Geology Previous Year Question Papers
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Previous Year Question Papers on Geology
1. Among these which formation is highly fossiliferous ?
(1) Lathi Formation
(2) Pariwar Formation
(3) Jaisalmer Formation
(4) Baisakhi Formation
2. Bentonite deposits of Barmer district are associated with
(1) Fatehgarh Formation
(2) Akli Formation
(3) Barmer Formation
(4) Kapurdi Formation
3. Which district of Rajasthan State is bearing Red soil ?
(1) Jaisalmer
(2) Ganganagar
(3) Jaipur
(4) Banswara
4. Girujan clays belongs to Tertiary Formation of
(1) Kachchh
(2) Trivendram
(3) Assam
(4) Pondicherry
5. How many years ago development of Eukaryotes took place ?
(1) 1600 million years ago
(2) 2600 million years ago
(3) 8600 million years ago
(4) 600 million years ago
6. Who coined the term ‘evolution’ in the context of life ?
(1) Charles Darwin
(2) Herbert Spencer
(3) Buffon
(4) Empedocles
7. First mass extinction happened in which period ?
(1) Cambrian
(2) Ordovician
(3) Silurian
(4) Devonian
8. Species with a narrow tolerance range of salt is called
(1) Euryhaline
(2) Stenohalilne
(3) Hypersaline
(4) None of these
9. Which type of ecosystem is formed by Estuaries ?
(1) Fresh water
(2) Marine ecosystem
(3) Brackish water
(4) Grassland ecosystem
10. What was the size of genus Hyracotherium ?
(1) Equal to Donkey
(2) Equal to Wolf
(3) Equal to Dog
(4) Equal to Cat
11. What is the age of horse genus Mesohippus ?
(1) Oligocene
(2) Miocene
(3) Pliocene
(4) Eocene
12. A genus which forms main line of proboscidean evolution and appeared in Oligocene. And continued upto Pleistocene time is
(1) Elephas
(2) Phiomia
(3) Mastodon
(4) Trilophodon
13. Among these which one is an ancestor of both apes and modern man ?
(1) Pithacanthropus
(2) Eoanthropus
(3) Stnanthropus
(4) Dryopithecus
14. Among these which human ancestor represents Neolithic culture ?
(1) Homo sapiens sapiens
(2) Homo sapiens fossalis
(3) Homo neantherthalensis
(4) Homo rhodesiensis
15. Among these which group is not related to nannoplanktons ?
(1) Coccoliths
(2) Discoasters
(3) Diatems
(4) Nannoconids
16. What is age of conodonts ?
(1) Cambrian to Devonian
(2) Upper Precambrian to Triassic
(3) Ordovician to Triassic
(4) Palaeozoic
17. What type of aperture is present in a foraminiferal genus Lenticulina ?
(1) Radiate
(2) Rounded
(3) Hooded
(4) Arcuate
18. Which group of fossils bears line of concrescence ?
(1) Bivalvia
(2) Ostracoda
(3) Brachiopoda
(4) Trilobita
19. Partly crystallized inner lamella are present in which of the following ?
(1) Brachiopoda
(2) Bivalvia
(3) Gastropoda
(4) Ostracoda
20. What is age of Palaeocopid ostracods ?
(1) Lower Ordovician to Middle Permian
(2) Late Cambrian to Devonian
(3) Cambrian to Ordovician
(4) Lower Ordovician to Recent
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21. Reproductive unit of non-flowering plants is known as
(1) Pre-pollens
(2) Pollens
(3) Spores
(4) None of these
22. Which genus of Brachiopods has dorsal valve concave and ventral valve very convex ?
{1) Spirifer
(2) Athyris
(3) Producius
(4) Rhynchonella
23. Bivalves beak facing anteriorly is termed as
(1) Orthogyral
(2) Prosogyral
(3) Opisthogyral
(4) None of these
24. Bivalves bearing two identical lateral teeth are classified as
(1) Taxmodont
(2) Sodont
(3) Desmodont
(4) Dysodont
25. Which gastropods have biconical form, which is widest in middle ?
(1) Fusus
(2) Conus
(3) Oliva
(4) Trochus
26. Last whorl of the shell of gastropods covering completely all previous whorls is termed as
(1) Evolute
(2) Involute
(3) Convolute
(4) Advolute
27. Suture forming lobes and saddles, where lobes are further crenulated are known as
(1) Ceratitic
(2) Gontatitic
(3) Ammonitic
(4) Nautilitic
28. What is age of Ammonoids ?
(1) Cambrian to Cretaceous
(2) Ordovician to Cretaceous
(3) Devonian to Triassic
(4) Ordovician to Jurassic
29. Facial suture in Trilobite originating from anterior of glabella and ending in front of genal angle is known as
(1) Protcparian
(2) Opisthoparian
(3) Gonatoparian
(4) Proparian
30. Telson is related to
(1) Cephalon
(2) Thorax
(3) Pygidium
(4) Pleuron
31. Echinoid with radially symmetrical test is called
(1) Regular
(2) Regular and endocyclic
(3) Exocyclic
(4) Endocyclic
32. What is Corona in Echinoids test ?
(1) Ambulactral plates
(2) Interambulacral plates
(3) Ambulacral and Interambulacral area
(4) Occulogenital system
33. A morphological term ‘virgella’ is associated with
(1) Graptolites
(2) Trilobites
(3) Corals
(4) Echinoids
34. Corals have a cup-like depression on which the polyp rests is known as
(1) Corallite
(2) Corallum
(3) Septa
(4) Calyx
35. Which method of mineral exploration cannot be performed without physical contact with the ground ?
(1) Magnetic
(2) Gamma-ray
(3) Seismic reflection
(4) Gravity
36. Generally all geologically Important magnetic minerals lose their magnetic properties at about ___________ temperature.
(1) 600 °C
(2) 400 °C
(3) 200 °C
(4) 100°C
37. The ore that is formed by ascending solutions is called
(1) Supergene
(2) Hypogene
(3) Epigenetic
(4) Syngenetic
38. Which are the common pathfinder elements in Geochemical Exploration for Platinum-Palladium in mafic-ultramafic rocks ?
(1) Hg, Zn
(2) Rn, Cu, Bi, As
(3) Mn, Mo, Au, Te
(4) Cu-Ni-Cr-Pd
39. Gamma-ray Radiometric exploration method is not useful for
(1) Thorium
(2) Uranium
(3) Sulfide ore
(4) Radium
40. In Zawar area, Silver is present as minute native flakes associated with
(1) Sphalerite
(2) Galena
(3) Arsenopyrite
(4) Chalcopyrite
41. What is age of Malanjkhand copper deposit according to Rb-Sr method ?
(1) 2270 and 2458 M. Y.
(2) 2700 and 2858 M. Y.
(3) 2970 and 3000 M. Y.
(4) 1800 and 2000 M. Y.
42. What is host rock for Pb-Zn deposit in Rajpura-Dariba Mine ?
(1) Only calc-silicate rocks
(2) Calc-silicate rocks and the graphite mica-schist
(3) Only the graphite mica-schist
(4) Dolomite
43. The stromatolitic phosphate-bearing bed in Jhamarkotra mine is hosted in rocks of ____
(1) Lower Aravalli age
(2) Middle Aravalli age
(3) Upper Aravalli age
(4) Banded Gneissic Complex age
44. Chromite deposits are usually associated with
(1) Kimberlite
(2) Syenite
(3) Granite
(4) Peridotite
45. Choose the correct combination of ore and location of its deposit.
(1) Iron — Malanjkhand
(2) Emerald — Panna
(3) Diamond — Majhagawan
(4) Copper — Kayad
46. Which of the following deposits is a product of residual weathering process ?
(1) Banded iron ore
(2) Porphyry copper
(3) Bauxite
(4) Placer gold
47. In which of the following localities lignite does not occur ?
(1) Phalsund
(2) Thumbli
(3) Barsingsar
(4) Kasnau
48. Commercial deposits of monazite in India occur in :
(1) Beach placer
(2) River placer
(3) Vein deposits
(4) Disseminated deposit
49. Large deposits oof marine manganese nodules are usually found in :
(1) Continental shelf
(2) Abyssal plain
(3) Beach sand
(4) Coral reef
50. Potash deposits reported from which district of Rajasthan state ?
(1) Jhunjhunun
(2) Jaisalmer
(3) Barmer
(4) Hanumangarh