Transformation of Sentences Worksheet with Answers for Class 8
Worksheet on Sentence Transformation for Class 8
1. The poetry of earth is never dead. (Turn into an Affirmative sentence)
2. I do not smoke for one week and I send you this money. (Make it Simple & Complex)
3. One should always do what is most needful. (Rewrite as a Simple sentence)
4. She would forget our brief encounter. (Make it Complex)
5. The very houses seem asleep. (Use the adverb form of ‘seem’)
6. We are proud of our country. (Use the noun form of ‘proud’)
7. How angry she became! (Assertive)
8. His company made her supremely happy. (Begin with ‘She’)
9. But I knew she more slippers. (Make it Compound)
10. The Tsar agreed with none of them. (Turn into a Negative sentence)
11. He seemed to be unconscious of the presence of anyone else. (Use the adjective form of ‘presence’)
12. Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection. (Turn into a negative sentence)
13. The woman did not ask the boy anything that would embarrass him. (Make it Simple)
14. I want to become a teacher. (Question)
15. Somebody wildly suggested dynamite. (Use the noun and adjective forms of ‘wildly”)
16. Even if a mother could forget her child I will not forget you. (Make it Simple & Compound)
17. Wouldn’t I make a nice drummer? (Make it Assertive)
18. There he tasted the first sweet joys of liberty in the shape of a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine. (Begin with The shape of….)
19. October is the best time. (Change into Positive degree)
20. Only boys can play this game. (Use ‘none but’)
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21. Thou art more lovely and more temperate than summer. (Change into Positive degree)
22. Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection. (Turn into a Negative sentence)
23. It was a rainy day and so we could not go to the market. (Simple & Complex)
24. He would find the people very sociable. (Use the noun form of ‘sociable”)
25. Then the door banged and the world was shut out again. (Change into a simple sentence)
26. When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread. (Make it Simple & Compound)
27. It is a great surprise. (Exclamatory)
28. He never showed any sign of eagerness to talk to the English as most Indians did. (Make it Simple & Compound)
29. She left the door open. (Make it negative)
30. No other thing in the world is as great as love. (Comparative)
31. The poor people are very great people. (Make it Negative)
32. Pritam is as stupid as his sister. (Comparative)
33. Sir Mohan decided to welcome them. (Use the noun form of ‘decided’)
34. Few girls can resist flattery. (Change into a complex sentence)
35. We are certain to come. (adverb from)
36. Mine was a very secure childhood. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)
37. Mrs Jones got up and went behind the screen. (Change into a simple sentence)
38. The water dripping from his face, the boy looked at her. (Change to complex)
39. Socially he was also a success and made many friends. (Make it Simple & Complex)
40. The yellow half moon is large and low. (Make it Complex)
41. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Turn into an Assertive sentence)
42. The old banker sprang to the handle and tugged at it for a moment. (Make it Simple & Complex)
43. What a hot day it is! (Assertive)
44. Sidda had to drop any work he might be doing. (Replace ‘had’ with ‘made’)
45. It’s cold and I’m trembling all over. (Turn into Simple)
46. When it is possible for schools to take students out to play football matches it should not be impossible to take them to museums and picture galleries. (Make it Simple & Compound)
47. She bent down enough to permit him to stoop and pick up her purse. (Change into a Complex sentence)
48. Mr Sivasanker subjected him to a scrutiny. (Use the verb as adjective)
49. This is the best time. (Use the positive degree of best)
50. Earth has not anything to show more fair. (Rewrite in Superlative and Positive degree)
1. The poetry of earth is always alive.
2. I send you this money by not smoking for one week. (Simple) / I do not smoke for one week so that I may send you this money. (Complex)
3. One should always do the most needful.
4. She would forget our encounter which was brief.
5. The very houses are seemingly asleep.
6. We take pride in our country.
7. She became very angry.
8. She was made supremely happy with his company.
9. She wore slippers and I knew it.
10. The Tsar did not agree with any of them.
11. He seemed to be unconscious that anyone else was present.
12. Doesn’t adversity always present opportunities for introspection?
13. The woman did not ask the boy anything to prevent him from embarrassment.
14. Do want to become a teacher ?
15. Somebody suggested dynamite in wildness. (noun) / Somebody got wild and suggested dynamite. (adjective)
16. Inspite of a mother’s forgetting her child, I will not forget you. (Simple) / Even a mother could forget her child but I will not forget you. (Compound)
17. I would make a nice drummer.
18. The shape of a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine was his taste for the first sweet joys of liberty there.
19. No other time is as good as October.
20. None but boys can play this game.
21. Summer is not as lovely and temperate as you.
22. Adversity never stops presenting opportunities for introspection.
23. It being a rainy day we could not go to the market. (simple) As it was a rainy day we could not go to the market. (complex)
24. He would find the people having great sociability.
25. Then the door having banged, the world was shut out again.
26. Picking up a hungry person from the street, I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread. (Simple) / I pick up a hungry person from the street and I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread. (Compound)
27. What a great surprise!
28. He never showed any sign of eagerness to talk to the English unlike most Indians. (Simple) / He never showed any sign of eagerness to talk to the English but most Indians did. (Compound)
29. She did not close the door.
30. Love is greater than any other thing in the world.
31. The poor people are not very mean people.
32. Pritam’s sister is not more stupid than him.
33. Sir Mohan took the decision to welcome them.
34. There are few girls who can resist flattery.
35. We will certainly come.
36. Mine was not a bit insecure childhood.
37. Getting up Mrs Jones went behind the screen.
38. When the water was dripping from his face the boy are looked at her.
39. Being successful socially also, he made many friends. (Simple) / As he was also a success socially, he made many friends. (Complex)
40. The half moon which is yellow in colour, is large and low.
41. I wonder whether I should compare thee to a summer’s day.
42. The old banker, springing to the handle, tugged at it for a moment. (Simple) / Springing to the handle, the banker who was old tugged at it for a moment. (Complex)
43. It is a very hot day.
44. Sidda was made to drop any work he might be doing.
45. It is being cold, I’m trembling all over.
46. Just like schools can take students out to play football matches and it should not be impossible to take them to museums and picture galleries. (Simple) / It is possible for schools to take students out to play football matches so it should not be impossible to take them to museums and picture galleries. (Compound)
47. He and the woman had company.
48. Mr Sivasanker made him subject to a scrutiny.
49. No other time is as good as this.
50. This is the fairest thing that the Earth can show. (Superlative) / There is nothing as fair as this that the Earth can show. (Positive)