Rog Nidan Questions and Answers

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Rog Nidan Questions and Answers

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Questions and Answers on Rog Nidan

1. Commensalism means –
(1) Two dissimilar organisms living together benefitting one without harming the other
(2) Two dissimilar organisms living together benefitting the parasite but harming the host
(3) Organisms thriving on dead tissues
(4) Both (2) and (3)

2. All of the following are true for leprosy, except-
(1) Lepromatous type represents low resistance
(2) Tubereuloid type represents high resistance
(3) Ridley and jopling classification divides leprosy into 5 groups
(4) Erythema nodosum leprosum is tubereuloid type

3. The variant of shwasa which subsides when kapha decreases and increases greatly while sleeping and which is associated with Murcha and Jwara?
(1) Pratamaka
(2) Santamaka
(3) Tamaka
(4) Chinna

4. All of the following are components of immune system. except –
(1) Cytokines
(2) Macrophages
(3) Mast cells
(4) Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA)

5. According to Acharya Charaka, all of the following are Reto Dosha, except –
(1) Phenila
(2) Anya Dhatu Upahita
(3) Avasadi
(4) Vaigandhyam

6. All of the following are Prakriti varna, except-
(1) Krishna
(2) Shyava
(3) Shyama avadata
(4) Avadata

7. 63rd permutation and combination of Tridoshaja causes –
(1) Health
(2) Disease
(3) Symptoms
(4) Disorders

8. Hematuria with dysmorphic RBC are seen in –
(1) Acute glomerulonephritis
(2) Renal tuberculosis
(3) Renal calculi
(4) Chronic renal failure

9. A 76 years old man presented with anemia and splenomegaly PBS shows tear drop shaped cells and bone marrow examination was normal the diagnosis is –
(1) Myelofibrosis
(2) Iron deficiency anemia
(3) Folic acid deficiency
(4) Chronic myeloid leukemia

10. According to Madhukosha teeka the name of fever of cow’s is –
(1) Pakala
(2) Pralapa
(3) Indramada
(4) Ishwar

11. According to Charaka, “Kshamadhritimalaulyam” is a symptom of –
(1) Mamsa saar
(2) Meda saar
(3) Majja saar
(4) Satva saar

12. “Swapnaharsamuthe” is about-
(1) Sthaulya
(2) Kashrya
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Urustambha

13. Which among the following statement regarding chikungunya virus infection is incorrect?
(1) Major laboratory findings include leukocytosis, lower transaminases and C.R.P
(2) The infection is transmitted to human by aedes aegypti mosquito
(3) Disease is characterised by abrupt onset of fever, severe arthralgia
(4) Chikungunya virus infection is primarily a disease in non-human primates

14. Which one of the following does not pass through the lungs?
(1) Hookworm
(2) Ascaris
(3) Strongyloides
(4) Enterobius vermicularis

15. Azotemia is a condition, in which –
(1) The retention of nitrogenous waste products excreted by the kidney
(2) The retention of water otherwise excreted by the kidney
(3) The retention of iron in the liver
(4) The retention of bilirubin in the liver

16. A broad QRS complex with an ‘rSR’ pattern in lead V1 and prominent S waves in leads l and V6 are indicative of –
(1) Left Bundle Branch Block
(2) Right Bundle Branch Block
(3) Left Ventricular Failure
(4) Right Ventricular Failure

17. The objective of pariksha is –
(1) Paryavadatashrutata
(2) Prutipatti gyana
(3) Upakaranavatta
(4) Jitahastata

18. A 32 year old man reports with indigestion. The treating vaidya notes the complaint an ‘Udgarascha yatha bhuktam’. The most likely diagnosis is –
(1) Amajeerna
(2) Vidagdhajeerna
(3) Jeerna Ahara Lakshana
(4) Vishtabdhajeerna

19. ‘Fenvaan pinditah paandu nirsauro agandha’ are the symptoms of –
(1) Saam vata
(2) Niraam vaat
(3) Saam kapha
(4) Niraam kapha

20. According to Acharya Charaka, the differential diagnosis between Haridra Varna Mutra of Prameha and Raktapitta is to be done on the basis of-
(1) Rupa
(2) Purvarupa
(3) Upashaya
(4) Nidana

Kayachikitsa Shalakya Tantra
Dravyaguna Vigyan Panchakarma
Rachana Sharir Shalya Tantra
Prasuti Tantra Rog Nidan
Kriya Sharir Agad Tantra

21. All of the following is true for fluid of oedema of congestive cardiac failure, except –
(1) its form is exudate
(2) its form is transudate
(3) its protein content is low
(4) its specific gravity is less than 1.015

22. Brudzinski’s sign is elicited for the diagnosis of –
(1) Deep Vein Thrombosis
(2) Appendicitis
(3) Meningitis
(4) Tennis elbow

23. According to Acharya Charaka, there is no pitting Branch
(1) Shvayathu due to Vataj
(2) Shvayathu duc to Pittaj
(3) Shvayathu due to Kaphaj
(4) Shvayathu due to Raktaj

24. All of the following are the features of ojovisramsa, except –
(1) Sandhi vishlesha
(2) Mamsa kshaya
(3) Dosha chyavana
(4) Kriya sannirodha

25. Which of the following Hridya Roga is not explained by Sushmta?
(1) Krimija
(2) Sannipataja
(3) Vataja
(4) All of the above

26. The largest intestinal nematode infecting human is –
(1) Necator Amcricanus
(2) Ascaris Lumbricoides
(3) Enterobius vermicularis
(4) None of the above

27. What is “Bastipooran viklcdakrinmootram“?
(1) Mutra Vriddhi Lakshana
(2) Vata Basti
(3) Mutra Prakrita Karma
(4) None of the above

28. “Pratatam Vatarogeeni ………………………… ..” This is a symptom of which deficiency according to Charaka?
(1) Rasa Kshaya
(2) Asthi Kshaya
(3) Majja Kshaya
(4) Shleshma Kshaya

29. Due to the association of other Dosha Pakshaghata becomes –
(1) Asadhya
(2) Sadhya
(3) Krichchh Sadhya
(4) Yapya

30. The filarial worm which can be seen in conjunctiva-
(1) Brugia Malayi
(2) Loa-Lou
(3) Onchocerca Volvulus
(4) None of the above

31. Which is the selective substance in Maeconkeys medium?
(1) Malachite green
(2) Potassium tellurite
(3) Bile salt
(4) Lactose

32. What color does urine becomes after drying in “Kaphaj Mutroksada”?
(1) Shaukha Churna – Pandu Varna
(2) Gorochan Chuma Varna
(3) Haridra Churna Varna
(4) None of the above

33. HLA B27 is positive in which disease?
(1) Ankylosing spondylitis
(2) SLE
(3) Rheumatoid Arthritis
(4) Behcet syndrome

34. Programmed cell death is known as –
(1) Cytolysis
(2) Apoptosis
(3) Necrosis
(4) Proptosis

35. An Polycythemia Vera, all are raised except
(1) Hematocrit
(2) Platelet count
(3) RBCs
(4) Erythropoietin

36. Which of the following Necrosis is characterised by dry, yellow & granular appearance of Necrotic area?
(1) Coagulative Necrosis
(2) Fibrinoid Necrosis
(3) Cascous Necrosis
(4) Liquefactive Necrosis

37. “Bahya nimmatm roganam nidanamiti keertitam.” – it has been said in which book?
(1) Madhav Nidanam
(2) Sushurta Samhita
(3) Ashtanga Hridaya
(4) Siddhanta Nidana

38. According to sushruta, all of the following are to be understood through prashna pariksha, except –
(1) Antaka Samuttpatti
(2) Vedana Sammuchraya
(3) Shariropachayapachaya
(4) Kalaprakarsha

39. ‘Bahvo karma kshayakari‘ is a feature of –
(1) Avabahuka
(2) Apatanaka
(3) Vishvachi
(4) Pakshavadha

40. ……………. not a santarpan nimittaja vikara.
(1) Prameelaka
(2) Pralapa
(3) Pandu
(4) Klaibya

41. The causes for the gamana of Doshas from Koshtha to Shakha are all, except –
(1) Vyayama
(2) Hita anavacharana
(3) Dritatva of marutsya
(4) Nigraha of vayu

42. All of the following are true for mucormycosis, except-
(1) It is not a contagious disease
(2) It is caused by a group of corona virus
(3) In India, the prevalence of mucormycosis is 80 times higher than developed countries
(4) OPD use of steroids for mild patients of COVID — 19 should be avoided

43. In Madatyaya, madhyapanu is an example of which Upshya?
(1) Vyadhi Vipreetarthkari aushadh
(2) Vyadhi Vipreetarthkazi anna
(3) Hem Vipreetarthkari anna
(4) Ubhay Vipreetarthkari anna

44. The name of lesions of primary tuberculosis is-
(1) Ghon’s complex
(2) Simon‘s focus
(3) Granulomatous
(4) Caseous

45. Normal value of ferritin in males is –
(1) 30-250 mg/ml
(2) 30-250 ng/ml
(3) 10-150 ng/ml
(4) 10-50 ng/ml

46. Normal value of Prothrombin time (PT) is –
(1) 10-14 sec
(2) 8- 10 sec
(3) 3-5 min
(4) 2-3 min

47. In which of the following syndrome there is presence of predominant conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia?
(1) Gilbert’s syndrome
(2) Type-l Crigler Najjar syndrome
(3) Type-2 Crigler Najjar syndrome
(4) Dubin Johnson syndrome

48. Howell-Jolly bodies are present in which type of anemia?
(1) Hemolytic anemia
(2) Pernicious anemia
(3) Megaloblastic anemia
(4) Hypochromic anemia

49. Which stain is used for staining in Zichl Neelsen method?
(1) Giemsa Stain
(2) Field Stain
(3) Gram Stain
(4) Carbol Fuchsin

50. Thyrotoxicosis is –
(1) Elevated T3, Normal T4. TSH
(2) Elevated T3 & TSH, Normal T4
(3) Elevated T4 & TSH. Normal T1
(4) Elevated only TSH

51. Misrakriti Jwara is seen in –
(1) Kshayaj kaas
(2) Kshataj kaas
(3) Pittaj kaas
(4) Vataj kaas

52. In Dashvidh pareekshya bhava anubandha is the reference for what?
(1) Sukhavaplj
(2) Karyaduuarkaiam karyanimitah subhovaapyasubhobhavah
(3) Khalvayu
(4) (2) & (3) both

53. Which disease madhavkar has been described as vatadhik, valkaphadhik and kaphadhik?
(1) Amlapitta
(2) Gridhrasi
(3) Both (1) & (2)
(4) None of the above

54. Which of the following is not a microscopic feature of Alzheimer’s disease?
(1) Senile neuritic plaque
(2) Amyloid angiophthy
(3) Neurofibrillary tangle
(4) Lewy bodies

55. Which of the following Tumor is mahgnant in nature?
(1) Lymphangioma
(2) Capillary hemangioma
(3) Kaposi’s sarcoma
(4) Cavernous lymphangioma

56. “Muhunnuhushchopashamprakopee” Madhavakara has been said this for which shoola?
(1) Aamaja shola
(2) Sannipataj shola
(3) Vatika shola
(4) All of the above

57. “Bhaya Darshan” in unmada is –
(1) Hetu vipareetarthakari
(2) Hetu vipareeta
(3) Vyadhi vipareetarthakari
(4) Hetu vyadhi vipareetarthakai

58. Shalyatwainev sansathitam (food stays in the body like foreign substance) is symptom of which disease?
(1) Amlapitta
(2) Visuchika
(3) Alasaka
(4) Aamajirna

59. Mutation causing sickle cell anemia is protective for which of the following?
(1) Leishmaniasis
(2) Filaria
(3) Malaria
(4) Typhoid

60. Which of the following disease is not located in Abhyantara Marga?
(1) Vidradhi
(2) Jwara
(3) Rajayakshma
(4) Aanah

61. Edema in Nephrotic syndrome occurs due to –
(1) Na+ and water retention
(2) increased venous pressure
(3) Decreased serum albumin
(4) Decreased fibrinogen

62. “Shubho vapyashubho bhaavah” is said in context of which parikshya vishya?
(1) Anubandha
(2) Desha
(3) Kaala
(4) Pravrati

63. Which of these conditions can widen “QRS complex” and tall tented “T- wave” be observed in an electrocardiogram?
(1) Hyponatremia
(2) Hyperkalemia
(3) Hyperglycemia
(4) Hyperphosphatemia

64. In an electrocardiogram ‘P-wave’ indicates –
(1) Depolarization of right ventricle
(2) Depolarization of both atria
(3) Depolarization of left ventricle
(4) Atria to ventricular conduction time

65. Which statement is wrong in concern to Anunmaan Pariksha?
(1) Assumption of agni from digestive power
(2) Assumption of fear from sadness
(3) Assumption of infatuation as affection from hilarity and jolliness
(4) Assumption of memory from retention

66. A 6 years old girl is emaciated with Hb – 6 gm/dl. Her face appears puffy with swollen eyelids and edema over feet & ankles. There are no laboratory available. The most likely cause of the child’s condition is –
(1) Schistosomiasis
(2) Cercarial dermatitis
(3) Ascariasis
(4) Hookworm discase

67. Sister Mary Joseph nodule is most commonly seen in with which of the following?
(1) Ovarian cancer
(2) Stomach cancer
(3) Colon cancer
(4) Pancreatic cancer

68. Which of the following is not a feature of case- control design?
(1) Cost — effective
(2) Quick results
(3) Requires to follow up of subjects
(4) Proceeds from effect to the cause

69. The degree to which a knowledge claim is accurate is referred to as –
(1) Reliability
(2) Validity
(3) Accuracy
(4) Tenacity

70. Which of the following component of the research process should be conducted first?
(1) Conducting the experiment
(2) Conducting the literature review
(3) Coming up with the hypothesis
(4) Data analysis

71. Sample is a sub – set of –
(1) Population
(2) Data
(3) Set
(4) Distribution

72. ……… refers to those situations. where we look for one phenomenon but find something else.
(1) Validity
(2) Reliability
(3) Testability
(4) Serendipity

73. What are conditions in which Type — I error occurs?
(1) The Null hypothesis get accepted even it is false.
(2) The Null hypothesis get always accepted.
(3) The Null hypothesis get rejected even if it is truer
(4) The Null hypothesis get always, accepted no need of true and false.

74. Aama, Meda & Kapha dushti has been mentioned in which disease?
(1) Medoroga
(2) Amavata
(3) Urustambha
(4) Shotha

75. All of the following are found in SLE, except –
(1) Oral ulcers
(2) Psychosis
(3) Discoid rash
(4) Leukocytosis