Psychology Question Bank
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Question Bank on Psychology
1. After believing that she could be the topper in the class, Manisha became the topper. She considered that ‘to be a topper’ is of unique achievement in academics. This is best explained by:
(A) Social cognitive theory of learning
(B) Theory of internal locus of control
(C) Theory of vicarious learning
(D) Active learning theory of Vigotsky
2. According to Fiedler’s theory, relationship oriented leader will be effective under the conditions, where:
(A) good member relations, structured task and low position power is there
(B) poor member relations, structured task and high position power is there
(C) good member relations, unstructured task and low position power is there
(D) poor member relations, unstructured task, and low position power is there
3. Fugue is a state of:
(A) Psychosis
(B) Dissociation
(C) Panic
(D) Sleep disorder
4. Which of the following staining techniques are widely used while studying Physiological Psychology?
(1) Golgi stains
(2) Broca stains
(3) Horseradish Peroxide Method (HPM)
(4) Chronoscopy Method (CM)
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1), (2) and (4) only
(B) (2), (3) and (4) only
(C) (1) and (3) only
(D) (3) and (4) only
5. In a study employing a factorial design with A and B as independent variables, the F ratio defined as ‘MSAB/MSE’ is significant at .01 level. This indicates that:
(A) the main effect of A is significant
(B) the main effect of B is significant
(C) the interaction effect is significant
(D) both the main effects and interaction effect are significant
6. According to Cattell’s theory verbal analogies assess:
(A) Practical intelligence
(B) ‘G’ factor
(C) Crystallized intelligence
(D) Fluid intelligence
7. According to Deci and Ryan, in order to realize optimal psychological functioning and growth throughout life, which of the following needs must be satisfied?
Choose the correct code:
(1) Autonomy
(2) Incentives
(3) Competence
(4) Relatedness
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (2) and (3) only
(C) (1), (3) and (4) only
(D) (2), (3) and (4) only
8. According to the three-process view putforth by Davidson and others, insight involves a special use of three processes from the following:
(1) Selective encoding
(2) Selective mental set
(3) Selective comparison
(4) Selective combination
Choose the correct code:
(A) (2), (3) and (4) only
(B) (1), (2) and (3) only
(C) (1), (2) and (4) only
(D) (1), (3) and (4) only
9. Which of the following factors are considered in distinguishing short and long term memory?
(1) Duration
(2) Level of processing
(3) Capacity
(4) Encoding
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (1), (2) and (3) only
(C) (1) and (3) only
(D) (1), (2), (3) and (4) only
10. A Primack principle involves the following:
(A) A most preferred behaviour is punished till the least preferred behaviour is learned
(B) To learn the less preferred behaviour, the more preferred behaviour is used as a reinforcer
(C) A most preferred behaviour is reinforced till the least preferred behaviour is learned
(D) A least preferred behaviour is reinforced after it is learned
11. The information processing approach to cognitive development emphasizes the increased sophistication, speed and …………… associated with cognitive growth.
(A) Capacity
(B) Circular reactions
(C) Categorization
(D) Analysis
12. Which of the following statements are true about Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
(1) It is a passive construction of association between ideas
(2) It is an active construction of knowledge
(3) Cognitive development comes before learning
(4) Active learning is essential for cognitive development
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (2)
(B) (3) and (4)
(C) (1) and (4)
(D) (2) and (3)
13. Match List I with List II and select
your answer by using the following
List I
(Appraisal Method)
(P) Graphic rating scales
(Q) Forced distribution technique
(R) Paired comparison technique
(S) Peer appraisal method
List II
(1) Normal distribution curve can
be used as a base
(2) Every employee is compared
with the other
(3) Employee rates other employee
(4) Behavioural descriptions are
used as anchors
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
(A) (2) (3) (4) (1)
(B) (4) (1) (2) (3)
(C) (3) (2) (1) (4)
(D) (1) (4) (3) (2)
14. Neurofibrillary tongles and plaques are seen in brain scans of patients with:
(A) Traumatic Brain Injury
(B) Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
(C) Alzheimer’s disease
(D) Meningitis
15. Which of the following techniques can be used to study function in a living human brain?
(1) Functional magnetic Resonance imaging
(2) Ablation and lesioning
(3) Stereotaxic procedures
(4) Computerized tomography
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (4) only
(B) (2), (3) and (4) only
(C) (1), (3) and (4) only
(D) (1) and (3) only
16. What would be the degrees of freedom for error variance in a 3 × 2 factorial design with twelve subjects per cell?
(A) 65
(B) 66
(C) 68
(D) 71
17. Match List I with List II and select
your answer by using the codes
given below:
List I
(Existential Issues)
(P) Death
(Q) Freedom
(R) Isolation
(S) Meaning
List II
(Respective Feelings)
(1) Responsibility and uncertainty
(2) Search for creating meaning in
a meaningless word
(3) Unhappiness despite having
material wealth
(4) Insecurity
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
(A) (2) (4) (3) (1)
(B) (3) (1) (4) (2)
(C) (1) (3) (2) (4)
(D) (4) (2) (3) (1)
18. Which of the following are included in Guilford SOI?
(1) Components
(2) Products
(3) Processes
(4) Content
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (2) and (4) only
(C) (1), (2) and (3) only
(D) (2), (3) and (4) only
19. Which of the following are not the correct statements about arousal in the body?
(1) RAS is responsible for the general arousal in body
(2) Para-sympathetic nervous system plays major role in arousal in stress
(3) PET is a measure of arousal in the brain
(4) GSR is a measure of blood flow in skin
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (2) and (4) only
(C) (1) and (3) only
(D) (2) and (3) only
20. What type of problem solving strategy would be most frequently used majority of the middle school students in elementary algebra class?
(A) Heuristic
(B) Algorithm
(C) Trial and Error solution
(D) Means-end-analysis
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21. Match List I with List II and select
your answer by using the code
given below:
List I
(Types of Memory)
(P) Flush bulb
(Q) Procedural
(R) Semantic
(S) Episodic
List II
(Brief Description)
(1) Time tagged multidimensional
memories about people and
actions woven together
(2) Memory of conceptual
(3) Memory of different kinds of
(4) Memories for dramatic
surprising events
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
(A) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(B) (4) (3) (2) (1)
(C) (3) (1) (4) (2)
(D) (2) (4) (1) (3)
22. Shaping involves the following:
(1) Reinforcing successively closer approximation of the behaviour till the correct one is developed
(2) Acquiring abilities and skills
(3) Reducing tasks to be mastered to small steps
(4) Punishing wrong responses, when they occur
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (2) and (3) only
(C) (3) and (4) only
(D) (1) and (4) only
23. According to signal detection theory:
(A) as hits increase false alarms also increase
(B) as hits increase false alarms decrease
(C) as hits increase misses and false alarms both increase
(D) hits and false alarms are independent
24. Which one of the following personality dimension is likely to be associated with antisocial behaviour?
(A) Extroversion
(B) Neuroticism
(C) Psychoticism
(D) Social conformity
25. The idea that problem solving in adulthood has to consider previous experiences, logical thinking, and the relative benefits and cost to a decision. This is known as:
(A) Formal operational thought
(B) Concrete operational thought
(C) Dualistic thinking
(D) Postformal thought
26. Which of the following does not go in favour of the individual aim of Education?
(A) The individual is an asset to the society his/her development and growth are necessary
(B) The society is strong, if the individual is strong
(C) Every individual is unique development of his/her potentialities is essential
(D) Society is supreme and all individuals are only part of it
27. Folie à deux is a disorder belonging to the following group:
(A) Neurosis
(B) Psychosis
(C) Organic brain syndrome
(D) Malingering
28. In the midst of deep sleep, the dominant brain wave is:
(A) Alpha
(B) Beta
(C) Theta
(D) Delta
29. A marital adjustment inventory was administered to eighty couples. Mean differences for marital adjustment between husbands and wives can be evaluated by:
(1) Independent samples t-test
(2) Paired samples t-test
(3) Randomized ANOVA
(4) Repeated measures ANOVA
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) only
(B) (2) only
(C) (1) or (3) only
(D) (2) or (4) only
30. According to Carl Rogers a fully functioning person:
(1) has flexible, constantly evolving self-concept
(2) is very idealistic
(3) is open to new experiences
(4) has creative potential
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) only
(B) (1), (3) and (4) only
(C) (2), (3) and (4) only
(D) (2) and (3) only
31. Which of the following are included in Triarchic theory of intelligence?
(1) Creative intelligence
(2) Body-Kinesthetic intelligence
(3) Practical intelligence
(4) Analytic intelligence
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) only
(B) (1) and (2) only
(C) (1) and (4) only
(D) (1), (3) and (4) only
32. Which of the following has been conceptualised and extensively researched as emotionally based drive by Janet Taylor?
(A) Anger
(B) Anxiety
(C) Curiosity
(D) Depression
33. Which of the following questions would be more likely to produce divergent thinking?
(1) What is a stapler?
(2) Imagine and write the different uses for which stapler can be used.
(3) How do you spell stapler?
(4) What modifications you would suggest in the stapler for improvement?
Choose the correct code:
(A) (2) and (3) only
(B) (1) and (4) only
(C) (3) and (4) only
(D) (2) and (4) only
34. Loftus and her colleagues have found that eyewitness testimony is affected by:
(1) Bias in Question wording
(2) False information injected in questions
(3) Inferences made to fill memory gaps
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) only
(B) (3) only
(C) (1) and (2) only
(D) (1), (2) and (3) only
35. The concept of cognitive map was developed by Tolman which means:
(A) A mental representation of the path and layout
(B) an alternative route to a goal
(C) a form of latent learning
(D) a form of cognitive expectation
36. Moon illusion results from the principles of:
(1) Overlap
(2) Size constancy
(3) Linear perceptive
(4) Figure and ground
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (3) only
(B) (1) and (2) only
(C) (2) and (3) only
(D) (3) and (4) only
37. Which of the following personality characteristics are most likely to be associated with altruistic behaviour?
(1) Empathy
(2) The belief that the world is not just
(3) Social responsibility
(4) External locus of control
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) only
(B) (2) and (3) only
(C) (1) and (3) only
(D) (1) and (4) only
38. According to Erikson, individuals in late adulthood engage in looking back over their lives, evaluating their experiences and coming to terms with decisions. This stage is known as:
(A) Ego transcendence Vs . Ego preoccupation
(B) Generativity Vs. Stagnation
(C) Ego Integrity Vs. Despair
(D) Trust Vs. Mistrust
39. Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive domain deals with:
(1) Factual knowledge
(2) Conceptual knowledge
(3) Procedural knowledge
(4) Metacognitive knowledge
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1), (2) and (3) only
(B) (1), (3) and (4) only
(C) (2), (3) and (4) only
(D) (1), (2), (3) and (4)
40. Which of the following would be associated with Taylor’s work in Industrial Psychology?
(1) Time and motion studies
(2) Hawthorne studies
(3) Group process analysis
(4) Scientific management
Choose the correct code:
(A) (2) and (4)
(B) (1) and (4)
(C) (1) and (3)
(D) (2) and (3)
41. Schneider’s first rank symptoms are seen in:
(A) Bipolar I disorder
(B) Dementia
(C) Schizophrenia
(D) Major Depressive Disorder
42. According to Maslow which of the following characteristics are possessed by a self-actualized person?
(1) Meaningful life
(2) Extroversion
(3) Capacity of laugh at oneself
(4) Superior intelligence
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) only
(B) (1) and (3) only
(C) (2), (3) and (4) only
(D) (1) and (4) only
43. Which of the following is combined in Sternberg’s approach to intelligence?
(A) Psychometric and performance functions
(B) Psychometric and Piagetian approach
(C) Psychometric and Neo-Piagetian approach
(D) Psychometric and information processing approach
44. Which of the neurotransmeters are found to have role in creating the feelings of euphovia?
(1) Norepinephrine
(2) Serotonin
(3) Dopamine
(4) Epinephrine
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (2), (3) and (4) only
(C) (1), (2) and (3) only
(D) (3) and (4) only
45. When people persist in trying to solve a problem, the same way they have gone about solving problems, then they have developed:
(A) A mental set
(B) Functional fixedness
(C) Confirmation bias
(D) Transformation bias
46. Information regarding the neural underpinnings of memory are received from:
(B) PET Scan
(D) Electrical Stimulation of the Hippocampus
47. Decisions in vigilance tasks in signal detection experiment are based on:
(1) Hits and false alarms
(2) Response criteria
(3) Qualifications of the detector
(4) Detector’s sensitivity
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (4) only
(B) (1) and (3) only
(C) (2) and (4) only
(D) (1) and (2) only
48. Piaget described cognitive development as an invariant sequence of four stages. The correct sequence of these stages is:
(A) Sensory motor, formaloperational, pre-operational and concrete operational
(B) Formal-operational, preoperational, sensory motor and concrete operational
(C) Sensory motor, preoperational, concrete-operational and formal-operational
(D) Pre-operational, formaloperational, sensory motor and concrete operational
49. Arrange the following in the correct sequence to represent PQ4R:
(A) Preview, Question, Reflect, Recite, Read and Review
(B) Preview, Question, Read, Recite, Reflect and Review
(C) Planning, Question, Review, Read, Recite and Reflect
(D) Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review
50. Which of the following could be a correct description of high n-Act persons according to McClleland’s theory?
(1) Take extreme risk
(2) Value feedback
(3) High fear of failure
(4) Take personal responsibility to solve the problem
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) and (2)
(B) (3) and (4)
(C) (2) and (3)
(D) (2) and (4)
51. It is raining outside, the patient inside the room perceives the sound of rain as an important message from the God. This phenomenon is called:
(A) Thought insertion
(B) Thought broadcasting
(C) Functional hallucination
(D) Overvalued ideas
52. A person with field-independent style can be identified by:
(1) His perception of a specified pattern in embedded figures
(2) Arranging the scrabbled letters in meaningful words
(3) His perception of rod in a squared frame
(4) His appreciative responses on a painting
Choose the correct code:
(A) (1) only
(B) (3) and (4) only
(C) (1) and (3) only
(D) (2), (3) and (4) only
53. Which of the following is a correct sequence in body’s reaction to stress?
(A) Activation of pituitary, activation of adrenal, activation of hypothalamus, release of glucocorticoids
(B) Activation of hypothalamus, activation of pituitary, activation of adrenal, release of glucocorticoids
(C) Release of glucocorticoids, activation of hypothalamus, activation of adrenal, activation of pituitary
(D) Activation of pituitary, release of glucocorticoids, activation of hypothalamus, activation of adrenal