Defence and Strategic Studies Mock Test
1. Which one of the following is considered the backbone of armaments ?
(A) Military industrial complex
(B) Foreign currency reserve
(C) Strategic materials
(D) Skilled labour
2. ‘Star war’ was the nick name for the older version of :
(A) National missile defence
(B) World Wide TV transmission
(C) Inter-planetary radiation
(D) Debris falling from planets
3. ‘Arab spring’ began with a revolution in :
(A) Egypt
(B) Tunisia
(C) Libya
(D) Syria
4. The demand for North-South dialogue was a reaction to :
(A) New International Economic Order
(B) World Trade Organization Regime
(C) Non-Proliferation Regime
(D) End of the Cold war
5. The major source of energy generation in India is :
(A) Nuclear
(B) Non-conventional
(C) Thermal
(D) Hydel
6. The first medium range missile of India is :
(A) Agni
(B) Akash
(C) Prithvi
(D) Nag
7. Pakistan has neutralized India’s conventional military superiority by one of the following factors :
(A) Alliance with USA
(B) China’s military supplies
(C) Seeking support from Islamic countries
(D) Developing nuclear capability
8. Indonesia was the colony of :
(A) UK
(B) France
(C) Holland
9. The Falkland War (1982) involved the following countries :
(A) Argentina—Chile
(B) US—Cuba
(C) Spain—Argentina
(D) Britain—Argentina
10. CIS emerged after :
(A) End of British colonialism
(B) Dissolution of Warsaw Pact
(C) Disintegration of Yugoslavia
(D) Disintegration of the Soviet Union
11. One of the following countries does not belong to the Central Asian region :
(A) Kazakhstan
(B) Uzbekistan
(C) Kyrgyzstan
(D) Kurdistan
12. Tahrir square that came in the news is in :
(A) Tunisia
(B) Syria
(C) Yemen
(D) Egypt
13. Supply chain is a link between :
(A) Resources and consumption of material by men in the theatre of war
(B) Natural resources and industry
(C) Industry and market
(D) Market goods and consumers
14. The term ‘‘ethnic cleansing’’ was used to describe the crisis in :
(A) Tibet
(B) Bosnia
(C) Somalia
(D) Ethiopia
15. The following are examples of third party diplomacy :
(1) Good offices
(2) Mediation
(3) Conciliation
(4) Arbitration
Answer :
(A) Only (2), (3) and (4) are correct
(B) Only (2) and (3) are correct
(C) Only (1) and (4) are correct
(D) All are correct
16. Peacekeeping is not mentioned in the UN Charter. It was introduced as a concept within the Chapter VI of the UN Charter by :
(A) Dag Hammarskjold
(B) U-Thant
(C) Boutrous Boutrous Ghali
(D) Kofi Annan
17. Who amongst the following advocated that ‘‘under certain circumstances, it is preferable to act violently than not to act at all’’ ?
(A) Eisenhower
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Margaret Mead
(D) Jawaharlal Nehru
18. The Geneva conventions and their additional protocols are at the core of :
(A) International humanitarian law
(B) International law
(C) Municipal law
(D) Law of celestial bodies
19. The main thrust of Gujral doctrine is :
(A) Developing confidence building measures with China
(B) Non-reciprocal relations with South Asian Neighbours
(C) Dialogue with Pakistan
(D) India’s nuclear doctrine
20. Confidence Building measures started with :
(A) Helsinki Agreement, 1975
(B) SALT I, 1972
(C) Camp David Summit, 1959
(D) Khrushchev’s visit to Belgrade, 1955
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21. The concept of ‘Clash of Civilization’ was expounded by :
(A) Francis Fukuyamah
(B) Samuel Huntington
(C) Edward Said
(D) Hans Morgenthau
22. Which of the following is not a principle of ‘Panchasheel’ ?
(A) Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty
(B) Non-aggression
(C) Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
(D) World peace
23. The strategically significant Chabahar region is located in :
(A) Iran
(B) Pakistan
(C) Afghanistan
(D) Aksai China
24. Zeppelin was a :
(A) Airship designed by Britain during the first world war
(B) Airship designed by Germany during the first world war
(C) A U Boat used by Germans
(D) A Polaris class submarine of the US
25. BIMSTEC is connected to India’s :
(A) Policy towards Bangladesh
(B) Policy towards South China sea
(C) Look East Policy
(D) Look West Policy
26. The World Bank, IMF and GATT/ WTO represent the following viewpoint :
(A) Neo-Marxism
(B) Economic liberalism
(C) Idealism
(D) Realism
27. Quantum electronics helped the US to monitor Soviet :
(A) Nuclear testing
(B) Electronic signals
(C) Troop movements
(D) Satellites
28. The conflict in the Caucasus between Russia and Georgia was faught in the region of :
(A) Armenia
(B) Chechnya
(C) Ossetia
(D) Nagorno-Karabakh
29. India’s nuclear weapons programme is :
(A) Uranium based
(B) Plutonium based
(C) Thorium based
(D) Heavy water based
30. The ‘Atom for Peace’ programme was introduced in the U.N. General Assembly by :
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Eisenhower
(C) Nikita Krushchev
(D) Marshall Tito
31. 123 Agreement refers to :
(A) India-Russia nuclear cooperation agreement
(B) India-US nuclear cooperation agreement
(C) India-IAEA agreement on civilian nuclear facilities
(D) India-NSG agreement on supply of nuclear fuel
32. The TAPI gas pipeline project involves the following countries :
(1) India
(2) Iran
(3) Pakistan
(4) Afghanistan
(5) Turkey
(6) Tajikistan
Answer :
(A) Only (1), (3), (4) and (6) are correct
(B) Only (1), (2), (3) and (4) are correct
(C) Only (2), (3), (4) and (5) are correct
(D) Only (1), (3), (4) and (5) are correct
33. Strategic studies is essentially :
(A) State centric
(B) People centric
(C) Civil society centric
(D) Military centric
34. A nation-state must have the following characteristics :
(i) Sovereignty
(ii) Territory
(iii) Population
(iv) Cultural homogeneity
(A) Only (i) and (ii) are correct
(B) Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(C) Only (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
(D) All four are correct
35. The concept of Human Security is closely associated with :
(A) On declaration of Human Rights
(D) Human Development Index
36. Mackinder’s concept of Heartland countered the view of :
(A) Liddell Hart’s concept of ‘web defence’
(B) Jomini’s concept of lives of operation
(C) Fuller’s funnell concept
(D) Mahan’s concept of sea power
37. For advancing effective civil military relations in India the need of one of these is becoming essential :
(A) National Security Advisor
(B) Chief of Defence Staff
(C) Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee
(D) Natural Security Advisory Board
38. The role of civil defence is performed by :
(B) Bharat Scouts and Guides
(C) Home Gaurds
(D) Police
39. Difference is the theory that :
(A) Peace and security can be promoted by threatening potential enemies with unacceptable retaliatory damage
(B) Peace and security can be achieved by reducing and a abolishing nuclear weapon
(C) Peace and security can be realised by controlling and limiting the amount of military force used
(D) Peace and security can be promoted by developing techniques for handling international crisis
40. The concept of air battleship was conceived by :
(A) Mitchel
(B) Douhet
(C) Mahan
(D) Vauban
41. Who amongst the following had stated direct relationship between war and policy :
(A) J.F.C. Fuller
(B) Jomini
(C) Clausewitz
(D) Fredrick
42. Limited war :
(A) is a substitute for massive retaliation
(B) Seeks to inflict losses on the enemy out of proportion to the objectives under dispute
(C) Calls for unconditional surrender
(D) Seeks to combine maximum destructiveness of nuclear weapon with minimum risk
43. The conference on disarmament :
(i) is not an organ of the United Nations
(ii) is a multilateral arms control negotiating mechanism
(iii) adopts its decisions by consensus
(iv) is located at Geneva
(A) Only (ii) is correct
(B) Only (ii) and (iv) are correct
(C) Only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
(D) All the four are correct
44. Features of ‘Strategic Partnership’ :
(i) Understanding between two countries in politico-security areas without a formal military alliance
(ii) The partnership would not be of a supplier-recipient relationship
(iii) There is no identification an ‘‘enemy’’ against whom the partnership is established
(iv) Provides for a flexibility in pursuit of national interest
(A) Only (i) and (ii) are correct
(B) Only (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
(C) Only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
(D) All the four are correct
45. The European Union was based on :
(i) Idealist commitment to internationalism
(ii) Belief in international organizations moral authority
(iii) Functionalist road to unity
(iv) Acceptance of national sovereignty as the key to cooperation
(A) Only (i) and (ii) are correct
(B) Only (i) and (iii) are correct
(C) Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) Only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
46. There may be considered as agencies that seek global economic governance :
(A) IMF, World Bank, WTO
(B) IMF, UNCTAD, World Bank
(C) European Union, NAFTA, ASEAN, APEC
(D) G-8, G-20, G-77
47. Zionism refers to :
(A) Arab-Islamic Nationalism
(B) Jihad
(C) Policies of the Ottoman Turkish empire
(D) Jewish Nationalism
48. The CTBT was an effort to prevent the spread of :
(A) Nuclear weapons
(B) Biological weapons
(C) Space technology
(D) Chemical weapons
49. Military Industrial Complex represent a symbiotic relationship between :
(A) Political leaders, military establishment and industry
(B) Political leaders, bureaucracy and industry
(C) Military establishment and the political leadership
(D) Military establishment and industry
50. Churchill’s ‘‘iron curtain’’ speech referred to :
(A) The Communist revolution in China
(B) The Bolshevic revolution in Russia
(C) The East-West division of Europe
(D) The bombing of Hiroshima