Principles of Inheritance
1. The gene for haemophilia is located on ‘X’chromosome. Hence it is normally impossible for a
A. carrier mother to pass the gene to her son
B. haemophilic father to pass the gene to his daughter
C. haemophilic father to pass the gene to his son
D. carrier mother to pass the gene to her daughter
2. The gene disorder phenylketonuria is an example for—
A. multiple allelism
B. polygenic inheritance
C. multiple factor
D. pleiotropy
3. In rabbits, the gene for grey fur (G) is dominant over that for black fur (g). In a litter, if 50% rabbits are grey, then the possible parental cross combination is—
A. GG X Gg
C. Gg X gg
D. Gg X GG
4. A pleiotropic gene-
A. controls a trait only in combination with another gene
B. controls multiple traits in an individual
C. is expressed only in primitive plants
D. is a gene evolved during Pliocene.
5. A gene showing codominance has-
A. alleles that are recessive to each other
B. both alleles independently expressed in the heterozygote
C. one allele dominant on the other
D. alleles tightly linked on the same chromosome.
6. In his classic experiments on pea plants, Mendel did not use—
A. seed shape
B. flower position
C. seed colour
D. pod length
7. Persons suffering from sickle cell anaemia normally do not suffer from—
A. Cholera
B. Malaria
C. high blood pressure
D. hepatitis
8. A set of genes will be in a complete linkage when the progeny phenotypes for parental (P) and recombinant (R) type are—
A. P=O%,R=100%
B. P=50%,R=50%
C. P<50%, R>50%
D. P=100%,R=0%
9. Which one of the following information is essential to determine the genetic map distance between two genes located on the same chromosome?
A. Length of the particular chromosome
B. Number of genes present in the particular chromosome
C. Number of nucleotides in the particular chromosome
D. Percentage of crossing over or recombinant frequency between the two genes.
10. An example for codominance is—
A. eye colour in Drosophila
B. seed shape and colour in plants
C. AB blood group in man
D. haemophilia in man
11. The nuclear structure observed by Henkings in 50% of the insect sperm after spermatogenesis was—
A. X body
B. Autosome
C. Y chromosome
D. nucleolus
12. Physical association of genes on a chromosome is called-
A. Repulsion
B. Linkage
C. Aneuploidy
D. Duplication
13. Which of the following conditions correctly describes the manner of determining the sex in the given example?
A. Homozygous sex chromosome XX produces male in Drosophila.
B. XO type of sex determines male sex in grasshopper.
C. Homozygous sex chromosome ZZ determines female sex in birds.
D. XO condition in human as found in Klinefelter’s syndrome determines female sex.
14. Identify the wrong statement.
A. Alleles b and c also produce sugar.
B. Alleles IA and IB produce sugars.
C. When IB and b or i are present IB is expressed.
D. Both IA and IB are present together and they express because of co-dominance.
15. Double lines in pedigree analysis show—
A. unaffected offspring
B. sex unspecified
C. normal mating
D. consanguineous marriage
16. Sickle cell anaemia results due to mutation caused by—
A. Substitution
B. Insertion
C. Deletion
D. duplication
17. Down‘s syndrome is characterised by—
A. 19 tirsomy
B. 21 trisomy
C. only one X chromosome
D. two X and one Y chromosome
18. If a genotype consists of different types of alleles, it is called-
A. Homozygous
B. Heterozygous
C. Monoallelic
D. uniallelic
19. A donor having blood group AB can safely donate red blood cells to recipients having blood group type-
A. A and AB
B. B and AB
C. AB only
D. O only
20. During the experiments, Mendel called genes by the term-
A. traits
B. characters
C. factors
D. qualifies
21. The alternative form of gene is called—
A. dominant character
B. recessive character
C. alternative genes
D. allele
22. The experimental material in Mendel‘s experiment was—
A. Pisum sativum
B. Oryza safiva
C. Mirabilis jolapa
D. none of these
23. The chromosomal theory of linkage was contributed by—
A. Morgan
B. Punnett
C. Bateson
D. Boveri
24. Sickle cell anaemia, a hereditary disease was first described by—
A. Jame B. Herrick
B. William Harvey
C. Carl Landsteiner
D. J. Priestley.
25. Arrangement of sex chromosomes in Klinefelter’s syndrome is-—
26. Haemophilia disease in man is linked with-
A. Autosomes
B. Y chromosome
C. chromosome 21
D. X chromosome
27. A and B antigens are not found in which of the following blood group?
B. A
C. O
D. B
28. Mendel selected Pisum sativum for his experimental investigations among various plants available in the Monastery garden. Which of the following can be a reason for this?
A. It has a short life cycle
B. It has distinctive, contrasting traits like tall and dwarf plant.
C. It easily undergoes self pollination
D. All of these
29. In Mendel’s experiments with garden pea, round seed shaped (RR) was dominant over wrinkled seed (rr), yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon (yy). What are the expected phenotypes in the F2 generation of the cross RRYY x rryy?
A. Only wrinkled seeds with green cotyledons.
B. Only wrinkled seeds with yellow cotyledons.
C. Only round seeds with green cotyledons.
D. Round seeds with yellow cotyledons, round seeds with green cotyledons, wrinkled seeds with yellow cotyledons and wrinkled seeds with green cotyledons.
30. Conditions of a karyotype 2n+/-1 and 2n + /-2 are called
A. aneuploidy
B. polyploidy
C. autopolyploidy
D. monosomy
31. Mating of an organism to double recessive in order to determine whether it is homozygous or heterozygous for a character under consideration is called—
A. reciprocal cross
B. test cross
C. dihybrid cross
D. back cross
32. Inheritance of ABO blood grouping is an example of—
A. Dominance
B. Condominance
C. incomplete dominance
D. both (a) and (b)
33. ‘X0’ type of heterogametic males are seen in—
A. Grasshoppers
B. Birds
C. Drosophila
D. humans
34. Genes for cytoplasmic male sterility in plants are generally located in—
A. nuclear genome
B. mitochondrial genome
C. chloroplast genome
D. cytosol
35. Distance between the genes and percentage of recombination show—
A. a direct relationship
B. an inverse relationship
C. a parallel relationship
D. no relationship
36. If blood group of parents are ‘AB’ and ‘0’, then blood group of the offspring cannot be—
B. 0
C. A and B
D. Both (a) and (b)
37. Which of the following is genotypic ratio of Mendel’s monohybrid cross?
A. 1:3
B. 3:1
C. 1:2:1
D. 1:1:1:1
38. A pure breeding plant with red dot on leaves was crossed with pure breeding white dotted plants. The heterozygotes have both red and white dots. On self-pollination of F1, what fraction of plants show both red and white dots on leaves –
A. ½
B. ¼
C. 2/3
D. ¾
39. Among the following character, which one was not considered by Mendel in his experiment on pea?
A. Stem-Tall or Dwarf
B. Trichomes-Glandular or non-glandular
C. Seed-Green or Yellow
D. Pod—Inflated or Constricted
40. Homozygous pure lines in cattle can be obtained by-
A. mating of related individuals of same breed.
B. mating of unrelated individuals of same breed.
C. mating of individuals of different breed.
D. mating of individuals of different species.
41. The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are IAIB and |Ai—
Among the blood types of their children, how many different genotypes and phenotypes are possible?
A. 3 genotypes; 3 phenotypes
B. 3 genotypes; 4 phenotypes
C. 4 genotypes; 3 phenotypes
D. 4 genotypes; 4 phenotypes
42. Thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia are caused due to a problem in globin molecule synthesis. Select the correct statement.
A. Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin chain synthesis.
B. Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin chain synthesis.
C. Thalassemia is due to less synthesis of globin molecules.
D. Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative problem of globin molecules.
43. If a colour-blind man marries a woman who is homozygous for normal colour vision, the probability of their son being colour-blind is—
A. 0
B. 0.5
C. 0.75
D. 1
44. Pick out the correct statements.
(1) Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disease
(2) Down’s syndrome is due to aneuploidy.
(3) Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive gene disorder
(4) Sickle cell anaemia is an X-linked recessive gene disorder.
A. (1), (3) and (4) are correct.
B. (1), (2) and (3) are correct.
C. (1) and (4) are correct.
D. (2) and (4) are correct
45. Which of the following most appropriately describes haemophilia?
A. Chromosomal disorder
B. Dominant gene disorder
C. Recessive gene disorder
D. X-linked recessive gene disorder
46. In a test cross involving F1 dihydrid flies, more parental type offspring were produced than the recombinat-type offspring. This indicates-
A. the two genes are linked and present on the same chromosome
B. both of the characters are controlled by more than one gene
C. the two genes are located on two different chromosomes
D. chromosomes failed to separate during meiosis.
47. A tall true breeding garden pea plant is crossed with a dwarf true breeding garden pea plant. When the F1 plants were selfed the resulting genotypes were in the ratio of-
A. 3 : 1 :: Tall : Dwarf
B. 3 : 1 :: Dwarf : Tall
C. 1 : 2 : 1 : : Tall homozygous :Tall heterozygous : Dwarf
D. 1 :2 : 1 : : Tall heterozygous : Tall homozygous : Dwarf
48. If ‘A‘ represents the dominant gene and ‘a’ represent its recessive allele, which of the following would be the most likely result in the first generation offspring when Aa is crossed with aa?
A. All will exhibit dominant phenotype
B. All will exhibit recessive phenotype
C. Dominant and recessive phenotypes will be 50% each.
D. Dominant phenotype will be 75%
49. If both parents are carriers for thalassaemia, which is an autosomal recessive disorder, what are the chances of pregnancy resulting in an affected child?
A. 25%
B. 100%
C. No chance
D. 50%
50. Two pink flowered snapdragon plants (Rr) are self-pollinated. The probability of the off springs to have white flowers are-
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 2.5%
51. When Mendel self-hybridised the F1 plants of genotype RrYy, in the F2 generation the yellow and green colour segregated in the ratio—
A. 1:2:1
B. 1:3:1
C. 9:3:3:1
D. 1:1
52. Identify the scientists from the hints given below—
1. They used chromosome movement to explain Mendel’s law.
2. They noted that the behaviour of chromosome was parallel to the behaviour of genes.
A. Morgan and Correns
B. De Vries and Boveri
C. Bridges and Correns
D. Sutton and Boveri
53. Which among these are correctly matched?
(i) Down’s syndrome—trisomy 21
(ii) Klinefelter‘s syndrome—45, XO
(iii) Turner’s syndrome —47, XXY
A. (ii) and (iii)
B. only (i) only
C. (i) and (ii) only
D. (iii) only
54. How many different types of gametes are produced, if the genotype of a plant is AABB?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 1
D. 2
55. Which of the following disorder is caused by autosomal aneuploidy?
A. Down’s syndrome
B. Haemophilia
C. Sickle cell anemia
D. Phenylketonuria