Biophysics Practice Set
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Practice Set of Biophysics
1. Which of the following does not occur in high altitude acclimatisation ?
(1) Reticulocytosis
(2) Increase serum erythropoietin
(3) Increased serum cortisol
(4) Increased blood glucose
2. A person ascends to 12,000 feet develop acute breathlessness. This is due to
(1) increased pulmonary blood flow.
(2) carbon dioxide wash out.
(3) decreased hypoxic stimulation of respiration.
(4) mechanical interference of thorax.
3. Respiratory acidosis can cause
(1) Decreased pCO2 and decreased pH.
(2) Increased pCO2 and decreased pH.
(3) Increased pCO2 and increased pH.
(4) Decreased pCO2 and increased pH.
4. Decreased O2 affinity of Hb in blood with decreased pH :
(1) Haldane effect
(2) Double Haldane effect
(3) Bohr’s effect
(4) Double Bohr’s effect
5. Decompression sickness is seen in
(1) Diver
(2) Pilot
(3) Diver and Pilot
(4) None of the above
6. Which of the following is seen in high altitude climbers ?
(1) Hyperventilation
(2) Decreased pCO2
(3) Pulmonary edema
(4) All of the above
7. Hyperventilation in high altitude is due to
(1) Respiratory alkalosis
(2) Respiratory acidosis
(3) Hyper capnea
(4) Decreased concentration of bicarbonate
8. Caisson’s disease is
(1) Gas embolism
(2) Fat embolism
(3) Amniotic fluid embolism
(4) Tumor embolism
9. A 32-year-old high altitude mountaineer is observed to have a hemocrit of 70%. Which of the following represents the most likely cause ?
(1) Polycythaemia with increased red cell mas.
(2) Relative Polycythaemia due to dehydration.
(3) Polycythaemia due to hemo-concentration.
(4) None of the above.
10. True about Caisson’s disease
(1) O2 release from tissue
(2) CO2 release from tissue
(3) N2 release from tissue
(4) H2 release from tissue
11. Most effective buffer at physiological pH in blood is
(1) Glutamate
(2) Phosphate buffer
(3) Citric acid buffer
(4) Bicarbonate buffer
12. Who proposed the signal hypothesis for selective translocation of m-RNA ?
(1) Watson and Crick
(2) Blaber and Debberstein
(3) Kornberg and his associates
(4) Monago and Grunberg
13. Several ribosomes are often attached to and translating the same m-RNA. The entire complex is
(1) Codon
(2) Clover leaf
(3) Polysome
(4) Anticodon
14. The term “Central dogma” was coined by
(1) Baltimore
(2) Crick
(3) Khorana
(4) Mathai
15. Transcription requires
(1) RNA polymerase enzyme
(2) DNA template
(3) Ribonucleotide triphosphate
(4) All of the above
16. The /ac operon is subject to
(1) Positive regulation
(2) Negative regulation
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above
17. Regulation of transcription is the most important mode of control of
(1) Southern blotting
(2) Northern blotting
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Gene expression
18. Gene products that decrease in concentrations in response to a molecular signal are referred to as
(1) Induction
(2) Repressible
(3) Constitutive gene expression
(4) All of the above
19. Who devised monoclonal antibody technology ?
(1) Cesar Milstein
(2) Georges Kohler
(3) Crick
(4) Khorana
20. The difference in concentration H+ in a solution of pH 2.0 compared with one of pH 7.0 is
(1) 5 fold
(2) 1/5 as much
(3) 105 fold
(4) 10-5 as much
Practice Set | MCQs |
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21. In a patient with a plasma pH of 7.1 the [HCO-3]/[H2CO3]
(1) 20
(2) 10
(3) 1
(4) 0.1
22. In uncompensated metabolic alkalosis
(1) The plasma pH, the plasma HCO3- concentration and the arterial pCO2 are all low.
(2) The plasma pH is high and the plasma HCO3- concentration and arterial pCO2 are low.
(3) The plasma pH and plasma HCO3- concentration are high and the arterial pCO2 is normal.
(4) None of the above.
23. The technique used to locate specific genes in chromosomes is
(1) Colony hybridisation
(2) In-situ hybridisation
(3) Dot blot technique
(4) Western blotting
24. The separation technique for charged molecule under the influence of electric current is called
(1) Colony hybridisation
(2) Electrophoresis
(3) Dot blot technique
(4) Western blotting
25. Equilibrium potential of an ion is calculated by
(1) Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium
(2) Nernst-equation
(3) Goldman equation
(4) Katz equation
26. All of the following are events in the stimulated skeletal muscle, except :
(1) Exposure of myosin-binding sites on actin.
(2) Binding of myosin head to actin.
(3) Release of Pi and conformational change in myosin head.
(4) Myosin head pulls the thin filament about 11 pm toward center of sarcomere.
27. During the skeletal muscle contraction, the cytoplasmic calcium concentration rises
(1) 10-fold
(2) 100-fold
(3) 1000 fold
(4) 100000-fold
28. In the extreme stretched state of skeletal muscle, the width of
(1) A band increases
(2) H band increases
(3) I band decreases
(4) Actin and myosin interaction Increases
29. The connective tissue layer around the skeletal muscle fascicle is called
(1) Epimysium
(2) Perimysium
(3) Perineurium
(4) Edomysium
30. The termination of skeletal muscle contraction occurs when
(1) Cytoplasmic calcium concentration decreases.
(2) ACh is hydrolyzed to choline and acetate.
(3) Closure of ryanodine channels occur.
(4) Closure of dihydropyridine receptors occurs.
31. In the resting state of skeletal muscle,
(1) H zone is covered with thin filaments.
(2) I band has the maximum width.
(3) I band has the minimum width.
(4) Overlap of thick and thin filament begins at the outer boundary of H zone.
32. In electromyography (EMG) transient response at the time of electrode indicates
(1) Spontaneous muscular activity.
(2) Voluntary muscular activity.
(3) Induced muscular activity.
(4) Cell membrane damage.
33. The major constituent of cell membrane is
(1) Phospholipids
(2) Protein
(3) Carbohydrate
(4) Cholesterol
34. Fluidity of cell membrane depend on :
(1) Phospholipid
(2) Glycolipid
(3) Cholesterol
(4) Cholesterol — Phospholipid ratio
35. All of the following metabolic processes occur in mitochondria, except :
(1) Glycolysis
(2) Electron transport chain
(3) Fatty acid oxidation
(4) TCA cycle
36. Catabolism of H2O2 is carried by
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Peroxisomes
(3) Endoplasmic reticulum
(4) Lysomes
37. Osmolarity is defined as :
(1) Number of osmole per litre
(2) Number of osmole per kg
(3) Weight of solute per litre
(4) Weight of solute per kg
38. In severe exercise, decrease in pH is due to :
(1) Respiratory acidosis
(2) Lactic acidosis
(3) H+ retention
(4) HCO3- excretion
39. Skeletal muscle contraction ends when :
(1) Ions move out of cytoplasm
(2) Acetylcholine is absorbed from the neuromuscular junction
(3) Closure and indrawing of receptors
(4) Decreased calcium outside sarcoplasmic reticulum
40. Interstitial fluid volume can be determined by —
(1) Radioactive iodine and radiolabelled water
(2) Radioactive water and radio- labelled albumin
(3) Radioactive sodium and radioactive water
(4) Radioactive sodium and radioactive albumin
41. Delta waves are seen in
(1) Wakefulness
(2) Deep Sleep
(3) Stage I REM
(4) None
42. Which of the following is “not true” for cardiac and skeletal muscle fibres ?
(1) Both cardiac and skeletal muscles exhibit graded contraction.
(2) Excitation contraction coupling in both depends upon increased intracellular calcium.
(3) Excitation contraction coupling is not dependent on extracellular Ca2+ in skeletal muscle.
(4) Cardiac action potential has a plateau and a longer refractory period.
43. When extracellular potassium is increased from 4 meq. to 10 meq. What will happen ?
(1) Resting membrane potential becomes more negative
(2) Increase in conductance of sodium
(3) Increase in conductance of potassium
(4) Na+—K+ ATPase will be stopped.
44. Regarding transport of substances through the cell membrane, all are true except :
(1) glucose is transported via facilitated diffusion
(2) active transport is an energy driven process
(3) facilitated diffusion requires energy
(4) facilitated diffusion requires carrier protein
45. Equilibrium potential for an ion is calculated using
(1) Gibbs Donnan equation
(2) Goldman equation
(3) Nernst equation
(4) Henderson-Hesselbach equation