Forensic Medicine Sample Question
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Sample Question on Forensic Medicine
1. Normal concentration of carbon dioxide in air is
(1) 0.04%
(2) 0.4%
(3) 4%
(4) 0.004%
2. Mechanism of action of hydrocyanic acid is
(1) Asphyxia at tissue level
(2) Prolongs diastolic period of heart
(3) Circulatory fatlure
(4) All
3. Warning notice may be issued to a doctor for
(1) Contributory negligence
(2) Professional negligence
(3) Professional misconduct
(4) Vicarious liability
4. Euthanasia has been Iegalized the following countries except :
(1) Netherlands
(2) Belgium
(3) United States of America
(4) Switzerland
5. Following are limitations of contributory negligence, except
(1) Last clear chance doctrine
(2) Therapeutic misadventure
(3) Avoidable consequences tule
(4) Error of judgement
6. Professional death sentence refers to
(1) Warning notice issued to the doctor
(2) Capital punishment
(3) Penal erasure
(4) Death of the medical practitioner
7. Consent is legally defined in
(1) Indian Evidence Act
(2) Criminal Procedure Code
(3) Indian Contract Act
(4) Indian Consent Act
8. Disciplinary control on erring medical practitioners is maintained by
(1) State Government
(2) Central Government
(3) State Medical Council
(4) National Medical Commission
9. Medical Council of India has been suppressed by
(1) Central Government
(2) Board of Governors (NMC)
(3) AIMS
(4) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (GOI)
10. In India, which is a comprehensive anti-discrimination law addressing all aspects of direct and indirect discrimination against women ?
(1) Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act
(2) There is no such law
(3) National Commission for Women Act
(4) Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act
11. Which of the following deals with the conventional laws of country between members of medical profession ?
(1) Medical etiquettes
(2) Medical ethics
(3) Legal medicine
(4) Professional code of conduct
12. Criminal responsibility in Indian constitution is included in IPC section
(1) 84
(2) 300
(3) 304
(4) None of these
13. A cognizable offence signifies
(1) Imprisonment upto 2 years
(2) Imprisonment upto 3 years + 1000 fine
(3) Arrest without warrant
(4) Only fine upto 1000
14. In case of death in lock up, the inquest is held by
(1) A police officer
(2) A Magistrate
(3) A Panchayat Officer
(4) District Attorney
15. Death of a patient due to an unintentional act by doctor, staff or hospital is
(1) Therapeutic misadventure
(2) Vicarious liability
(3) Therapeutic privilege
(4) Diminished liability
16. An arrested person can request the magistrate for a medical examination of his body by a registered medical practitioner as per the following provision in the code of criminal procedure :
(1) Section 53
(2) Section 54
(3) Section 56
(4) Section 57
17. After post mortem exam body has to be handed over to
(1) Investigating police officer
(2) Relatives of victim
(3) Magistrate
(4) The civil authorities
18. For dowry death punishment is
(1) 3 years imprisonment + 10,000
(2) 5 years imprisonment + 15,000
(3) 7 years imprisonment + 20,000
(4) 2 years imprisonment + 15,000
19. Criminal negligence is punishable under
(1) 306 IPC
(2) 376 IPC
(3) 304-IPC
(4) 304-IPC
20. Section 174 I.P.C. deals with
(1) Non-attendance in obedience to an order from public servant
(2) Inquest
(3) Murder
(4) Exhumation
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21. To differentiate Subdural Haemorrhage (SDH) from Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (SAH) at autopsy, one of the following points is helpful
(1) SDH is easily visible, while SAH is not.
(2) SAH is easily visible, while SDH is not.
(3) SAH can be easily washed off, while SDH cannot be washed off.
(4) SDH can be easily washed off, while SAH cannot be washed off.
22. The dissection of heart at autopsy is ideally done by
(1) Serial slicing of the organ vertically.
(2) Serial slicing of the organ horizontally.
(3) Cutting open the heart and origins of all major vessels along the direction of blood flow.
(4) Cutting open the chambers and blood vessels one by one.
23. For adequate post-mortem examination of brain, it is fixed by using
(1) Absolute alcohol
(2) Common salt
(3) 10% formalin
(4) 40% formalin
24. To preserve specimens, formalin is used in concentration
(1) 1%
(2) 10%
(3) 40%
(4) 70%
25. To conduct an exhumation
(1) A magistrate’s authorization is necessary.
(2) A Police Station House Officer’s authorization is necessary.
(3) A Civil Surgeon’s authorization is necessary.
(4) People in the locality can directly approach the Medical office with a request.
26. The autopsy in which the cause of death remains unknown in spite of all investigations, is referred to as
(1) Negative autopsy
(2) Paradoxical autopsy
(3) Mysterious autopsy
(4) Enigmatic autopsy
27. When a surgeon wants to send the autopsy specimen for virological examination, it should be preserved in
(1) 50% glycerine
(2) 10% formalin
(3) Rectified spirit
(4) Saturated solution of common salt
28. Preservation of brain is not required in
(1) Alkaloid poisoning
(2) Organophosphorus poisoning
(3) Volatile organic poisoning
(4) Heavy metal poisoning
29. Hydrostatic test is done in
(1) Drawing
(2) Infanticide
(3) Electrocution
(4) All
30. The term homicidal is used to describe
(1) A particular manner of death
(2) A particular cause of death
(3) A particular mechanism of death
(4) None of these
31. Which post-mortem change of the following is completely sterile ?
(1) Marbling (Arborization)
(2) Adiopocere
(3) Mummification
(4) Maceration
32. Earliest sign of death is
(1) Loss of skin elasticity
(2) Cooling of the body
(3) Post mortem lividity
(4) Tache noire
33. The term “beating heart donor” refers to
(1) An organ donor who is in persistent vegetative state
(2) Normal healthy donor
(3) Brainstem-dead donor
(4) An individual whose heart alone can be used for transportation
34. The “Rule of Twelve” is used in
(1) Estimating the onset and progress of rigor mortis
(2) Calculating the percentage of burns
(3) Calculating the post-mortem interval by rate of cooling
(4) Estimating the time of death by computer aided calculations
35. Unexpected blow to epigastrium when the stomach is full may lead to sudden death from
(1) Vagal stimulation
(2) Sympathetic stimulation
(3) Peritonitis
(4) None of these
36. The order of onset of rigormortis is
(1) Lower limb-thorax-eyelids
(2) Eyelids-thorax-lower limbs
(3) Thorax-eyelids-lower limbs
(4) Eyelids-lower limbs-thorax
37. Casper’s dictum regarding the rate of putrefaction in air : water – buried bodies, is
(1) 1:4:8
(2) 1:8:2
(3) 1:8:4
(4) 1:2:8
38. The term “post-mortem interval” refers to
(1) The time elapsed since death
(2) The interval between two consecutive autopsies
(3) The time between a terminal 3 event and death
(4) The average time taken for performing an autopsy
39. If angle of mandible is obtuse it means that the bone belongs to
(1) Adult male
(2) Adult female
(3) Young female child
(4) Elderly person
40. Female pelvis is differentiated from male pelvis by
(1) Iliac crest
(2) Preauricular sulcus well marked
(3) Preauricular sulcus less differentiated
(4) Pubic symphysis
41. Restriction enzymes are used in one of these techniques
(1) Sequencing
(2) Genotyping
(3) RFLP
(4) Polymerization
42. X-ray examination of a boy shows lower end of femur, distal ends of radius and ulna united with respective shafts. His age could be
(1) 15 years
(2) 16 years
(3) 18 years
(4) 21 years
43. Temporary canine teeth erupt at
(1) 6—7 months
(2) 11 months
(3) 18 months
(4) None of these
44. A short statured woman comes to your clinic, having webbing of the neck, cubitus valgus, chromosome number 45, chromosome pattern OX. It could be a case of
(1) Turner’s syndrome
(2) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(3) Hermaphroditism
(4) None of these
45. Monozygotic twins will have different
(1) Fingerprints
(2) DNA fingerprint
(3) Blood group
(4) Colour of the iris