Sample Questions on Diploma Electronics Engineering
1. Which of the following can be used as Parallel to series converter?
(a) Decoder
(b) Counter
(c) Encoder
(d) multiplexer
2. A Johnson counter with 5 flips flops will have
(a) 5 states
(b) 10 states
(c) 32 states
(d) ∞ states
3. A 4 bit ripple counter uses flip flops with propagation delay of 50 nsec each. The maximum clock frequency which can be used is
(a) 5MHz
(b) 10MHz
(c) 20MHz
(d) 25MHz
4. The advantages of Flash memory over EEPROM are
(a) higher density
(b) lower cost
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) none of these
5. A full adder can be made out of
(a) two half adders
(b) two half adders and an OR gate
(c) two half adders and an AND gate
(d) three half adders
6. Flash ADC is
(a) Serial ADC
(b) Parallel ADC
(c) Series-parallel ADC
(d) Successive approximation ADC
7. Which one of the following is a D/A conversion technique?
(a) Successive approximation
(b) Weighted resistor
(c) Dual slope
(d) Single slope
8. Out of latch and flip flop, which has clock input?
(a) latch only
(b) flip flop only
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) none of these
9. A 4 bit DAC gives an output of 4.5V for input of 1001. If input is 0110, the output is
(a) 1.5 V
(b) 2.0 V
(c) 3.0 V
(d) 4.5 V
10. TTL circuit with active pull up is preferred because of its suitability for
(a) wired AND operation
(b) bus operated system
(c) wired logic operation
(d) reasonable dissipation and speed.
11. The resolution of an n bit DAC with a maximum input of 5V is 5mV, the value of n is
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 10
(d) 11
12. In a shift register the data is loaded in one operation but shifted out one bit at a time. The shift register is
(a) serial in-serial out
(b) parallel in serial out
(c) serial in-parallel out
(d) parallel in-parallel out
13. A 12 bit ADC is operating with 1μsec clock period. Total conversation time is 14μsec. ADC is
(a) flash type
(b) counting type
(c) Integrating type
(d) successive approximation type
14. The advantage of using dual slope ADC in digital voltmeter is that
(a) its conversation time is small
(b) its accuracy is high
(c) its output is in BCD
(d) does not require a comparator
15. In a J-K flip flop the input J=K=1 causes flip flop to
(a) Set
(b) Reset
(c) no change
(d) toggle
16. The process of entering data into ROM is called
(a) Writing
(b) Burning
(c) decoding
(d) registering
17. A 6 bit DAC uses binary weighted resistors. If MSB resistor is 20KΩ, the value of LSB resistor is
(a) 20KΩ
(b) 80KΩ
(c) 32KΩ
(d) 640KΩ
18. In force voltage analogy the quantity analogous to spring constant K is
(a) R
(b) C
(c) L
(d) 1/C
19. The units of thermal capacitance is
(a) K cal/ºC
(b) ºC/K cal
(c) ºC sec/Kcal
(d) none of these
20. For a second order system delay time td is the time required to reach
(a) half the final value the very first time
(b) the final value the very first time
(c) 90% of the final value the very first time
(d) none of these
21. For a first order system having transfer function 1/(1+sT), the unit step response is
(a) 1- ℮ – t/T
(b) ℮ – t/T
(c) ℮ – t/T – 1
(d) 1+ ℮ – t/T
22. A proportional controller is basically
(a) an amplifier with adjustable gain
(b) an integrating amplifier
(c) an amplifier with infinite gain
(d) an amplifier with almost zero gain
23. Which control action is also called rate control?
(a) Proportional
(b) Derivative
(c) Integral
(d) (a) and (c)
24. Which control action can never be used alone?
(a) Proportional
(b) Derivative
(c) integral
(d) (b) and (c)
25. For a type-0 system and unit ramp input, the steady state error is
(a) Zero
(b) 1
(c) 1/Kv
(d) ∞
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26. A system has its two poles on the negative real axis and one pair of poles lies on jw axis. The system is
(a) Stable
(b) Unstable
(c) limitedly stable
(d) either (a) or (c)
27. A lead compensator
(a) speeds up the transient response
(b) increase the stability margin
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these
28. The frequency at which phase angle is 180º is called
(a) Phase crossover frequency
(b) stability limit frequency
(c) frequency of limited stability
(d) gain margin frequency
29. A system has high gain and phase margins, the system is
(a) very stable
(b) sluggish
(c) (a) and (b)
(d) oscillatory
30. A system is highly oscillatory if
(a) Gain margin is high
(b) Gain margin is close to 1
(c) Gain margin is close to 1 and phase margin is zero
(d) Gain margin is high and phase margin is 180⁰
31. A thermometer requires 1 minute to indicate 98% of its final response to a step input. If it is a first order system then the time constant is
(a) 1 minute
(b) 30 sec
(c) 15 sec
(d) 6 sec
32. In a simple on-off controller with differential gap, the magnitude of differential gap determines the
(a) Level of accuracy
(b) life of controller
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
33. Integral control action
(a) removes offset
(b) leads to oscillations
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
34. For any test point s on the real axis, the sum of all angular combinations of the complex conjugate poles is
(a) 90º
(b) 180º
(c) 270º
(d) 360º
35. If zeros at infinity are included in the count, the number of zeros of G(s)H(s) is
(a) equal to number of poles
(b) one more than the no. of poles
(c) one less than the no. of poles
(d) none of these
36. Transport lag usually exists in
(a) thermal systems
(b) hydraulic & thermal systems
(c) pneumatic systems
(d) all the three systems
37. The angular location of poles depends on
(a) undamped natural frequency
(b) damping ratio
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
38. The distance of poles from origin depends on
(a) undamped natural frequency
(b) damping ratio
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
39. If poles lie in the first quadrant, damping ratio is
(a) 1
(b) more than 1
(c) less than 1
(d) zero
40. In Bode diagrams an octave is a frequency band from
(a) w to 10w
(b) w to 8w
(c) w to 4w
(d) w to 2w
41. In log magnitude Bode diagram the slope of high frequency asymptote of ( 1 + jwT ) is
(a) 20 dB per decade
(b) 10 dB per decade
(c) 20 dB per octave
(d) 10 dB per octave
42. The polar plot of G(jw) = 1/jw is
(a) positive imaginary axis
(b) positive real axis
(c) negative imaginary axis
(d) negative real axis
43. For the transport lag G(jw) = ℮-jwt , the polar plot is
(a) a semi circle
(b) a circle
(c) an unit circle
(d) none of these
44. The relative stability of a system is given by
(a) gain margin alone
(b) phase margin alone
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) either (a) or (b)
45. If system is to follow arbitrary inputs accurately, the bandwidth should be
(a) Large
(b) Small
(c) very small
(d) none of these
46. As the bandwidth increases, the cost of components generally
(a) Decreases
(b) Increases
(c) may (a) or (b)
(d) does not change
47. A lead compensator is basically a
(a) high pass filter
(b) low pass filter
(c) band stop filter
(d) band pass filter
48. The primary function of a lag compensator is to provide
(a) gain margin
(b) phase margin
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) either (a) or (b)
49. A system has 12 poles and 2 zeros. Its high frequency asymptote in its magnitude plot has a slope of
(a) – 200 dB/decade
(b) – 240 dB/decade
(c) – 280 dB/decade
(d) – 320 dB/decade
50. The effect of adding poles and zeros can be determined quickly by
(a) Nichol’s chart
(b) Nyquist plot
(c) Bode plot
(d) Root locus