Botany Mock Test
1. Haplontic type of alternation of generation is found in
1) Chara
2) Ectocarpus
3) Enteromorpha
4) Ulva
2. Which of the following algae have nonflagellate coenobia ?
1) Eudorina
2) Pandorina
3) Pediastrum
4) Volvox
3. Algae that contain chlorophyll a and c are commonly known as :
1) Chromophyta
2) Euglenophyta
3) Dinophyta
4) Glaucophyta
4. Which of the following is a procaryotic alga which possesses chlorophyll a and b ?
1) Noctiluca
2) Nereocystis
3) Prochloron
4) Protoctista
5. Which of the following alga is a good source of bromine ?
1) Digenia
2) Gymnodinium
3) Laminaria
4) Rhodomela
6. Formation of statospores is a characteristic feature of
1) Chlorophyta Division
2) Chrysophyta Division
3) Phaeophyta Division
4) Pyrrophyta Division
7. Outer layer of cell wall is made up of algin in
1) Corallina
2) Gelidium
3) Macrocystis
4) Porphyra
8. Which of the following genera of Rhodophyta has unicellular thallus ?
1) Chondrus
2) Corallina
3) Porphyridium
4) Rhodymenia
9. Total absence of flagella is the characteristic feature of :
1) Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta
2) Chrysophyta and Chlorophyta
3) Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta
4) Rhodophyta and Cyanophyta
10. The most important alga used as food in Japan is
1) Furcellaria fastiagata
2) Gleopeltis furcate
3) Microcystis aeruginosa
4) Porphyra tenera
11. Which of the following fungal group belongs to phylum Straminopila ?
1) Ascomycota
2) Basidiomycota
3) Zygomycota
4) Oomycota
12. Identify a fungal genus from the following representing isomorphic alteration of generation :
1) Euallomyces
2) Coelomomyces
3) Blastocladiella
4) Monoblepharis
13. Which of the following fungal genera has monoplanetic zoospores ?
1) Saprolegnia
2) Albugo
3) Phytophthora
4) Albugo and Phtyophthora
14. Which of the following fungal genera is a biotroph ?
1) Peronospora
2) Puccinia
3) Erysiphe
4) All of these
15. The type of association formed by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi with plants is known as :
1) Mutualism
2) Obligate Symbiosis
3) Symbiosis
4) Commensalism
16. Which of the following characters of ” Slime Molds ” places them in fungi ?
1) Cell wall of Chitin
2) Sporulation
3) Absorptive Nutrition
4) All of these
17. Unicellular stalked teleutospores with papillar thickening is a characteristic feature of the following rust genera ?
1) Uromyces
2) Puccinia
3) Phragmidium
4) Ravenelia
18. The extended dikaryophase in Ascomycetes is represented by
1) Ascogenous hyphae
2) Somatic mycelium
3) Ascus mother cell
4) Ascogenous hyphae and Ascus mother cell
19. Which of the following zoosporic fungi has nuclear cap in its zoospores ?
1) Blastocladiella emersonii
2) Apodachlya brachynema
3) Plasmodiophora brassicae
4) Phytophthora infestans
20. Which of the following fungal genera is formed as an anaerobe in the gut of herbivorous animals ?
1) Olpidium
2) Caulochytrium
3) Neocallimastix
4) Lynomyces
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21. The clampconnections in Basidiomycetes are meant for :
1) Fast growth of mycelium
2) Cross communication with adjacent cell
3) Transfer of metabolites
4) Maintenance of dikaryophase in growing mycelium
22. Dipicolinic acid is as important and major component of
1) Endosporic gram positive bacteria
2) All gram negative bacteria
3) All gram positive bacteria
4) Actinomycetes
23. The enzyme lysozyme attacks which part of the bacterial cell wall ?
1) Bonds connecting NAM & NAG Sugar
2) Pentaglycine bridge
3) Both NAM & NAG bonds and Pentaglycine bridge
4) Amino acid chain
24. Cyanobacteria are known to possess which of the following pigment molecules different from normal chlorophyll ?
1) Pheophytin
2) Phycobilins
3) Xantophylls
4) All of these
25. Archaea are different from other bacteria in which of the following characters ?
1) Size and shape
2) Flagellar function
3) Membrane structure
4) Prokaryotic nature
26. The baculoviruses that are used as biocontrol agents act against :
1) Nematodes
2) Fungi
3) Insects
4) bacteria
27. Phylogenetic studies on Phytoplasma based on 16 SrRNA gene sequencing indicate their closest relationship with :
1) Spiroplasma
2) Mycoplasma
3) Acholeplasma
4) Rickettsia
28. Which of the following diseases is not caused by viroids ?
1) Potato Spindle Tuber
2) Banana Bouncy Top
3) Citrus Exocortis
4) Coconut CadangCadang
29. Viroids are known by the following characters :
1) Circular , Single Stranded , 250370 nucleotide long RNA
2) Circular , Double Stranded , 460625 nucleotide long RNA
3) Helical , Single Stranded , 246380 nucleotide long RNA
4) Circular , Double Stranded , 246380 nucleotide long RNA
30. The classification of bacteria based on phylogenetic studies uses 16 SrRNA sequence because
1) It contains about 1500 nucleotides
2) Sequencing is easy
3) isolation of other RNAs is difficult
4) None of These
31. The movement protein produced during replication of TMV has a molecular weight of :
1) 126 K
2) 183 K
3) 17.6 K
4) 30 K
32. Which of the following bacteria has an extra plasmamembrane outside the cell wall ?
1) Agrobacterium
2) Clostridium
3) Staphylococcus
4) Bacillus
33. Systematic acquired Resistance (SAR ) in plants against pathogens can be induced by :
1) Salicylic acid
2) Benzothiazole
3) Isonicotinic Acid
4) All of these
34. Which of the following are parasitic flowering plants ?
1) Cuscuta
2) Orobanche
3) Striga
4) All of these
35. The apple scab disease is caused by
1) Xanthomonas citri
2) Venturia inaequalis
3) Colletotrichum falcatum
4) Curvularia prasadii
36. Blackwart disease of potato is caused by
1) Synchtrium endobioticum
2) Olpidium solanacearum
3) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
4) Protomyces macrosporus
37. In which of the following smut diseases a columella is present in the infected region ?
1) Loose smut of wheat
2) Grain smut of Jowar
3) Smut of Bajra
4) Covered smut of Barley
38. The ‘Tundu ‘ disease of wheat is caused by
1) Anguina triticia and Corynebacterium tritici
2) Anguina tritici
3) Anguina tritici and Erwinia dissolvens
4) Globodera tritici
39. The cyst nemotide belongs to which of the following genera ?
1) Meloidogyne
2) Anguina
3) Heterodera
4) Xiphinema
40. Which of the following metabolites is known to play an important role in defense against pathogenesis ?
1) Victorin
2) Phenolics
3) Proteins
4) Auxins
41. Match the following sets and identify the correct pair A) T.S. Sadasivan a) Role of fusaric acid in wilt of cotton B) H. C. Arya b) Cycle of wheat rust in the plains of India C) P. Millardet c) Axenic culture of sclerospora graminicola D) K. C. Mehta d) Discovery of Bordeaux mixture
1) A a
2) B a
3) C c
4) D d
42. The ” Great Bengal Famine ” in 1943 was the result of which of the following :
1) Bunt of wheat caused by Telletia
2) Helmithosporium blight of rice
3) Blast of rice caused by Pyricularia
4) Late blight of potato caused by Phytophthora
43. The type of symptoms produced by Pythium is
1) Damping off of seedlings
2) Early blight
3) Anthracnose
4) Leafspots
44. Match the following sets and identify the correct pair A) Downy Mildew a) Meloidogyne incognita B) Powdery Mildew b) Sclerospora graminicola C) Tikka Disease c) Cercospora arachidicola D) Root Knot d) Alternaria Solani
1) A b
2) B d
3) C a
4) D c
45. Match the following sets and identify the correct pair A) Phaseollin a) Cucumber B) Glyceollin b) Pepper C) Rishitin c) Capparis D) Capsidiol d) Potato
1) A b
2) B b
3) C d
4) D d
46. During rainy season a farmer notices golden brown exudates from the earheads of Bajra crop in field. The possible reason for this could be onset of
1) Rotting Disease
2) Greenear Disease
3) Ergot Disease
4) Smut Disease
47. ‘ Grassy shoot of sugarcane ‘ is caused by which of the following phytopathogens ?
1) Mycoplasma
2) Viroid
3) Phytoplasma
4) Spiroplasma
48. Pathogenesis related proteins are those macromolecules which are known to induce
1) Resistance in plants
2) antifungal and antimicrobial activity in plants
3) Toxicity towards plants
4) Phenolic production in plants
49. jacket of neck of archegonium in Marchantiales, Jungermanniales and Calobryales consists of :
1) 4, 5 and 6 cells
2) 5 , 4 and 6 cells
3) 6, 5 and 4 cells
4) 6 , 4 and 5 cells
50. Basal elaterphore present in the capsule of Pellia develops from
1) Elater mother cells
2) Sterile sporogenous cells
3) Fertile sporogenous cells
4) Amphithecium