Botany Model Question Papers

1. Which of the following does not develop from tap root system?
(A) Napiform root
(B) Conical root
(C) Fusiform root
(D) Moniliform root

2. Cladodes are produced by
(A) Opuntia
(B) Asparagus
(C) Cocoloba
(D) Euphorbia

3. The adventitious root system is usually
(A) surface feeder
(B) subsurface feeder
(C) deep feeder
(D) very deep feeder

4. The rootless plant is
(A) Utricularia
(B) Viscum
(C) Drosera
(D) Nepenthes

5. Diadelphous stamens are characteristic of
(A) Malvaceae
(B) Poaceae
(C) Fabaceae
(D) Brassicaceae

6. Caudex type of stem is present in
(A) coconut
(B) cocoa
(C) neem
(D) bamboo

7. Mentha produces
(A) Runner
(B) Sucker
(C) Stolon
(D) offset

8. Hydrophily occurs in
(A) Vallisnena
(B) Poinsettia
(C) Bombax
(D) Salvia

9. Thorns are
(A) modified stem structures
(B) modified leaf parts
(C) superficial outgrowths of stem
(D) hard and stiff plant parts

10. In dichogamy
(A) anthers are sterile whereas ovules are fertile
(B) ovules are sterile whereas anthers are fertile
(C) pollen and stigma of the flower mature at different times
(D) pollen and stigma of the flower mature at the same time

11. Endosperm of angiosperms results after fertilization from
(A) Synergids
(B) secondary nucleus
(C) antipodal cells
(D) egg

12. The mode of arrangement of leaves on the stem and its branches is called
(A) Phyllode
(B) Phyllotaxy
(C) Cladode
(D) phylloclade

13. Verticillaster inflorescence is found in
(A) Amaranthus
(B) Achyranthus
(C) Acalypha
(D) sacred basil

14. The rose is
(A) Hypogynous
(B) Perigynous
(C) Epigynous
(D) half-perigynous

15. Seeds in a mature ovary are developed from
(A) Embryo
(B) embryo sac
(C) ovule
(D) endosperm

16. Self-pollination in flowers which never open up in its life span is known as
(A) Autogamy
(B) Homogamy
(C) Cleistogamy
(D) allogamy

17. In pomegranate, the fruit is known as
(A) Balausta
(B) Pepo
(C) Amphisarca
(D) hesperidium

18. The cell theory was proposed by
(A) Schleiden and Schwann
(B) Darwin and Wallace
(C) Mendel and Morgan
(D) Watson and Crick

19. Ribosomes are centre for
(A) Respiration
(B) protein synthesis
(C) photosynthesis
(D) lipid synthesis

20. Tonoplast is a differentially permeable membrane that encloses the
(A) Cytoplasm
(B) Nucleus
(C) Vacuole
(D) mitochondria

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21. Beauty of Bougainvillea flower is because of
(A) Calyxes
(B) Bracts
(C) sepals
(D) petals

22. Endosperm is absent in the seeds of
(A) Gram
(B) Cumin
(C) Orchid
(D) castor

23. The ‘eyes’ of potato tubers are
(A) shoot buds
(B) flower buds
(C) root buds
(D) axillary buds

24. The plant with most durable wood is
(A) Hollong
(B) Sissoo
(C) Sal
(D) teak

25. Cork tissue arises from
(A) Periderm
(B) Phellogen
(C) Phelloderm
(D) phellem

26. Medullary rays are made up of
(A) parenchymatous cells
(B) sclerenchymatous cells
(C) fibres
(D) collenchymatous cells

27. Growth rings are formed by the activity of
(A) Cambium
(B) phloem
(C) xylem
(D) both phloem and xylem

28. The layer of cells between endodermis and vascular bundles is called
(A) Hypodermis
(B) Cortex
(C) Pith
(D) pericycle

29. Aerenchyma is found in
(A) Lithophytes
(B) sciophytes
(C) hydrophytes
(D) xerophytes

30. Quiescent centre is associated with
(A) Shoot
(B) root
(C) ground tissue
(D) epidermal tissue

31. Anomalous’ secondary growth in Boerhaavia shows
(A) formation of extrastelar cambium
(B) formation of interxylary cork
(C) formation of interxylary phloem
(D) formation of successive rings of cambia which develop either in the form of concentric rings or segments

32. Which is correct for sapwood?
(A) Tyloses are found in them
(B) They are darker in colour
(C) They are functional in conduction and storage
(D) They produce timber of commerce

33. In dicotyledonous roots
(A) pith is large and well-developed
(B) secondary growth does not occur
(C) number of vascular bundles varies from 2-6
(D) number of vascular bundles more than 6 or 8

34. Chlorella reproduces only asexually by the formation of
(A) Autospores
(B) biflagellate zoospores
(C) quadriflagellate zoospores
(D) uniflagellate zoospores

35. Chitin is a
(A) Polysaccharide
(B) nitrogenous polysaccharide
(C) lipoprotein
(D) protein

36. Volvox colonies are found in
(A) freshwater ponds
(B) salt lakes
(C) seawater
(D) spring

37. The antibiotic produced by Chlorella is known as
(A) Chloromin
(B) Chloromycetin
(C) Chlorellin
(D) chloramphenicol

38. Reticulate chloroplast with pyrenoids are present in
(A) Oedogontum
(B) Ulothnix
(C) Batrachospermum
(D) Chlorella

39. Which of the following is a prokaryotic alga?
(A) Polysiphonia
(B) Cladophora
(C) Anabaena
(D) Ectocarpus

40. An example of colonial coenocytic alga is
(A) Spirogyra
(B) Oedogontum
(C) Hydrodictyon
(D) Volvox

41. Oogamous mode of reproduction is seen in
(A) Ulothrix
(B) Cladophora
(C) Chlorella
(D) Vauchera

42. Pyrenoids are
(A) starch bodies surrounded by protein grains
(B) starch bodies surrounded by oil droplets
(C) protein bodies surrounded by oil droplets
(D) protein bodies surrounded by starch plates

43. Reserve food ‘floridean starch’ is found in
(A) Chlamydomonas
(B) Polysiphonia
(C) Chara
(D) Vaucheria

44. Polysiphonia exhibits a special kind of alternation of generations which is called
(A) isomorphic
(B) haplontic
(C) diplontic
(D) triphasic

45. The cystocarp in Batrachospermum is
(A) Haploid
(B) diploid
(C) triploid
(D) polyploid

46. White rust of crucifers is caused by
(A) Puccinia
(B) Ustilago
(C) Cystocarp
(D) Peziza

47. Clamp connection is common in
(A) Ascomycetes
(B) Basidiomycetes
(C) Phycomycetes
(D) Deuteromycetes

48. The term ‘mycorrhiza’ was coined by
(A) Frank
(B) Beijerinck
(C) Campbell
(D) Ivanovsky

49. In lichen, the type of symbiotic process is known as
(A) heliotism
(B) symbiotism
(C) halotrophy
(D) heliotrophy

50. Which of the following is used in baking of bread?
(A) Rhizopus stolonifera
(B) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(C) Claviceps
(D) Penicillium notatum