Selected Questions on Diploma Mechanical Engineering
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Diploma Mechanical Engineering Selected Questions Paper
1. Chilled cast iron has
(a) no graphite
(b) a very high percentage of graphite
(c) a low percentage of graphite
(d) graphite as its basic constituent of composition
2. Ductility of a material can be defined as
(a) ability to undergo large permanent deformations in compression
(b) ability to recover its original form
(c) ability to undergo large permanent deformations in tension
(d) all of these
3. Isotropic materials are those which have the same
(a) elastic properties in all directions
(b) stresses induced in all directions
(c) thermal properties in all directions
(d) electric and magnetic properties in all directions
4. Charpy test is conducted to find-
(a) Fluidity
(b) Microhardness
(c) Toughness
(d) Formability
5. Mild steel belongs to the following category-
(a) Low carbon steel
(b) Medium carbon steel
(c) High carbon steel
(d) Alloy steel
6. Delta iron occurs at temperature of-
(a) Room temperature
(b) Above melting temperature
(c) Between 1400°C and 1539°C
(d) Between 910°C and 1400°C
7. The temperature at which ferromagnetic alpha iron transforms to paramagnetic alpha iron is-
(a) 770°C
(b) 910°C
(c) 1050°C
(d) None of these
8. The unique property of cast iron is its high-
(a) Malleability
(b) Ductility
(c) Surface finish
(d) Damping characteristics
9. Cast iron is characterised by minimum of following percentage of carbon-
(a) 0.2%
(b) 0.8%
(c) 1.3%
(d) 2%
10. In grey cast iron, carbon is present in the form of-
(a) Cementite
(b) Free carbon
(c) Flakes
(d) Spheroids
11. A reversible change in the atomic structure of the steel with a corresponding change in the properties is known as-
(a) Allotropic change
(b) Recrystallisation
(c) Heat treatment
(d) Austempering
12. Basic constituents of Monel metal are-
(a) Nickel, copper
(b) Nickel, molybdenum
(c) Zinc, tin, lead
(d) Nickel, lead, tin
13. Break-even analysis consists of
(a) fixed cost
(b) variable cost
(c) fixed and variable costs
(d) operation costs
14. The standard time for a job is
(a) total work content
(b) basic time + relaxation time
(c) total work content + basic time
(d) total work content + delay contingency allowance
15. Job evaluation is the method-of determining the
(a) relative worth of jobs
(b) skills required by a worker
(c) contribution of a worker
(d) contribution of a job
16. Gnatt chart provides information about the
(a) material handling
(b) proper utilisation of manpower
(c) production schedule
(d) efficient working of machine
17. Process layout is employed for
(a) batch production
(b) continuous type of product
(c) effective utilisation of machines
(d) all of these
18. The metallic structure of mild steel is
(a) body centred cubic
(b) face centred cubic
(c) hexagonal close packed
(d) cubic structure
19. In a PERT chart
(a) all activities should be numbered
(b) only important activities should be numbered
(c) only critical activities are numbered
(d) only selected activities are numbered
20. The probability distribution of project completion in PERT follows the following distribution
(a) Gaussian
(b) Normal
(c) binomial
(d) exponential
21. The first method invented for planning projects was
(a) bar chart method
(b) milestone chart
(c) critical path method (CPM)
(d) programme evaluation and review technique (PERT)
22. Work study comprises following main techniques
(a) method study and work measurement
(b) method study and time study
(c) time study and work measurement
(d) method study and job evaluation
23. Break-even analysis can be used for
(a) short run analysis
(b) long run analysis
(c) average of above two run analysis
(d) there is no such criterion
24. Father of time study was
(a) F.W. Taylor
(b) H.L. Gantt
(c) F.B. Gilberfh
(d) R.M. Barnes
25. Material handling and plant location is analysed by
(a) Gnatt chart
(b) bin chart
(c) Emerson chart
(d) travel chart
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26. In inventory control, the economic order quantity is the
(a) optimum lot size
(b) highest level of inventory
(c) lot corresponding to break-even point
(d) capability of a plant to produce
27. Micromotion study is
(a) enlarged view of motion study
(b) analysis of one stage of motion study
(c) minute and detailed motion study
(d) subdivision of an operation into therbligs and their analysis
28. In metals subjected to cold working, strain hardening effect is due to
(a) slip mechanism
(b) twining mechanism
(c) dislocation mechanism
(d) fracture mechanism
29. Specify the sequence correctly
(a) Grain growth, recrystallisation, stress relief
(b) Stress relief, grain growth, recrystallisation
(c) Stress relief, recrystallisation grain growth
(d) Grain growth, stress relief, recrystallisation
30. Hot rolling of mild steel is carried out
(a) at recrystallisation temperature
(b) between 100°C to 150°C
(c) below recrystallisation temperature
(d) above recrystallisation temperature
31. In sheet metal blanking, shear is provided on punches and dies so that
(a) press load is reduced
(b) good cut edge is obtained
(c) warping of sheet is minimized
(d) cut blanks are straight
32. The cutting force in punching and blanking operations mainly depends on
(a) the modulus of elasticity of metal
(b) the shear strength of metal
(c) the bulk modulus of metal
(d) the yield strength of metal
33. Frederick W. Taylor introduced a system of working known as
(a) line organization
(b) line and staff organization
(c) functional organization
(d) effective organisation
34. Which of the following is independent of sales forecast?
(a) Productivity
(b) inventory control
(c) production planning
(d) production control
35. Inventory management consists of
(a) effective running of stores
(b) state of merchandise methods of strong and maintenance etc.
(c) stock control system
(d) all of these
36. CPM has following time estimate
(a) one-time estimate
(b) two-time estimate
(c) three-time estimate
(d) four-time estimate
37. The linear programming techniques can be applied successfully to industries like
(a) iron and steel
(b) food processing
(c) banking
(d) all of these
38. Value engineering aims at finding out the
(a) depreciation value of a product
(b) resale value of a product
(c) major function of the item and accomplishing the same at least cost without change in quality
(d) break-even point when machine re-quires change
39. The term ‘value’ in value engineering refers to
(a) total cost of the product
(b) selling price of the product
(c) utility of the product
(d) manufactured cost of the product
40. If there is a 50 percent chance of making Rs 120,000 and a 70 percent chance of losing Rs 150,000, then the expected monetary outcome in Rupees is:
(a) 50000
(b) -45000
(c) 90000
(d) -90000
41. The stepping-stone method
(a) is an alternative to using the northwest corner rule
(b) often involves tracing closed paths with a triangular shape
(c) is used to evaluate the cost effectiveness of shipping goods via transportation routes not currently in the solution
(d) is used to identify the relevant costs in a transportation problem
42. Which of the following statements about the basic EOQ model is true?
(a) If the ordering cost were to double, the EOQ would rise
(b) If annual demand were to double, the EOQ would increase
(c) If the carrying cost were to increase, the EOQ would fall
(d) All of the above statements are true
43. The Production Order Quantity model
(a) relaxes the assumption of known and constant demand
(b) is appropriate when units are sold/used as they are produced
(c) results in larger average inventory than an equivalent EOQ model
(d) uses Ordering Cost, not Setup Cost, in its formula
44. Dental castings and turbine blades are produced by
(a) Centrifugal casting
(b) Investment casting
(c) Die casting
(d) Sand casting
45. In investment casting the pattern is made of
(a) Wood
(b) Urea formaldehyde
(c) Wax
(d) Metal
46. Shell moulding is a process in whichh
(a) A thin shell is cast in sand mould
(b) A strong core is prepared
(c) A mould comprising thin shell is produced by mixing dry silica and resin binder
(d) None of these
47. A pit furnace can be used for the melting of
(a) Cast iron
(b) Brass
(c) Aluminium
(d) Cast iron, Aluminium, Brass
48. In shielded arc welding
(a) Large electrode is used
(b) Welding rod coated with slag is used
(c) Welding rod coated with fluxing material is used
(d) None of these
49. Which effect is not seen in alloys on weldability?
(a) Control of ductile-malleable transformation temperature
(b) Provision for oxidation to molten metal
(c) Reduction in segregation
(d) Grain refinement
50. Which precious metals and stones are used for jewellery and industrial cutting?
(a) Diamonds
(b) Gold
(c) Copper
(d) Lead
51. What is the necessary condition for turning?
(a) Material of work piece should be harder than the cutting tool
(b) Cutting tool should be harder than the material of work piece
(c) Hardness of the cutting tool and material of piece should be same
(d) None of these
52. In drilling operation, the metal is removed by
(a) Shearing
(b) Extrusion
(c) Shearing and extrusion
(d) Shearing and compression
53. Which of the following milling process is used for machining of irregular shapes?
(a) Slab milling
(b) Face milling
(c) Angular milling
(d) Form milling
54. In which of the following processes, highly polished steel ball is used instead of abrasive
(a) Honing
(b) Lapping
(c) Polishing
(d) Burnishing
55. In CNC machine tool, the part program entered into the computer memory
(a) Can be used only once
(b) Can be used again and again
(c) Can be used again but it has to be modified every time
(d) Cannot say
56. Which of the following materials requires the largest shrinkage allowance, while making a pattern for casting?
(a) Aluminium
(b) Brass
(c) Cast Iron
(d) Plain Carbon Steel
57. Hardness of green sand mould increases with
(a) increase in moisture content beyond 6 percent
(b) increase in permeability
(c) decrease in permeability
(d) increase in both moisture content and permeability
58. In Oxyacetylene gas welding, temperature at the inner cone of the flame is around
(a) 3500°C
(b) 3200°C
(c) 2900°C
(d) 2550°C
59. Which one of the following welding processes uses non- consumable electrodes?
(a) TIG welding
(b) MIG welding
(c) Manual arc welding
(d) Submerged arc welding
60. The maximum heat in resistance welding is at the
(a) tip of the positive electrode
(b) tip of the negative electrode
(c) top surface of the plate at the time of electric contact with the electrode
(d) interface between the two plates being Joined
61. In milling machine, the cutting tool is held in position by
(a) Chuck
(b) Spindle
(c) Arbor
(d) Tool holder
62. In which of the following machining manual part programming is done?
(a) CNC machining
(b) NC machining
(c) DNC machining
(d) FMS machining
63. The angle between the face and the flank of the single point cutting tool is known as
(a) rake angle
(b) clearance angle
(c) lip angle
(d) point angle
64. Which of the following is a single point cutting tool?
(a) Hacksaw blade
(b) Milling cutter
(c) Grinding wheel
(d) Parting tool
65. A measure of Rockwell hardness is the
(a) Depth of penetration of indenter
(b) Surface area of indentation
(c) Projected area of indentation
(d) Height of rebound
66. The coordination number for FCC crystal structure is
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) 16
67. What do Flexible Manufacturing systems (FMS) do?
(a) Co-ordinates the whole process of manufacturing and manufactures a part, component or product
(b) Completely manufactures a range of components without significant human intervention during the processing
(c) Moves and manipulates products, parts or tolls
(d) Moves materials between operations
68. Which of the following cutting tool has highest hot hardness?
(a) Ceramics
(b) Cast alloys
(c) High speed steels
(d) Carbon tool steel
69. The angle between side cutting edge and end cutting edge is called as
(a) Approach angle
(b) Nose angle
(c) Side relief angle
(d) End relief angle
70. The process utilizing mainly thermal energy for removing material is
(a) Ultrasonic Machining
(b) Electrochemical Machining
(c) Abrasive Jet Machining
(d) Laser Beam Machining
71. In which of the following operation jigs are preferred over fixture?
(a) Drilling
(b) Turning
(c) Milling
(d) Grinding
72. The most commonly used criteria for measuring forecast error is-
(a) Mean absolute deviation.
(b) Mean absolute percentage error
(c) Mean standard error
(d) Mean square error