Botany MCQs

1. Selection generation after generation with the intercrossing of selects is :-
A. Mass selection
B. Full sib selection
C. Half sib selection
D. Recurrent selection

2. 2n – 2 represents :-
A. Nullisomic
B. Tetrasomic
C. Trisomic
D. Monosomic

3. 2VF₂ – (VB1₁ + VB₂) is equal to :-
A. 1/4 D
B. 1/2 D + 1/4 H+E
C. 1/2 D
D. 1/2 D + 1/4 H

4. Number of stamens in rice flower are :-
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

5. Association between two independent variables is explained by :-
A. Regression
B. Correlation
C. Multiple Regression
D. None of these

6. H.G. Khorana got Nobel Prize for his work on :-
A. Breeding work on wheat
B. Genetic code and gene synthesis
C. Inheritance study in crop plants
D. Statistical analysis of breeding work in maize

7. How many different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes can be packaged in gametes made by an organism with a diploid number of 8 (2n = 8) ?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16

8. Minimum degree of freedom required to draw the valid results is :-
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14

9. In balanced lethal system of fixation of heterosis :-
A. Homozygotes die
B. Heterozygotes die
C. Both Homozygotes and Heterozygotes die
D. None of these

10. In crop improvement, heterosis can be partially exploited through :-
A. Hybrid varieties
B. Synthetic varieties
C. Composite varieties
D. Synthetic & composite varieties

11. A flanking marker is :-
A. Present on one side of the gene of interest
B. Present on either side of the gene of interest
C. Present in between of the gene of interest
D. Present in between and on both side of the gene of interest

12. Inbred lines from a cross between two inbred lines for gene mapping are referred to as :-
A. Recombinant inbred lines
B. Inbred lines
C. Top cross lines
D. Test cross lines

13. Molecular analysis of an individual genotype refers to :-
A. Genotyping
B. Phenotyping
C. Sequencing
D. None of these

14. In Dominant gene action “dominance” applies to :-
A. Relationship of genes at the same locus
B. Relationship of genes at different loci
C. Relationship of alleles at the same locus
D. Relationship of alleles at different loci

15. The main genetic cause of genetic correlation is :-
A. Pleiotropy
B. Linkage
C. Both pleiotropy and linkage
D. None of these

16. Various crosses obtained by using a common tester are called as :-
A. Single crosses
B. Double crosses
C. Three way crosses
D. Test crosses

17. In stability analysis bᵢ = 0 indicates :-
A. Average stability
B. Above average stability
C. Below average stability
D. Absolute stability

18. Bagging is done to :-
A. Avoid cross pollination
B. Avoid self pollination
C. Achieve desired pollination
D. Prevent contamination from foreign pollen

19. Which of the following design is used to test a large number of genotypes in a limited area ?
A. Randomized Block Design
B. Augmented Design
C. Latin Square Design
D. Completely Randomized Design

20. The genetic constitution of an organism is called :-
A. Genotype
B. Trait
C. Phenotype
D. Genome

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21. The International center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is located at :-
A. Kolkata
B. Bangluru
C. New Delhi
D. Chandigarh

22. In which of the gene action, the phenotype faithfully reflects the genotype :-
A. Additive
B. Dominance
C. Additive X dominance
D. Epistasis

23. Which of the following is not an ionizing radiation :-
A. X – rays
B. UV -rays
C. Cosmic – rays
D. Alpha – rays

24. Which of the following statement is/are true in relation to the Law of Segregation ?
A. Alleles separate from each other during gametogenesis
B. The segregation of alleles is due to the segregation of
C. Law of segregation is the law of purity of gametes
D. All of these

25. When standard deviation is expressed in percent of mean, it is known as :-
A. Variance
B. Coefficient of variation
C. Standard error of mean
D. Critical difference

26. How many homozygotes will be produced if a dihybrid Ab/aB is exposed to inbreeding ?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

27. Transposon is also known as :-
A. Pseudo gene
B. Jumping gene
C. Conservative gene
D. Co-integrate gene

28. In field crops, under PPV & FR Act, a variety can be protected maximum for :-
A. 5 Years
B. 10 Years
C. 15 Years
D. 20 Years

29. The fixable gene action is :-
A. Additive x dominance
B. Dominance
C. Additive and additive x additive type of epistasis
D. Additive and additive x dominance type of epistasis

30. The ratio of genetic covariance to the phenotypic covariance is referred to :-
A. General combining ability
B. Selection differential
C. Co heritability
D. Heritability

31. Cross pollination facilitated by dichogamy is found in :-
A. Maize
B. Pigeon pea
C. Cotton
D. All of these

32. The estimate of General Combining Ability and Specific Combining Ability effects in plant breeding are based on :-
A. First order statistics
B. Second order statistics
C. Third order statistics
D. Fourth order statistics

33. Point mutation involves :-
A. Deletion
B. Insertion
C. Duplication
D. Change in single base pair

34. Genetic purity of seed means freedom of seeds from :-
A. Defective seeds
B. Inert material
C. Other distinguishable variety seeds
D. weed seeds

35. In general resistance, the rate of pathogen reproduction is :-
A. Always zero
B. Never zero
C. Sometimes zero
D. Frequently zero

36. How many growing seasons are required to complete one selection cycle in reciprocal recurrent selection ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

37. One of the important predictable feature of environment is :-
A. Varying nitrogen doses
B. Weather fluctuations
C. Rain fall
D. Floods

38. Triple test cross is an extension of :-
A. NC Design I
B. NC Design II
C. NC Design III
D. Diallel

39. Einkorn is :-
A. Maize
B. Rye
C. Wheat
D. Sorghum

40. Initial gene pool in development of synthetic variety consists of :-
A. Population
B. Pure line
C. Inbreds
D. Recombinant inbred line

41. Mapping populations are :-
B. F₁ generation
C. Inbreds
D. Pure lines

42. Which of the following gene pool leads to production of fertile hybrids ?
A. GP 1
B. GP 2
C. GP 3
D. GP 4

43. Maize plant is a :-
A. Monoecious
B. Dioecious
C. Hermaphrodite
D. All of these

44. Wind pollination is common in :-
A. Legumes
B. Orchids
C. Grasses
D. Lilies

45. Holandric genes are :-
A. Genes carried on autosomes
B. Genes carried on X- chromosomes
C. Genes carried on Y- chromosomes
D. Genes carried on any chromosome

46. Student’s ‘t test’ is used with :-
A. Paired observations
B. Unpaired observations
C. Paired and unpaired observations
D. None of these

47. A bivalent consists of :-
A. Two chromatids and one centromeres
B. Two chromatids and two centromeres
C. Four chromatids and two centromeres
D. Four chromatids and four centromeres

48. The selection intensity is expressed by :-
A. r
B. R₂
C. bᵢ
D. k

49. The specific combining ability is estimated from :-
A. Half sib families
B. Full sib families
C. Single crosses
D. Inbred lines

50. Where is the secondary center of origin of rye ?
A. Afghanistan
B. China
C. Central America
D. Hindustan