Psychology Model Question Papers
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Model Question Papers on Psychology
1. Which is/are the function/s of emotions ?
(1) Preparing us for action.
(2) Shaping our future behaviour.
(3) Helping us interact more effectively with others.
Codes :
(A) (1) and (2)
(B) (2) and (3)
(C) (1), (2) and (3)
(D) (1) and (3)
2. ………………. is a strategy for making social judgements based on the extent to which current stimuti or events resemble other stimuli.
(A) Prototype
(B) Representativeness Heuristics
(C) Attribution
(D) Availability Heuristics
3. The psychological term used for the advertisement shown during movie breaks on hazards and risk of smoking and chewing tobacco is ………..
(A) Public appeals
(B) Fear appeals
(C) Public awareness
(D) Social awareness
4. Jerome Bruner gave the concept of :
(A) Cognitivist theory
(B) Attachment theory
(C) Object relations approach
(D) Universal grammar
5. The following are cluster B personality disorders :
(1) Schizotypal
(2) Borderline
(3) Histrionic
(4) Antisocial
Codes :
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (1), (2) and (3) only
(C) (2), (3) and (4) only
(D) (1), (2), (3) and (4)
6. Post-traumatic growth refers to :
(A) Negative outcomes arising from traumatic experiences
(B) Negative outcomes characterize from PTSD
(C) Positive outcomes arising from traumatic experiences
(D) Positive outcomes arising from character strength
7. According to Islam ‘Shahada’ means :
(A) Prayer
(B) Charity
(C) Faith
(D) Fasting
8. ……………… is a perspective which believes that a great deal of human life exists as it does due to social and interpersonal influence.
(A) Social communism
(B) Social attitude
(C) Social constructionism
(D) Social development
9. In experimental designs randomization of subjects achieves which one of the following ?
(A) Distribution of subjects in all the conditions
(B) Control on unwanted variance
(C) Control Type-I error
(D) Economy in sample size
10. What is/are true about grade equivalent norms ?
(I) It is an average performance of students from a grade.
(II) It is commonly used as norms for ability tests.
(III) It is commonly used as norms for achievement tests.
Codes :
(A) (I) only
(B) (II) only
(C) (I) and (II)
(D) (I) and (III)
11. Which of the following is the most appropriate description of a psychological test ?
(A) It is a self report measure
(B) It is a measure of conscious behaviour
(C) It is a measure of sample of behaviour
(D) It is a standardized measure of a sample of behaviour
12. The vagus nerve does not handle this function :
(A) Taste
(B) Laryngeal control
(C) Neck sensation
(D) Hearing
13. Mild cognitive impairment is a stage between :
(A) Borderline IQ and mild MR
(B) Clear and clouded sensorium
(C) Normal aging and dementia
(D) Delirium and dementia
14. …………………. is the science of the life giving substance.
(A) Existential phenomenology
(B) Philosophy
(C) Spirituality
(D) Anthropology
15. Level of significance (alpha) is :
(A) Probability of type I error
(B) Probability of type II error
(C) 1-(Probability of type I error)
(D) 1-(Probability of type II error)
16. The outermost layer of the meninges is :
(A) Pia mater
(B) Arachnoid layer
(C) Skull
(D) Dura mater
17. Which of the alternatives is correct for the statements of Assertion and Reason ?
Assertion (A) : Charmaz constructionist approach to grounded theory is similar to discovery model of grounded theory.
Reason (R) : Social constructionist approach believes that concepts are constructed and ‘why’ questions can be answered while preserving the complexity of social life.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true
18. Stanine scores are used for the interpretation of ……….
(A) Interindividual differences
(B) Developmental changes within an individual
(C) Normative scores of personality test only
(D) Individual differences in ability test only
19. To study the unidimensionality of a test which of the following could be appropriate ?
(A) Test-retest reliability
(B) Alpha reliability
(C) Alternate form reliability
(D) Correlating the test with another test
20. Sagittal view of the brain means :
(A) The brain bisected into right and left
(B) The brain viewed from behind
(C) The brain seen from the front
(D) The brain seen from above
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21. Psychopathology involving executive function can be localized in the :
(A) Occipital lobe
(B) Frontal lobe
(C) Parietal lobe
(D) Temporal lobe
22. Signal detection method can be applied only when the distribution stimuli is ……………
(A) Equal
(B) Unequal
(C) Overlapping
(D) Separate
23. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the three processing stages of information processing model ?
(A) Perception, decision-making and response selection, response programming and execution
(B) Decision-making and response selection, response programming and execution, perception
(C) Perception, response programming and execution, decision-making and response selection
(D) Decision-making and response selection, response programming and execution, perception
24. ‘‘An idea is creative for a particular person if that person could not have had that idea before’’, this account of creativity falls in line with which of the following theories :
(A) Guilford’s Deterministic theory of creativity
(B) Amabile’s Componential theory of creativity
(C) Wallace’s Individualistic theory of creativity
(D) Boden’s impossibility theory of creativity
25. Which among the following brain areas is/are related to creativity ?
(I) Angular gyrus
(II) Frontal lobe
(III) Fusiform gyrus.
Codes :
(A) Only (II)
(B) Both (I) and (II)
(C) Both (I) and (III)
(D) All (I), (II) and (III)
26. Choose the correct sequence of communication process :
(1) Sender
(2) Encoding
(3) Receiver
(4) Channel
Codes :
(A) (1), (2), (4), (3)
(B) (1), (3), (4), (2)
(C) (1), (4), (2), (3)
(D) (1), (2), (3), (4)
27. ‘‘Automatic thoughts’’ is a term used in :
(B) Hypnotherapy
(D) Vipassana
28. In India which is the most common means of cyber bullying ……………
(A) Phone call
(B) Computer
(C) E-mails
(D) Hand written notes
29. Who investigated X-ray ?
(A) Wilhelm Roentgen
(B) Merry Annoring
(C) John Baim
(D) William Harney
30. Symptom of an autistic child is ………………
(A) Hyperactive
(B) Aggressive
(C) Lack of eye contact
(D) Low vision
31. In which method of decision-making an option that does not meet the criterion is eliminated from being possibility ?
(A) Elimination by probability
(B) Elimination by aspects
(C) Elimination by rationality
(D) Elimination by criteria
32. Which one of the following methods is the best estimate of Pearson’s correlation between residential status (urban and rural) and attitude towards higher education measured by a 20-item Likert scale ?
(A) Point biserial
(B) Biserial
(C) Tetrachoric
(D) Phi
33. Which among the following subtests are not the part of WAIS IV ?
(1) Visual puzzles
(2) Figure weights
(3) Picture arrangement
(4) Object assembly
Codes :
(A) Both (1) and (3) only
(B) (2) and (3) only
(C) (3) and (4) only
(D) (1) and (4) only
34. Situational tests are basically a measure of ……………. behaviour.
(A) Sub-conscious
(B) Unconscious
(C) Self-report of conflict
(D) Problem solving
35. Processing that begins with the information reviewed by the receptors is called ……………….
(A) Neural processing
(B) Bottom-up processing
(C) Perceptual processing
(D) Top-down processing
36. Which of the following is not an example of Hull’s drive-reduction theory of motivation ?
(A) When motivation arises as a result of biological needs
(B) When body actively works to maintain a certain state of balance
(C) When human behaviour is motivated only due to psychological factors
(D) When human body monitors and maintains internal states
37. …………… fallacy occurs when it is assumed that specific conditions are more probable than a single general one.
(A) Conjunction
(B) Sunk-cost
(C) Gambler’s
(D) Golden mean
38. Each of Freud’s stages of personality development centre around an important task that requires resolution. Failure to do this can lead to :
(1) Fixation
(2) Castration anxiety
(3) a psychosis
Codes :
(A) (1) only
(B) (2) and (3) only
(C) (1) and (3) only
(D) (1), (2) and (3)
39. Which of the following alternatives is true for the statements of Assertion and Reasoning ?
Assertion (A) : Kin selection theory suggests that key goal of all organisms is getting our genes into next generation.
Reason (R) : Biological altruism helps in survival of species.
(A) (A) and (R) are both true but (R) is the correct reason for (A)
(B) (A) and (R) both are true but (R) is not the correct reason for (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true
40. The first pioneering experiment in the field of social psychology was conducted on ……………
(A) Attitude change
(B) Social facilitation
(C) Social identity
(D) Group behaviour
41. Noam Chomsky gave the concept of :
(A) Attachment theory
(B) Object relations approach
(C) Universal grammar
(D) Cognitivist theory
42. The following are negative symptoms of schizophrenia :
(1) Thought broadcast
(2) Thought insertion
(3) Alogia
(4) Anhedonia
Codes :
(A) (1) and (2) only
(B) (3) and (4) only
(C) (1), (3) and (4) only
(D) (2), (3) and (4) only
43. When a HIV patient does not report in a particular period, this period is known as ……………
(A) Window period
(B) Door period
(C) Later period
(D) Initial period
44. Which of the following is false if Wallach and Kogan’s study on Intelligence and Creativity among children ?
(A) High creativity-high intelligence children were socially most ‘‘healthy’’
(B) Low creativity-high intelligence children were unlikely to engage in disruptive activities
(C) High creativity-low intelligence children were unable to concentrate
(D) Low creativity-low intelligence are socially awkward and often distressed
45. Ram Kumar killed his daughter who married a boy from another community and had no remorse or guilt for the same, as the marriage was unacceptable, which brought shame to his community. The appropriate term to explain this behaviour is ……………….
(A) Hostile aggression
(B) Instrumental aggression
(C) Cultural narcissism
(D) Cultures of honor
46. Make the correct sequence of the four stages of Piaget’s cognitive development theory :
(A) Concrete operations stage; preoperational stage; sensorimotor stage; formal operation stage
(B) Sensorimotor stage; preoperational stage; concrete operation stage; formal operational stage
(C) Preoperational stage; concrete operational stage; sensorimotor stage; formal operational stage
(D) Sensorimotor stage; formal operation stage; concrete operations stage; preoperational stage
47. The following are sexual disorders :
(1) Frotteurism
(2) Vaginismus
(3) Eclampsia
(4) Erectile dysfunction
Codes :
(A) (2) and (4) only
(B) (1) and (4) only
(C) (1) (2) and (3) only
(D) (1), (2) and (4) only
48. A class of phenomena characterised by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity is known as :
(A) Positive youth development
(B) External adaptation
(C) Resilience
(D) Internal adaptation
49. Aguesia is the inability to recognize :
(A) Tastes
(B) Colours
(C) Odors
(D) Shapes
50. Two-factor theory, that is a combination of classical conditioning and operant conditioning, is one of the explanations of :
(A) Generalization
(B) Discrimination
(C) Shaping
(D) Avoidance learning