Anthropology Mock Test
1. The human vertebral column has
(A) two curvatures
(B) three curvatures
(C) four curvatures
(D) five curvatures
2. Fossil remains of ‘Lucy’ belong to
(A) Australopithecus
(B) Dryopithecus
(C) Sinanthropus
(D) Pithecanthropus
3. Prehensile limbs are associated with
(A) bipedal locomotion
(B) terrestrial living
(C) arboreal living
(D) knuckle-walking
4. Remains of Cro-Magnon was first found in
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Hadar
(D) Spain
5. The correct sequence of stages in the evolution of modern man (Homo sapiens) is
(A) Neanderthal man — Australopithecus — Cro-Magnon man — Homo erectus — Modern man
(B) Australopithecus — Homoerectus—Neanderthal man—Cro-Magnon man—Modernman
(C) Homo erectus — Australopithecus—Neanderthal man—Cro-Magnon man
(D) Australopithecus—Neanderthalman—Cro-magnon man—Homoerectus—Modern man
6. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
(A) Homo habilis—East Africa
(B) Ramapithecus—South India
(C) Heidelberg jaw—Spain
(D) Neanderthal—Pakistan
7. Thermoluminescence is associated with
(A) relative dating
(B) absolute dating
(C) tool type
(D) tool technique
8. Which one of the following is the earliest Mesolithic site of India?
(A) Bagor
(B) Guntur
(C) Jwalapuram
(D) Lagnajh
9. Who is the author of What Happened in Prehistory?
(A) Gordon Childe
(B) Stewart Piggot
(C) H. D. Sankalia
(D) Glyn Daniel
10. Samples of dendrochronology is taken from which of the following?
(A) Lake
(B) River
(C) Tree
(D) Amino acid
11. Three successive cultures prevailed in the Upper Palaeolithic period are
(A) Perigordian — Aurignacian — Gravettian
(B) Aurignacian — Solutrean — Magdalenian
(C) Magdalenian — Perigordian — Gravettian
(D) Magdalenian — Mousterian – Levalloisian
12. Rites symbolizing birth, marriage and death are called
(A) initiation rites
(B) rites of passage
(C) rites of reversal
(D) rites of confirmation
13. The correct sequence in the descending order of social divisions in tribal society is
(A) Family—Clan—Subtribe—Tribe
(B) Tribe—Subtribe—Clan—Family
(C) Clan—Family—Tribe—Subtribe
(D) Subtribe—Tribe—Family—Clan
14. Who among the following follow the matrilineal family system?
(A) Nairs of Kerala
(B) Bhils
(C) Kadars
(D) Muslims
15. Two or more clans are linked forming only two major groups. They are called
(A) Phratry
(B) Lineage
(C) Clan
(D) moieties
16. Who was the American classical evolutionist?
(A) Franz Boas
(B) Julian Steward
(C) Leslie White
(D) L. H. Morgan
17. ‘Superorganic’ is the term associated with
(A) Leslie White
(B) Alfred L. Kroeber
(C) Franz Boas
(D) Henry Maine
18. Which of the following terms describes the process where the dominant culture is imposed on the subordinate culture?
(A) Assimilation
(B) Acculturation
(C) Enculturation
(D) Counterculture
19. A Shaman is
(A) a witch doctor
(B) a ritual specialist
(C) a priest
(D) a folk performer
20. Alveolar arch is parabolic in
(A) Man
(B) Chimpanzee
(C) Gorilla
(D) orangutan
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21. Primates of the Palaeolithic period resembled
(A) Lemurs
(B) Monkeys
(C) Apes
(D) loris
22. A well-developed clavicle bone is the characteristic feature of :
(A) Mammals
(B) Primates
(C) Birds
(D) reptiles
23. When the centromere is at the terminal end of a chromosome, it is called
(A) Metacentric
(B) Submetacentric
(C) Telocentric
(D) acrocentric
24. Risley classified Indian population in the year
(A) 1915
(B) 1920
(C) 1889
(D) 1931
25. Facial prognathism is marked among the
(A) Caucasoid
(B) Negroid
(C) Mongoloid
(D) None of the above
26. Stature is a/an
(A) polygenic trait
(B) autosomal trait
(C) monogenic trait
(D) Both (A) and (B)
27. The earliest racial element of India is the
(A) Protoaustraloid
(B) Mongoloid
(C) Negrito
(D) Mediterranean
28. The youngest phenomenon under the stratigraphy method is represented by
(A) middle layer
(B) topmost layer
(C) lowest layer
(D) None of the above
29. Villafranchian fauna includes the ancestors of modern
(A) Cow
(B) Elephant
(C) Horse
(D) All of the above
30. The term prehistory’ was first coined by
(A) Putnam
(B) Tournal
(C) William Robertson
(D) Lubbock
31. The metals used in Chalcolithic period are mainly
(A) lead and tin
(B) tin and gold
(C) copper and tin
(D) gold and lead
32. Sarai Nahar Rai are Mesolithic sites situated in
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Gujarat
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh
33. The proper sequence of periods of Tertiary epoch is
(A) Eocene—Oligocene—Miocene—Pliocene
(B) Oligocene—Eocene—Miocene—Pliocene
(C) Miocene—Pliocene—Oligocene—Eocene
(D) Miocene—Pliocene—Eocene—Oligocene
34. Planned cities and urban life were first seen in
(A) Neolithic culture
(B) Indus Valley Civilization
(C) Megalithic culture
(D) Mesolithic culture
35. The Megalithic monuments in Assam are connected with
(A) death rites
(B) birth rites
(C) fertility rites
(D) All of the above
36. When a positive bulb of percussion is seen in a tool, it can be designated as a
(A) core tool
(B) flake tool
(C) flake hand axe
(D) pebble tool
37. Belief in supernatural and some rituals and rites was first noticed among the
(A) Chalcolithic people
(B) Mesolithic people
(C) Middle Palaeolithic people
(D) Upper Palaeolithic people
38. Human society was developed during
(A) Stone Age
(B) Iron Age
(C) Copper Age
(D) Bronze Age
39. All of the following generate cultures change, except
(A) Diffusion
(B) Discovery
(C) Ethnocentrism
(D) invention
40. Totem is an essential ingredient of
(A) Clan
(B) Lineage
(C) Ancestor
(D) family
41. Remarriage of a widow with her deceased husband’s brother is called
(A) Sororate
(B) Levirate
(C) Hypogamy
(D) hypergamy
42. Filial inheritance is found among the
(A) Sema Naga
(B) Lotha Naga
(C) Ao Naga
(D) Rongmai Naga
43. The principal primitive tool used in agriculture is
(A) Sickle
(B) digging stick
(C) plough
(D) hoe
44. The theory of ‘animism’ was proposed by
(A) Emile Durkheim
(B) R. R. Marett
(C) E. B. Tylor
(D) E. A. Hoebel
45. Haimendorf did his works mainly in
(A) Central India
(B) South India
(C) North India
(D) North-East India
46. Articles 330, 332 and 334 of the Constitution recommended for the reservation
(A) of protection of civic rights
(B) of seats for ST in the Assemblies and the Parliament
(C) in the State services
(D) None of the above
47. Functionalism is a/an
(A) philosophy of life
(B) approach to study society and culture
(C) doctrine
(D) idea depicting interrelatedness
48. Clan exogamy is practised among the following, except
(A) Hmar
(B) Naga
(C) Kuki
(D) Kalita
49. Cultural affiliation with one or both the parents is
(A) Descent
(B) Caste
(C) Tribe
(D) clan
50. When a child learns to obey its cultural traditions in the process of development, it is called
(A) Transculturation
(B) Diffusion
(C) Acculturation
(D) None of the above