Physical Education Mock Test
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Mock Test Papers on Physical Education
1. Item analysis is not concerned with :
(A) Item difficulty
(B) Discrimination power
(C) Response quality
(D) Response construction
2. The most common graphical presentation of quantitative data is in the form of a :
(A) Histogram
(B) Scattergram
(C) Linegraph
(D) Pie diagram
3. A Physical or mental change that occurs is participants over time affecting their performance on the dependent variable is called :
(A) Adaptation
(B) Maturation
(C) Boredom
(D) Information
4. A group of researchers conducts a study where children from particular classrooms are assigned to treatment or control conditions. After the study, the researcher finds that the students in the control group are high achievers than those in the experimental group. They found no treatment effect. The failure to find an effect may be due to :
(A) Treatment
(B) Testing
(C) Selection
(D) Maturation
5. As a productive functional process sport management does not include :
(A) Organizing
(B) Coaching
(C) Controlling
(D) Directing
6. Rationalisation theory of management advocates :
(A) ‘Right person for right job’
(B) Division of authority
(C) Division of responsibility
(D) ‘Freedom of thought and action’
7. Agility is measured by :
(A) Beep test
(B) T-test
(C) Volley test
(D) 30 m sprint test
8. How many time-outs are allowed in a soccer match ?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) One
(D) None of the above
9. A wrestler lifts a newborn bull onto his shoulders each day until the bull is fully grown. Which two principles of strength and endurance training are followed by him ?
(A) Frequency and overload
(B) Progression and overload
(C) Intensity and rest
(D) Progression and individuality
10. Which of the following is the main concern of a sports marketer ?
(A) Enhancing sports skills
(B) Organizing sports events
(C) Examining athletes
(D) Publicizing sports
11. Which of the following is not a critical aspect in muscular development ?
(A) Genetic potential
(B) Injury
(C) Rest and relaxation
(D) Proper nutrition
12. Which of the following is an appropriate sequence of a typical Phy. Edu. class ?
(A) Demonstration—Practice— Game—Closure
(B) Warm-up—Demonstration—Game—Practice
(C) Warm-up—Demonstration—Practice—Game
(D) Warm-up—Game—Practice—Demonstration
13. While writing instructional objectives in a lesson plan teacher mentions :
(A) Condition and criteria
(B) Behaviour and condition
(C) Behaviour, condition and criteria
(D) Behaviour, expectations and rules
14. Which of the following sets of tasks would be best for a P.E. teacher to complete and adhere to in the beginning of school year in an effort to establish good classroom management ?
(A) Learn students’ names, teach warm-up, play fun gave
(B) Have open period, post rules on wall, create list of record keeping system
(C) Establish rules and review with students, create a record keeping system, and teach predetermined signals
(D) Post rules on wall, learn students name, plan units and year
15. The three important factors for prediction of the team performance are :
(A) Crowd size, crowd density and crowd intimacy
(B) Crowd hostility, crowd affiliation and crowd intimacy
(C) Crowd mentality, crowd density and crowd volume
(D) Crowd emotionality, crowd reactivity and crowd sentimentality
16. According to Albert Bandura the four stages of observational learning are :
(A) Attention, Retention, Motor production and Motivation
(B) Attention, Retention, Assimilation and Production
(C) Understanding, Attention, Retention and Inspiration
(D) Observation, Attention, Retention and Motivation
17. Effect of applied force depends on its :
(A) Magnitude, direction and point of application
(B) Direction, point of application and spin
(C) Point of application, spin and magnitude
(D) Spin, magnitude and direction
18. Arrange the following phases of putting the shot in Parry O’ Brien technique in correct sequence from the codes given below :
(i) Release stance
(ii) Release action
(iii) Glide
(iv) Initial stance
Codes :
(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(B) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
(C) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
(D) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
19. Objectives of a school health examination are stated in order of importance. Choose the correct option for the order :
(i) It should be an educational experience
(ii) There should be a positive appraisal of health status
(iii) Defects are detected
(iv) Communicable diseases are detected
Codes :
(A) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
(B) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
(C) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
(D) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
20. Cellular respiration includes the following steps in order :
(A) Krebs cycle, glycolysis, electron transport
(B) Glycolysis, electron transport, Krebs cycle
(C) Electron transport, Krebs cycle, glycolysis
(D) Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport
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21. In perceptual motor learning the three significant components are :
(i) Reinforcement
(ii) Feedback (knowledge of result)
(iii) Teaching method
(iv) Constant practice
Use the code combination given
below :
(A) (ii), (iii) and (i)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i), (iii) and (iv)
22. The ATP production and amount of ATP produced by ATP-PC system leads to :
(A) Fast rate, high yield
(B) Slow rate, low yield
(C) Fast rate, low yield
(D) Slow rate, high yield
23. Which of the following statements is true ?
(A) The larger the sample size, the greater the sampling error.
(B) The more categories you want to make in your data analysis, the larger the sample needed.
(C) The fewer categories you want to make in your data analysis, the larger the sample needed.
(D) As sample size decreases, so does the size of the confidence interval.
24. External load factors include :
(A) Type of exercise, quality of execution and load intensity
(B) Quality of execution, load intensity and heart rate
(C) Load intensity, heart rate and type of exercise
(D) Heart rate, type of exercise and quality of execution
25. A bell-shaped curve is :
(A) Positively Skewed Curve
(B) Negatively Skewed Curve
(C) Normal Curve
(D) Bimodal Curve
26. Serve in Volleyball is an example of :
(A) Giving impetus to one’s own body
(B) Receiving impetus from one’s own body
(C) Receiving impetus from external object
(D) None of the above
27. Which of the following is not a specified objective of physical education curriculum for the state of Maharashtra ?
(A) Skill-related fitness
(B) Health-related Physical Fitness
(C) Physical Literacy
(D) Lifetime physical activity behaviour
28. The major contributors of energy in the early minutes of high-intensity exercise are :
(A) ATP-PC system
(B) ATP-PC and glycolytic system
(C) Glycolytic system
(D) Oxidative system
29. A study that investigates the relationship between gender and participation in sport would be an example of :
(A) Fundamental research
(B) Descriptive research
(C) Experimental research
(D) Action research
30. Which of the following is not considered in the pre-game meal ?
(A) Timing
(B) Balanced diet
(C) Fluid content
(D) Energetics
31. The order of exercise in a strength training programme should be :
(A) Large mass, multijoint
(B) Single joint, smaller mass
(C) Large mass, single joint
(D) Smaller mass, multijoint
32. Running has the following mechanical phases :
(i) Backward support phase
(ii) Forward support phase
(iii) Double support phase
(iv) Flying phase
The correct phase is :
(A) I, II, III
(C) I, III, IV
(D) I, II, IV
33. Pedometer measures the number of steps taken by an individual. This is a direct measurement of :
(A) Level of physical activity
(B) Leg strength
(C) Cardiovascular endurance
(D) Speed
34. The most critical psychological variables in sports performance are :
(I) Intelligence
(II) Anxiety management
(III) Mind training
(IV) Aptitude
The correct answer is :
(A) II and III
(B) I and IV
(C) I and II
(D) III and IV
35. ‘Imagery’ is often used by athletes to :
(A) Enhance concentration
(B) Reduce anxiety
(C) Cope with emotions
(D) Improve confidence
36. Diseases transmitted via the blood are :
(A) AIDS and Hepatitis
(B) Tuberculosis and AIDS
(C) Chickenpox and AIDS
(D) Cholera and Malaria
37. The initial steep rise in the learning graph is an indication of quick progress and is technically known as :
(A) End spurt
(B) Saturation point
(C) Initial spurt
(D) Plateau
38. In order to ensure that the athlete is perfectly prepared and can ‘peak’ for competition. This process may be undertaken :
(A) Acclimatizing
(B) Tapering
(C) Competing
(D) Adapting
39. Two athletes perform strict biceps curls with 15 kg dumb-bells. One athlete has much longer forearms. Why does the biceps curl demand more muscular force from the athlete with the longer forearms ?
(A) Resistance Arm > Force arm
(B) Resistance Arm < Force arm
(C) Resistance Arm = Force Arm
(D) Force arm is minimum
40. Review of literature helps researcher to :
(1) State hypothesis
(2) Establish theoretical basis
(3) Analyze scores
(4) Evaluate related research work
The correct answer is :
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 1, 2 and 4
(D) 2 and 4
41. The ‘Inverted U-Hypothesis’ for anxiety and its relation with performance states that this levels of anxiety is/are maximally detrimental for performance :
(A) Optimum
(B) Moderately low
(C) Moderately high
(D) Very high and very low
42. The statement given below is false. Select the correct option for the underlined words, so that the statement is correct :
The pulmonary veins carry blood from the lungs to the right atrium :
(A) Left atrium
(B) Left ventricle
(C) Right atrium
(D) Right ventricle
43. What aspect of body movement refers to body awareness ?
(1) To identify the parts of body and the whole
(2) To establish the relationship of body parts
(3) To be able to identify body parts
The correct answer is :
(A) (1) and (2)
(B) (1), (2) and (3)
(C) (2) and (3)
(D) (1) and (3)
44. “Student will be able to describe why heart beats faster during exercise.” The statement above is an example of learning objective is :
(A) Psychomotor domain
(B) Cognitive domain
(C) Affective domain
(D) Fitness domain
45. Newton’s Second Law of Motion explains :
(i) Impulse-momentum relation-ship
(ii) Direction of change of momentum
(iii) Relation between applied force and produced acceleration
(iv) Action-reaction relationship.
Give the correct combination :
(A) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iii) (iv) (i)
(D) (iv) (i) (ii)
46. Situational anxiety during competition is best tackled by :
(I) Peptalk
(II) Desensitization
(III) Self talk
(IV) Goal setting
The correct answer is :
(A) II and IV
(B) I and III
(C) I and IV
(D) I and II
47. What type of motivation is not applicable to young children ?
(A) Extrinsic motivation
(B) Intrinsic motivation
(C) Achievement
(D) All of the above
48. An athlete runs 30 minutes everyday, but her 5000 m race time is staying the same and she is not having fun any more. What should she do to improve ?
(A) Run a 5000 m everyday because practice makes perfect
(B) Add diversity to her exercise program to keep her from getting bored or lazy
(C) Continue focussing on all of her time on running but she should try to run faster every time
(D) Continue focussing on all of her time on running but she should try to run farther each time
49. Which of the following is a non-probability sampling method ?
(A) Snowball sampling
(B) Random sampling
(C) Stratified sampling
(D) Systematic sampling
50. DOTS is the most effective strategy that ensures cure for :
(A) Malaria
(B) Typhoid
(C) Tuberculosis
(D) Hepatitis A