NIOS Education Questions and Answers

1. ‘A Vindication of the Right of Men’– this book is written by ……………
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Wollstonecraft
(C) J. Krishnamurthi
(D) Paulo Freire

2. The word Buddha means :
(A) Counsellor
(B) Enlightened
(C) Conqueror
(D) Motivator

3. The …………… of formation of social movement can also be called as ‘The Unrest Stage’.
(A) Preliminary stage
(B) Popular stage
(C) Formalisation stage
(D) Stage of Institutionalisation

4. ………………………. is known as founder of Sociology.
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Herbert Spencer
(C) Auguste Comte
(D) Charles Darwin

5. In Islam, Ulum Naqliyya deals with ……………………………..
(A) Curriculum for educational institution
(B) Means for earning livelihood
(C) Interpretation of holy Qur’an
(D) Daily (Prayer) Namaz

6. ‘No knowledge comes from outside, it resides in human mind’ this view about knowledge was expressed by …………………………
(A) Sri Aurobindo
(B) Swami Dayananda
(C) Swami Vivekananda
(D) Rabindranath Tagore

7. Which of the following books of Plato consists of his educational thoughts ?
(A) Gorgias and Phaedo
(B) Sophist and Lycis
(C) Laws and Republic
(D) Permenidus and Protagoras

8. Abhidhammapitak in Buddhism provides exposition of …………………..
(A) Social theories
(B) Philosophical theories
(C) Religious theories
(D) Humanistic theories

9. According to …….. …………… . ‘‘Individuality is of no value and personality a meaningless term apart from social environment in which they are developed and made manifest’’.
(A) Auguste Comte
(B) Ross
(C) Ottaway
(D) Clarke

10. Science has no place in ……………….
(A) Modern education
(B) Idealistic education
(C) Existentialism
(D) Humanism

11. The recommendation to establish integrated training colleges was given by …………………
(A) National Curriculum Framework (2005)
(B) National Policy of Education(1986-1992)
(C) Kothari Education Commission (1964-66)
(D) Yashpal Committee Report (2009)

12. Cost-benefit analysis in education focuses on …………………………
(A) Social benefits of education
(B) Individual benefits of education
(C) Economic benefits of education
(D) Family benefits of education

13. Quality of pre-service teacher education was emphasised by ………….
(A) National Knowledge Commission (2007)
(B) National Policy of Education (1986-1992)
(C) Yashpal Committee Report (2009)
(D) Justice Verma Committee Report (2012)

14. The system of different schools for higher and lower classes of society was in practice in ……………………..
(A) Aristocracy
(B) Communism
(C) Democracy
(D) Dictatorship

15. The provision of education of the Handicapped like integrated education for disabled children was made in ……………………..
(A) National Commission on Teachers (1999)
(B) National Policy of Education (1992)
(C) Yashpal Committee Report (2009)
(D) Kothari Education Commission (1964-66)

16. Giving grant-in-aid to affiliated private schools was recommended by ………………………..
(A) Sir Charles Wood
(B) Lord Macaulay
(C) William Adam
(D) Lord Munro

17. In………………………, decisions taken by the ruler are to be propagated and to be imposed on students by teacher.
(A) Autocracy
(B) Aristocracy
(C) Monarchy
(D) Dictatorship

18. Subsequent policy cycles regarding education are quite necessary because ……………………………
(A) it is the convention of democratic system
(B) it is the demand of common public
(C) it is the need of changing times
(D) it is the provision of constitution

19. ………………………. Commission is also known as ‘Secondary Education Commission’.
(A) Yashpal
(B) Kothari
(C) Mudaliyar
(D) Radhakrishnan

20. Implementation of educational policy is execution of ………………..
(A) Educational policy into planning
(B) Educational policy into propagation
(C) Educational policy into action
(D) Educational policy into arrangement

IGNOU Interview
UGC NET Aptitude

21. Anushka’s father and mother are above average intelligent but Anushka has average intelligence. This is the example of heredities’ …………………………
(A) Law of average
(B) Law of like begets like
(C) Law of variation
(D) Law of regression

22. In operant conditioning subject’s behaviour is …………… type of behaviour.
(A) Elicited
(B) Emitted
(C) Reflex
(D) Controlled

23. Aditi has I.Q. 124, then how will you label her by using Stanford-Binnet’s classification table ?
(A) Genius
(B) Above medinary
(C) Very superior
(D) Superior

24. Which of the following tests is useful to detect the maladjustment ?
(A) The Bell Adjustment inventory
(B) Allport’s test
(C) Colman’s test
(D) Shaffer and Shoben’s test

25. Idea of social intelligence put forth by ………………. .
(A) Gardner
(B) Goleman
(C) Thorndike
(D) Sheldon

26. Emotional instability, hyperactiveness, emotional explosion are the impact of excessive secretion of hormones from …………….
(A) Pituitary glands
(B) Adrenal glands
(C) Thyroid glands
(D) Gonads

27. Which of the following is not the goal of counselling ?
(A) To help the counsellee become self-actualizing
(B) To help the counsellee attain self-realization
(C) To help the counsellee attain self-control
(D) To help the counsellee become a fully functioning person

28. ‘Guidance is a process by which an individual is able to guide himself.’ This definition of guidance is given by ………………….
(A) Ruth Strang
(B) Good
(C) Brewer J.M.
(D) Jones

29. William Procter told the following types of guidance :
(A) (i) Educational (ii) Vocational (iii)Character development (iv) Content and physical activity
(B) (i) Vocational (ii) Personal (iii)Economical (iv) Religious
(C) (i) Character development (ii) Economical (iii)Educational (iv) Personal
(D) (i) Content and physical activity (ii) Personal (iii)Economical (iv) Social

30. Experiential learning focuses on the learning process for the …………………
(A) Individual
(B) Small group
(C) Large group
(D) Peer group

31. CGPA stands for …………………
(A) Collective Grade Point Average
(B) Cumulative Grade Point Average
(C) Collaborative Group Point Average
(D) Cumulative Group Point Average

32. A teacher has professional knowledge and skills gained through ……………………… preparation and experience.
(A) Formal
(B) Non-formal
(C) Informal
(D) Incidental

33. According to Kothari Commission’s recommendations (1964-66), the main function of SBTE is ………………
(A) Development of Teacher Education
(B) Development of Higher Education
(C) Development of Primary Education
(D) Development of Pre-Primary Education

34. RMSA is a Central Government sponsored scheme of ………………….

35. In India UGC was established in …………………
(A) 1956
(B) 1961
(C) 1986
(D) 1995

36. When educators thoughtfully experiment and apply new or different pedagogies, technologies, course design and assessments to enhance the quality of the education; it is called ………………….. .
(A) Learner-centred education
(B) Teacher-centred education
(C) Technology-centred education
(D) Innovation in Teaching and Learning

37. When two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together is …………………………….. .
(A) Insightful learning
(B) Thoughtful learning
(C) Experimental learning
(D) Collaborative learning

38. The attitude towards work i.e. the dedication, sincerity with which you approach to your work, which makes you earn money is called …………….
(A) Performance
(B) Expertise
(C) Professionalism
(D) Resourcefulness

39. According to Schulman, teacher education programs should combine the following two knowledge fields :
(A) Pedagogical knowledge and Content knowledge
(B) Skill knowledge and Pedagogical knowledge
(C) Content knowledge and Historical knowledge
(D) Philosophical knowledge and Methodological knowledge

40. ‘………………..’ is the foundation for any curriculum framework.
(A) Curriculum objectives
(B) Curriculum content
(C) Curriculum transaction
(D) Curriculum evaluation

41. Which of the following criteria of good objectives of curriculum is not correct ?
(A) They should agree with broader goals of education
(B) They should be testable in terms of observable and verifiable changes
(C) They should be worthwhile and of educational significance
(D) They should be convenient to teachers’ work schedule

42. ……………………. implies that there are certain kinds of learning which are not included in the curriculum and time table but got transmitted by institutional arrangement.
(A) Core curriculum
(B) Spiral curriculum
(C) Hidden curriculum
(D) Optional curriculum

43. ………………….. regards learning primarily as cognitive development and the acquisition of knowledge and information.
(A) Subject-centered curriculum
(B) Student-centered curriculum
(C) Activity-centered curriculum
(D) Experience-centered curriculum

44. Those who are concerned with developing educational curriculum are all guided by the criterion ‘………………………’.
(A) What knowledge is most available ?
(B) What knowledge is most worth ?
(C) What knowledge is most popular ?
(D) What knowledge is most easier ?

45. The approach of traditional teachers regarding curriculum is …………….. .
(A) Subject matter minded
(B) Objective minded
(C) Methodology minded
(D) Evaluational minded

46. If some children do not learn well in prescribed curriculum, ………………..
(A) Means that the curriculum is difficult
(B) Implies that curriculum is not planned properly
(C) Does not necessarily imply an inherent weakness in the curriculum planning
(D) Indicates that the curriculum should be revised completely

47. A school curriculum has to be responsive to ……………………..
(A) Convenience of teachers’ work schedule
(B) Demands of subject teacher associations
(C) The needs and aspirations of changing society
(D) The suggestions of textbook bureau

48. The model of curriculum evaluation developed by Robert Stake emphasizes on ……………………
(A) Cost-effectiveness analysis
(B) Content analysis
(C) Behaviour analysis
(D) Policy analysis

49. Which of the following is a correct statement ?
(A) Curriculum is the part of syllabus
(B) Syllabus is the part of curriculum
(C) Syllabus is a preparatory stage of curriculum planning
(D) Curriculum is syllabus added with teaching methodology

50. Inductive process in research involves moving from ………………….
(A) Known to unknown
(B) Unknown to known
(C) General assumptions to specific applications
(D) Specific observations to the generalization

51. To compare the variance of two independent sample, …………………… is used.
(A) z-test
(B) t-test

52. A study conducted on an exceptional institution falls under ………………
(A) Historical research
(B) Action research
(C) Fundamental research
(D) Case-study research

53. A preferred sampling method for the population with finite size is …………..
(A) Systematic sampling
(B) Purposive sampling
(C) Area sampling
(D) Cluster sampling

54. The scale that has properties of order and distance and used to judge the difference between two objects is ……………………….
(A) Nominal scale
(B) Ordinal scale
(C) Interval scale
(D) Ratio scale

55. The research process that uses inductive, interactive and repetitious collection of unstructured data and analytic strategies is ……………………….
(A) Grounded theory
(B) Narrative
(C) Ethnography
(D) Phenomenology

56. A research conducted for a problem that has not been studied more clearly, intended to establish priorities, develop operational definitions and improve the final research design is ……………………..
(A) Explanatory research
(B) Ethnographical research
(C) Exploratory research
(D) Experimental research

57. A type of qualitative narrative research design is …………………….
(A) Ontology
(B) Biography
(C) Epistemology
(D) Ideology

58. Delimitations of the study is to be written by the researcher at the …………………………..
(A) time of writing the research report
(B) time of data collection
(C) during the conduct of research
(D) proposal stage

59. A ……………………… can also provide a basis for self-evaluation, reflection and peer review.
(A) Diary
(B) Scoring rubrics
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Reflective journal

60. The aim of scoring rubric is …………
(A) to assist learning
(B) to assist teaching
(C) to identify students’ interests
(D) accurate and fair assessment

61. The art and science of educating children is ………………………..
(A) Pedagogy
(B) Andragogy
(C) Hutagogy
(D) Anthropology

62. A teacher wants to assess his students’ oral presentation skills and remarks about their individual strengths and weaknesses. The teacher should ………………………
(A) Rate each presentation holistically using numerical scale
(B) Assess each presentation using check list of relevant criteria
(C) Rank-order the presentation from most to least effective
(D) Make students to write critiques of their own presentations

63. Which of the following is not teacher prepared ICT resource ?
(A) Educational video clips
(B) PowerPoint presentation
(C) Blogs for educational purpose
(D) Classroom interactions

64. In revised Bloom’s Taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl ……………….. level of knowledge was newly added.
(A) Factual
(B) Conceptual
(C) Procedural
(D) Metacognitive

65. In revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, various levels of cognitive domain has been defined in the form of …………………
(A) Nouns
(B) Adjectives
(C) Verbs
(D) Adverbs

66. The focus of Morrison teaching model is ……………..
(A) Emphasis on cramming facts and principles by students and their proper retention
(B) Recalling and representing learnt facts
(C) Developing creative and critical thinking of students
(D) Getting complete mastery over the content or subject matter

67. Performing a skill or a task without assistance is an example of ………….. level of psychomotor domain.
(A) Manipulation
(B) Imitation
(C) Articulation
(D) Precision

68. Rubrics usually contain ………………
(A) Learning criteria
(B) Evaluative criteria
(C) Teaching criteria
(D) Interaction criteria

69. As a behaviouristic psychologist, Skinner do not take cognizance of ……………………… with learning process.
(A) Motivation and understanding
(B) Forgetting and understanding
(C) Insight and understanding
(D) Learning ability and understanding

70. According to assumptions of behavioural technology, teacher’s behaviour is not …………………….
(A) Observable
(B) Measurable
(C) Impartial
(D) Improvable

71. Programme learning is based on the principle of …………………….. learning theory.
(A) Operant Conditioning
(B) Conditioning
(C) Gestalt
(D) Cognitive

72. In synchronous communication participant students are allowing for …………………………..
(A) Quicker problem solving
(B) Slower problem solving
(C) Time for reflection
(D) Often lacks spontaneity

73. In the ADDIE instructional design, ………………………. is considered as the ‘‘Goal setting stage’’.
(A) Design
(B) Development
(C) Analysis
(D) Implementation

74. The 5 E’s is an instructional model based on the constructivist approach to learning. In this model an ‘engage’ activity makes connections between ………………….. learning experiences.
(A) Past and Future
(B) Past and Present
(C) Present and Future
(D) Past, Present and Future

75. In system approach to instructional design mainly ……………. component is considered for discovering objectives.
(A) Analysis of content
(B) Analysis of student needs
(C) Analysis of teaching needs
(D) Analysis of teaching aids

76. The assistant technology cannot help ……………….. students in classroom.
(A) Physical impairments
(B) Dyslexia
(C) Cognitive problems
(D) Antisocial

77. Educational online surveys for schools, teachers and students ………… website is frequently used in India.
(A) Quara
(B) Surveymonkey
(C) Esurv
(D) panalplace

78. ……………….. is a limitation of plagiarism software in research.
(A) Types of research
(B) Language of research report
(C) Level of research
(D) Nature of research

79. …………………. is the basic function of Educational Management.
(A) Execution
(B) Co-ordination
(C) Direction
(D) Leadership

80. PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) is used in Educational Administration for Management of ………………….. .
(A) Unpredictable activities
(B) Predictable activities
(C) Predictable and unpredictable activities
(D) Predesigned activities

81. ‘Management provides effective training to the teachers’ is an example of ………………………….
(A) Organizational change
(B) Organizational management
(C) Organizational climate
(D) Organizational compliance

82. The ‘Contingency Model’ of Fred Fidler is concerned with ……………..
(A) Effectiveness of a leader
(B) Considerateness of a leader
(C) Relationship orientedness of a leader
(D) Mission and vision of the organization

83. Tri-dimensional model of B. Reddin deals with …………………………..
(A) Connections with community
(B) Authentic leadership
(C) The concept of ‘situational demands’ for behaviour of a leader to be effective
(D) Team leadership

84. The father of statistical quality control is …………………………..
(A) Fiedler
(B) C.K. Pralhad
(C) Walter A. Shewart
(D) Edward Deming

85. In total quality management approach, …………………….. based decision-making is included as a principle.
(A) Customer
(B) Employee
(C) Fact
(D) Service

86. In ‘Just-in-Time’ model the vendor is to be viewed by the company as a ……………………………
(A) Manager
(B) Worker
(C) Partner
(D) Customer

87. Companies pay ……………………. as a part of quality control process to meet customer expectations.
(A) Prevention cost
(B) Inventory cost
(C) Opportunity cost
(D) Appraisal cost

88. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is an autonomous institution of ……………….

89. The national flagship programme of education (SSA) aims at :
(A) Special education in primary schools
(B) Universalization of secondary education
(C) Integrated education in secondary education
(D) Universalization of elementary education

90. Large numbers of vlunerable and marginalized groups of learners were excluded from education systems worldwide was first acknowledged in …………………………. conference.
(A) Rio Summit, 2016
(B) Jomtien, Thailand, 1990
(C) Spain, 1994
(D) Stockholm, 1972

91. Inclusion as a new strategy within the special education sector deals with ………………………….
(A) Medical Model
(B) Political Model
(C) Social Model
(D) Economic Model

92. Barrier-free environment for people with disabilities means an environment ………………………….
(A) That enables them to move freely anywhere
(B) That provides adequate facilities
(C) That has people around helping them
(D) That enables them to move about safely and use the facilities within the built environment

93. Which of the following bodies have jointly launched the project integrated education for disabled children ?

94. Which is the best educational enrichment program for gifted children ?
(A) Giving home assignments
(B) Providing extra guidance
(C) Providing extra counselling services
(D) Provision at extra curricular and co-curricular activities

95. Hyperactive behaviour means ……………………… behaviour.
(A) Easily distracted
(B) Irritable
(C) Irresponsible
(D) Cooperative

96. Reading readiness test does not measure ……………………
(A) Letter recognition
(B) Visual discrimination
(C) Verbal comprehension
(D) Number computation

97. The method of using ‘hand movements’ for explaining verbal concepts to the hearing impaired students is called :
(A) Action method
(B) Demonstration method
(C) Cued speech method
(D) Finger spelling

98. Kalsonik propagated ………………….. curriculum plan for gifted students.
(A) Higher level and lower level
(B) Horizontal level and Tortical level
(C) Tortical level and lower level
(D) Horizontal level and vertical level