well as secondary pollutant ?
(A) NO
(B) CH4
(C) CO2
(D) H2S
28. If exposure of 90 dB of noise for 8 hours means 100% noise dose, a person being subjected to a noise of 96 dB for 4 hours is having an exposure to noise dose of :
(A) 50%
(B) 100%
(C) 200%
(D) 150%
29. The soil erosion that occurs due to overgrazing by cattle is :
(A) Gully erosion
(B) Rill erosion
(C) Sheet erosion
(D) Soil mulching
30. To maintain constant inflow of effluent for treatment of wastewater there is a unit known as :
(A) Sedimentation tank
(B) Preclarifier
(C) Equalization tank
(D) Anaerobic digester
31. Which of the following acids is associated with soil ?
(A) Acetic acid
(B) Nitric acid
(C) Hydrochloric acid
(D) Humic acid
32. To start with the industry, project proponents are required to furnish NOC from ……………………….. for environmental appraisal.
(A) Central Pollution Control Board
(B) Ministry of Environment and Forest
(C) State Pollution Control Board
(D) State Government
33. Which of the following is not an objective of EIA ?
(A) Risk analysis and disaster management
(B) Recycling and reduction of waste
(C) Risk reduction
(D) Assessment of funds spent
34. “Appiko Movement” from Karnataka State is related to :
(A) Protection of trees
(B) Protest against the use of plastics
(C) Movement for water conservation
(D) Protection of rivers and streams
35. Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson of National Environment Tribunal shall be appointed after consultation with :
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Minister of Environment and Forests
(C) Chief Justice of India
(D) Governor of State
36. Network method of impact identification is based on the ………………. of relationships in Environmental systems.
(A) Simple Web
(B) Food Chain
(C) Complex Web
(D) Energy Web
37. The name of the World Commission on Environment and Development is :
(A) Zakaria Commission
(B) Brundtland Commission
(C) Planning Commission
(D) Mitchel Resource Commission
38. Dumping of biomedical waste without any treatment into any water body may result into :
(A) Destruction of toxicants
(B) Spread of drug resistant microbes
(C) Development of nitrogen fixtures
(D) Stabilization of phosphate
39. The three ‘R’ of waste management hierarchy are :
(A) Regain, Recycle and Resend
(B) Reuse, Reimburse and Regain
(C) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
(D) Reduce, Redox and Reoxidation
40. The provision for the establishment of State Advisory Board for the wildlife is provided in :
(A) The Biodiversity (Conservation) Act, 2006
(B) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
(C) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (Amended in 91)
(D) The Indian Forest Act, 1927
41. Infectious wastes among hospital wastes are normally collected in the containers having ……………….. colour.
(A) Yellow
(B) Black
(C) White
(D) Blue
42. An example of the non-probability sampling is :
(A) Random sampling
(B) Stratified sampling
(C) Cluster sampling
(D) Correlation
43. In regression analysis, for the null hypothesis to be rejected, the value of t-statistic for degrees of freedom > 30 and 95% confidence limit should be approximately :
(A) > 2
(B) < 2
(C) < 1
(D) > 1
44. According to Gaussian Plume model for a point source, the ground level concentration is :
(A) Proportional to source strength
(B) Inversely proportional to height of the stack
(C) Proportional to wind speed
(D) Inversely proportional to mixing height
45. Mode of a distribution of a data is equal to :
(A) arithmetic mean
(B) geometric mean
(C) 2(median) – mean
(D) 3(median) – 2(mean)
46. Which of the following conventions is related to protection and conservation of Wetlands ?
(A) Vienna Convention
(B) Basel Convention
(C) Ramsar Convention
47. Ethics is a :
(A) Developed tool to control human activities
(B) Adopted social legislation for controlling human environmental activities
(C) Term that guides one to moral behaviour, which is basic to distinguishing ‘right from wrong’
(D) Adopted social regulation for controlling humans activities
48. Solar radiation is measured by :
(A) Pyranometer
(B) Thermocouple
(C) Photocell
(D) Anemometer
49. Conservation of Western Ghats is imperative from the viewpoint of :
(A) Historic importance
(B) Rich biodiversity
(C) Tourism potential
(D) Mineral deposits
50. Agenda 21 which is known as blueprint for sustainable development was the outcome of :
(A) UN Conference on Human Environment
(B) UN Johannesburg Summit
(C) UN Conference on Environment and Development
(D) UNDP-Report on Environment