RPSC Home Science Questions and Answers
Are you eagerly waiting for the RPSC Home Science Previous Papers? Don’t you have enough money to buy books for preparing the RPSC Home Science written exam? Don’t feel bad! Here, we have attached the last 5-year RPSC Home Science Question Paper Pdf.
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Home Science Questions and Answers for RPSC
1. The full form of PAN is :
(A) Previous Account Number
(B) Present Account Number
(C) Permanent Account Number
(D) Permanent Accreditated Number
2. The heat that is trapped inside the earth is known as :
(A) Thermal energy
(B) Mechanical energy
(C) Kinetic energy
(D) Geothermal energy
3. The hardwood like cherry, maple, beech has …………….. grains.
(A) Light
(B) Dark
(C) Open
(D) Closed
4. The window covering made from the fabric is called :
(A) A venetian blind
(B) A curtain
(C) A drapery
(D) A vertical blind
5. Dizygotic twins are :
(A) Genetically identical
(B) Come from single fertilized egg cell
(C) May be of same or different sex
(D) Are not really twins but only appear to be so
6. Gifts and occupations are used to guide and structure play :
(A) Head Start
(B) Froebel’s Philosophy
(C) Constructivist Approach
(D) Reggio Emilio Approach
7. The Waldorf educational approach emphasizes balanced development of :
(A) Head and Heart
(B) Heart and Hands
(C) Head and Hands
(D) Head, Heart and Hands
8. Ottis media is known as :
(A) Stomach infection
(B) Middle ear infection
(C) Children media
(D) Chest infection
9. Biological ageing :
(A) Is an estimate of the individual’s position with respect to her or his potential life span
(B) Is number of years that have elapsed since a person’s birth
(C) Refers to individuals adaptive capacities
(D) Refers to social rules and expectations people hold for themselves as well as those others impose on them
10. Erikson used the term ‘Distantiation’ to describe :
(A) Distance we keep between ourselves and others during personal conversation
(B) Our ability to distance ourselves from our family of origin
(C) The time we need to progress between one developmental state to the next
(D) The readiness all of us have to distance ourselves from others when we feel threatened by their behaviour
11. The following period of exploration individual’s commitment to values, beliefs and goals is :
(A) Identity achievement
(B) Identity moratorium
(C) Identity foreclosure
(D) Identity diffusion
12. One of the following does not include the Acts of Child Labour :
(A) Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act (1986)
(B) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Children Act (2000)
(C) Offences of Harassment under Protection from Harassment Act (1997)
(D) The Mines Act (1952)
13. Client centric approach focuses on :
(A) Unconscious process
(B) Past conflicts
(C) Conscious process
(D) Childhood fantasies
14. What is the first phase of the life cycle most middle-aged couples go through ?
(A) Widowhood
(B) Retirement phase
(C) Child launching phase
(D) Childless preretirement period
15. The terms masculinity and feminity are most closely linked to :
(A) Sexism
(B) Gender
(C) Patriarchy
(D) Sex
16. What determines ideal parenting ?
(A) Role model
(B) Adequate supervision
(C) Monitoring
(D) Instruction
17. In which type of family parents, grandparents and relatives live together growing more and more common ?
(A) Nuclear family
(B) Joint family
(C) Extended family
(D) Multimember family
18. Which of the parenting styles given below encourages to behave with little intervention ?
(A) Authoritative
(B) Authoritarian
(C) Permissive
(D) Democratic
19. The type of hormonal changes typically experienced by middle aged men :
(A) A dramatic drop in testosterone
(B) Increase in appetite
(C) Unable to father a child
(D) Psychological adjustment to declining physical energy
20. A concept of sandwich generation refers to :
(A) One responsible for both for bringing up their own children and care of their ageing parents
(B) One responsible for both work and family
(C) One responsible for spouse and children
(D) One responsible for both friends and self
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21. Fallopian tubes are tied off :
(A) Vasectomy
(B) Tubal Ligation
(D) Abstinence
22. What does the acronym “Pocso” stand for ?
(A) Permitting children for socialization
(B) Protection of children from sedentary offers
(C) Protection of children from sexual offences
(D) Provision of children for sexual offence
23. Role play forms an example for :
(A) Expressive technique
(B) Association technique
(C) Constructive technique
(D) Completion technique
24. Method demonstration works on the principle of :
(A) Learning by doing
(B) Learning by believing
(C) Learning by teaching
(D) Seeing and doing
25. At which place did Mahatma Gandhiji start his Sevagram project ?
(A) Wardha
(B) Pohri
(C) Gwalior
(D) Rajkot
26. The main aim of the Community Development Programme is :
(A) Cultural development
(B) Technological development
(C) Socio-economic development
(D) Political development
27. Mid-day meal scheme covers children studying at :
(A) Primary level
(B) Secondary level
(C) High School level
(D) Out of school children
28. The concept of multipurpose village level worker was evolved from :
(A) Community Development Project
(B) Etawah Pilot Project
(C) National Extension Service
(D) Gurgaon Project
29. The use of computers in technology transfer is :
(A) Emancipatory extension
(B) Participatory extension
(C) Cyber extension
(D) Broad based extension
30. Which of the following is associated with the Panchayati Raj ?
(A) Shah Commission
(B) Nanavati Commission
(C) Balwant Rai Committee
(D) Royal Commission
31. Which of the following is not a principle of effective communication ?
(A) Persuasive and convincing dialogue
(B) Participation of the audience
(C) One-way transfer of information
(D) Strategic use of grapevine
32. Communication with the help of new media (computers-internet and mobiles) is termed as :
(A) Entertainment
(B) Interactive communication
(C) Interpersonal communication
(D) Group communication
33. Video-conferencing can be classified as one of the following types :
(A) Visual one-way
(B) Audio-Visual one-way
(C) Audio-Visual two-way
(D) Visual two-way
34. A short series of lectures by 5-7 experts on a subtopics of a main topic is called :
(A) Lecture
(B) Workshop
(C) Symposium
(D) Conference
35. Any idea or practice which an individual perceives to be new, it is :
(A) Adoption
(B) Transformation
(C) Innovation
(D) Diffusion
36. A combination of adult education and informal education is called :
(A) Education
(B) Extension education
(C) Formal education
(D) Non-formal education
37. In extension education the audience is :
(A) Homogeneous and diversified goal
(B) Heterogeneous and common goal
(C) Homogeneous and same curriculum
(D) Heterogeneous and diversified goals
38. The following represents the Aristotle model :
(A) Speaker Speech Audience
(B) Speech Speaker Audience
(C) Sender Channel Audience
(D) Source Signal Recover
39. Learning in a non-formal education programme takes place through :
(A) Democratic discussion and dialogue
(B) Telephonic conversation
(C) Classroom interactions
(D) Internet
40. Field trip provides :
(A) Awareness through direct knowledge
(B) First hand and direct experience
(C) Practical knowledge
(D) New experience
41. ……………. technique involves the collection of primary data with the use of questionnaire.
(A) Observation
(B) Survey
(C) Simulation
(D) Experimentation
42. Cohort study design is :
(A) Descriptive
(B) Experimental
(C) Longitudinal
(D) Exploratory
43. If a measure has high validity :
(A) low reliability is acceptable
(B) it must have high reliability
(C) reliability does not matter
(D) reliability is not important
44. The highest level of measurement scale is :
(A) Nominal scale
(B) Ordinal scale
(C) Internal scale
(D) Ratio scale
45. The thick and thin data refer to :
(A) The qualitative and quantitative approach
(B) Qualitative
(C) Quantitative
(D) Soft data
46. What is an observation schedule ?
(A) A set of explicit rules for assigning behaviour to categories
(B) A time table of days on which you plan to carry out your observation
(C) A list of questions to ask your interviewee
(D) A way testing for measurement validity
47. Which of the following is characteristic of action research ?
(A) Variables are controlled
(B) Data is qualitative
(C) Results demonstrate cause and effect relationship
(D) Results are generalizable
48. The methodology of studying a phenomenon over a different period of time would be :
(A) Experimental
(B) Longitudinal
(C) Analytical
(D) Explanatory
49. Which of the following sampling methods is appropriate to study the prevalence of diabetes among male and female in India in 1988, 1998, 2008, 2018 ?
(A) Cluster sampling
(B) Systematic sampling
(C) Convenience sampling
(D) Stratified random sampling
50. The goal of a formal study is to :
(A) Discover future research tasks
(B) Expand understanding of a topic
(C) Test hypothesis
(D) Develop hypothesis