CDS History Questions
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Questions on History for CDS Exam
1. Who among the following historians has characterised the Bijapur state as ‘feudal’ ?
(A) M.A. Nayeem
(B) J.F. Richards
(C) Richard Eaton
(D) Salma Farouqui
2. Battered walls are a distinctive feature of the architecture of the …………………….. .
(A) Tughlaqs
(B) Sayyids
(C) Lodis
(D) Jaunpur
3. Mica decoration on the outside of monuments are typical of the ……… period of Sultanate architecture.
(A) Khalji
(B) Tughlaq
(C) Sayyid
(D) Lodi
4. In the Nur Jahan Junta, there was a core of ………………. members.
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Five
5. Who among the following is known as ‘dayad’ in the Maratha polity ?
(A) Watandar
(B) Jagirdar
(C) Mirasdar
(D) Saranjamdar
6. The Amalguzar or revenue collector was incharge of …………………… .
(A) Subah
(B) Sarkar
(C) Pargana
(D) Village
7. Which of the following buildings was not constructed by Akbar at Fatehpur Sikri ?
(A) Jodhabai’s palace
(B) Moti Masjid
(C) Turkish Sultana’s palace
(D) Panch Mahal
8. What was ijara ?
(A) The system of revenue farming
(B) The tax to be paid on entry into a market town
(C) The tax to be paid when re-shipping goods from a port
(D) The system of share-cropping
9. What do the words eri, srota, kinaru and vapi have in common ?
(A) All refer to guilds of merchants
(B) All refer to different kinds of irrigation sources
(C) All refer to different kinds of cloth
(D) All refer to dyes
10. The three most important items of trade in the intra-Asian network were …………………… .
(A) Silk, cotton cloth and pepper
(B) Gold, silver and horses
(C) Cotton cloth, pepper and horses
(D) Pepper, silk and horses
11. The art of Bidriware is traced to the patronage and the facilities provided by ……………………… .
(A) Feroz Shah Bahmani
(B) Ibrahim Adil Shah
(C) Mahmud Gawan
(D) Malik Ambar
12. With which Raja did Pilaji Rao Gaikwad establish contact, to get safe bases inside Gujarat ?
(A) The Raja of Rajpipla
(B) The Jadeja rulers of Saurashtra
(C) Kadam Bande of Khandesh
(D) The Raja of Ramnagar
13. What do the words bhandarvada and muamala have in common ?
(A) Both are names of taxes on land
(B) Both refer to methods of assessment
(C) Both are methods of collection
(D) Both are words meaning crown land
14. Pits and vats located at Kalpi, Sangamner, Zafrabad, Khuldabad & Erandol are associated with ………. .
(A) Glass Manufacture
(B) Indigo
(C) Paper
(D) Saltpetre
15. Who was the first Indian ruler to welcome Vasco-da-Gama ?
(A) Jahangir
(B) Chanda Saheb
(C) Zamorin
(D) Muzaffar Jung
16. The immediate successor of Clive was ………………………… .
(A) Verelst
(B) Cartier
(C) Warren Hastings
(D) Philip Francis
17. The battle of Biderra was fought between ………………………… .
(A) The English and the French
(B) The English and the Dutch
(C) The English and the Portuguese
(D) The French and Nawab’s Army
18. Who was known as ‘Colonel Clive’s Jackal’ in the eighteenth Century India ?
(A) Amichand
(B) Jagat Seth
(C) Mir Jafar
(D) Mir Qasim
19. The ‘Black Hole’ was famous as :
(A) Residence of Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula
(B) Important residence for Royal family
(C) Entrance name of Port William
(D) Tiny prison cell
20. In March 1757, the British conquered this French Colony in India :
(A) Pondicherry
(B) Chandernagore
(C) Mahe
(D) Karikal
More History Questions for Preparation
21. This Act broke the trade monopoly of the East India Company and opened Indian Trade to all British Merchants :
(A) Pitts India Act, 1784
(B) Regulating Act, 1793
(C) Charter Act, 1813
(D) Charter Act, 1815
22. Which of the following Governor Generals introduced the Laissez Faire policy of trade ?
(A) Lord Cornwallis
(B) Mountstuart Elphinstone
(C) Lord Hastings
(D) Lord Dalhousie
23. Name the first anthropologist who used the term ‘‘Dravidian’’ to denote the South Indian people :
(A) Dr. S. K. Chatterji
(B) Dr. B. S. Guha
(C) Sir Herbert Risley
(D) Bishop Caldwell
24. What revenue system did Elphinstone introduce in Bombay Presidency ?
(A) he permanent settlement
(B) Ryotwari system
(C) Mahalwari system
(D) Talukdari system
25. H. T. Princep was associated with :
(A) Legal Codification
(B) Army Reforms
(C) Orientalist Education
(D) Anglicist Education
26. Under which Charter Act was the Law Commission set up in India ?
(A) Charter Act of 1793
(B) Charter Act of 1813
(C) Charter Act of 1833
(D) Charter Act of 1853
27. Benign aspects of colonialism can be seen from the example of this person, who learnt the basics of science in the service of Sir John Malcolm and wrote a tract called Rasayanashastra :
(A) Erloo Bin Narayan
(B) Shripati Sheshadri
(C) Gangaram Tambat
(D) Ramji Bin Ganoji Chowgule
28. What was the Rahnumai Mazdyasan Sabha ?
(A) Parsee Sports Club
(B) Faction of the Parsee Panchayat
(C) Parsee Social Reform Organisation
(D) Parsee Charitable Hospital
29. This cult founded by Karram Shah in the Garo Hill region revolted against the Jamindars advocating the rights of the rent farmers :
(A) Faraizi
(B) Pagalpanthi
(C) Khasi
(D) Naga
30. This Secretary of the Bombay Native Education and School Book Society founded The Engineer Institution in Mumbai in 1823 :
(A) John Briggs
(B) Colonel Pottinger
(C) Captain Jervis
(D) Major Candy
31. This famine in Nineteenth Century India was described as a ‘Sea of Calamity’.
(A) Rajputana 1868-69
(B) Madras 1866-67
(C) Bengal 1860-61
(D) Orissa 1866-67
32. Just before the revolt of 1857, the highest post an Indian could occupy in the military was the Subhedar. The highest civil administrative post that an Indian could occupy was :
(A) Sadr Amin
(B) Taluqdar
(C) Mamlatdar
(D) Kanungo
33. They started a night school for mill workers and domestic workers in 1873 :
(A) Prarthana Samaj
(B) Bombay Association
(C) East India Association
(D) Satyashodhak Samaj
34. Mahatma Gandhi described ………..‘s death as ‘the setting of a great planet from India’s solar system.’
(A) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(B) B. G. Tilak
(C) Lala Lajpat Rai
(D) Bipin Chandra Pal
35. In his autobiography, Mahatma Gandhi has written a chapter entitled ‘The Magic Spell of a Book’, which refers to …………
(A) Bhagawadgeeta
(B) Tulsi Ramayana
(C) Unto This Last
(D) War and Peace
36. C. N. Mudaliyar was associated with :
(A) Ezhava movement
(B) Justice movement
(C) Nair movement
(D) Nadar movement
37. This fearless lady gave up her life on 1st April 1940 in Srikakulam for protecting the forest rights of the peasants :
(A) Veera Gunnamma
(B) Ambujammal
(C) Janaki Ammal
(D) Krishnammal Jagannathan
38. Which Indian painter was given the honour of illustrating the original version of the Indian Constitution ?
(A) Ramkinkkar Baij
(B) Vinod Behari Mohan
(C) Nandlal Bose
(D) Abanindranath Tagore
39. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar dedicated one of his scholarly works to his wife, Ramabai. Which was this book ?
(A) States and Minorities in India
(B) Annihilation of Caste
(C) Buddha and His Dhamma
(D) Pakistan or The Partition of India
40. What is the major issue dealt with in Baba Padmanji’s novel ‘Yamuna Paryatan’ ?
(A) Colonial Rule
(B) Difficulties in Travelling
(C) Life of Widowhood
(D) Blind Faith
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41. What was Tahzeeb ul Akhlaq ?
(A) Principles of Deoband Islam
(B) Islamic School
(C) Association of Progressives
(D) Journal
42. This work by Mukundrao Patil was a satire depicting the injustices perpetrated by the hereditary village officials :
(A) Shetji Pratap
(B) Kulkarni Leelamrut
(C) Dhaddhashastri Paranne
(D) Deenmitra
43. Episodes from Krishna’s life were popular themes in …………………. .
(A) Baramahi paintings
(B) Deccani paintings
(C) Rajput Ragamala paintings
(D) Mughal miniatures
44. One of the main contribution of Church historiography is the concept of :
(A) Institutional history
(B) Local history
(C) Religious history
(D) Universal history
45. The term ‘Toponymy’ signifies the study of :
(A) Place Names
(B) Currency Names
(C) Paper used in writing Manuscripts
(D) Ink used in writing Manuscripts
46. The title of Varman was adopted by the kings of…………………… .
(A) Samatta
(B) Gauda
(C) Kamrupa
(D) Punjab
47. Who among the following used the phrase ‘Altekarian paradigm’ ?
(A) Maitreyi Krishnaraj and Neera Desai
(B) Uma Chakravarti and Kumkum Roy
(C) Kumkum Sangari and Lata Mani
(D) Meenakshi Thapan and V. Geetha
48. Which of the following is not an absolute dating method ?
(A) Palaeomagnetic method
(B) C-14 dating method
(C) Thermoluminescence method
(D) Stratigraphy
49. Paleobotany is the study of :
(A) Ancient monuments
(B) Ancient plant remains
(C) Ancient coins
(D) Ancient writings
50. ………………. is one of the significant archaeological sites which throws light on the Chalcolithic culture of Maharashtra.
(A) Patne
(B) Inamgaon
(C) Morgaon
(D) Nagardhan