NET JRF Home Science Questions and Answers
Are you eagerly waiting for the NET JRF Home Science Previous Papers? Don’t you have enough money to buy books for preparing the NET JRF Home Science written exam? Don’t feel bad! Here, we have attached the last 5-year NET JRF Home Science Question Paper Pdf.
Refer the NET JRF Home Science Model Papers before starting the preparation. Reading the National Eligibility Test Junior Research Fellowship Home Science Old Papers not only helps you to be aware of the previous year questions, but also, you can sharpen your competitive examination, Skills.
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Home Science Questions and Answers for NET JRF
1. Phrynoderma is caused by the deficiency of :
(A) Essential fatty acids
(B) Thiamin
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin D
2. MPN stands for :
(A) Most Probable Number
(B) Minimum Probable Number
(C) Maximum Probable Number
(D) Multiple Probable Number
3. Which of the following process involves dextrinisation ?
(A) Boiling milk and flour to make custard
(B) Steaming Idli
(C) Toasting bread
(D) Fermentation
4. The preservation technique using radiation is also known as :
(A) Cold sterilisation
(B) Dry sterilisation
(C) Heat sterilisation
(D) Pasteurisation
5. Which acid is formed during Rigor Mortis ?
(A) Citric acid
(B) Lactic acid
(C) Oxalic acid
(D) Gluconic acid
6. Carnitine shuttle operates in the :
(A) Glycolysis
(B) TCA cycle
(C) Urea cycle
(D) oxidation of fats
7. What is the dose of iron in the weekly iron folate supplementation (WIFS) program ?
(A) 60 mg
(B) 80 mg
(C) 100 mg
(D) 120 mg
8. Marasmus is a form of :
(A) Adapted starvation
(B) Non-adapted starvation
(C) Mixed malnutrition
(D) Severe undernutrition
9. The fasting blood glucose level is :
(A) 50 to 80 mg/dl
(B) 70 to 110 mg/dl
(C) 80 to 120 mg/dl
(D) 130 to 140 mg/dl
10. Characteristics of Personnel Management are :
(A) Maximum work capacity and job satisfaction
(B) Development of workers’ quality, training
(C) Co-operation and union
(D) Freedom and time
11. Which aspect is least important in selection of an Anganwadi worker ?
(A) Her personality and commitment towards children
(B) To ensure that she knows some English and is educated
(C) Her understanding of the community culture
(D) Her training for early childhood care education
12. Which aspect is not important in management of an institution serving children with special needs ?
(A) Following prescribed legal norms
(B) Seeking parent/family involvement
(C) A program that promotes child’s self-esteem
(D) A compulsory program of vocational training
13. A small amount of looseness in garments to give comfort to the wearer is known as :
(A) Gathers
(B) Tucks
(C) Pleats
(D) Ease
14. Vertical lines in a garment should be preferred by :
(A) Short and obese person
(B) Thin person
(C) Tall person
(D) Tall and obese person
15. An effective ecofriendly bleach for textile fibers is :
(A) Sodium perborate
(B) Sodium hypochlorite
(C) Hydrogen peroxide
(D) Chlorine bleach
16. Kneading and squeezing method is used for washing Rayon fabrics because they :
(A) have smooth surface
(B) have low wet strength
(C) are expensive
(D) have poor absorption
17. Which of the following is not a primary property of textile fibres ?
(A) High length to width ratio
(B) Strength
(C) Lustre
(D) Cohesiveness
18. Knitted fabrics are described in terms of :
(A) Courses and Wales
(B) Warp and Weft
(C) Lap and Sliver
(D) Roving and Lap
19. A weave characterized by diagonal lines on its surface is :
(A) Honeycomb
(B) Plain
(C) Twill
(D) Satin
20. A yarn made by twisting two or more single yarns is called :
(A) Cord Yarn
(B) Filament Yarn
(C) Ply Yarn
(D) Novelty Yarn
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21. Plain weave fabric constructed with coloured woven check pattern is :
(A) Gingham
(B) Corduroy
(C) Denim
(D) Chintz
22. The characteristics of main social function of the family as :
(A) Socialization, Political, Psychological, Guidance
(B) Reproduction, Maintenance, Placement, Socialization
(C) Economic, Maintenance, Reproduction, Guidance
(D) Evaluating, Reproduction, Political, Placement
23. The factors affecting family resources are :
(A) Family life cycle, managerial efficiency, attitude
(B) Socio-economic status, desire, interest and wants
(C) Property, community resources, money, environment
(D) Friends, banks, shops and hospitals
24. The correct sequence of steps in decision-making are :
(A) Problem identification, goals, mental ability, analysis frequency
(B) Intelligence, group decision, selection, time
(C) Time management, action, individual, process
(D) Problem identification, searching alternatives, taking decision, implementation of decision and feedback
25. The factors affecting housing plan are :
(A) Roominess, Grouping, Garage
(B) Garden Facilities, Income and Values of Family
(C) Rocky soil, ownership, health spa
(D) Flexibility, sanitation, privacy
26. The different types of decorative designs are :
(A) Modern design and structural design
(B) Geometric design and structural design
(C) Naturalistic design and stylized design
(D) Structural design and stylized design
27. The factors you will keep in mind while selecting the household equipment are :
(A) Guarantee, Design, Expenditure
(B) Utility, Quality, Disposal
(C) Services, Operations, Disposal
(D) Quality, Standards, Weight
28. “Home Management is planning, controlling and evaluating the use of resources in a family to attain its goals” has been defined by :
(A) R. P. Devdas
(B) Gross and Crandall
(C) Prof. R. C. Davis
(D) Nickell and Dorsey
29. Which statement about Human Development is false ?
(A) Development includes sequential pattern of growth
(B) Human development starts at birth
(C) The different domains of development are interdependent
(D) Development is continuous
30. A three-year old child enjoys talk about urine and feces and experiments on such aspects. He/she as per Freud’s theory is in ……………. stage.
(A) Oral
(B) Anal
(C) Phallic
(D) Genital
31. Sunil, a 7-year old shows actions that benefit other people such as sharing and care when his friend is injured. This is an example of :
(A) Anti-social behavior
(B) Altruism
(C) Pro-social behavior
(D) Cooperative participatory action
32. Which is the most important component of a good preschool curriculum ?
(A) Warmth, safety and security for children
(B) An international curriculum
(C) Expensive play equipments
(D) Ensuring parent involvement
33. Discipline and setting clear rules and limits are important and helpful to a child :
(A) To provide security and clarity about boundaries
(B) To reflect care and parental authority
(C) To bring about unquestioned compliance
(D) To make him/her good boy/girl
34. The cross-sectional method used to study play patterns of children :
(A) is always more appropriate than the longitudinal method for understanding play
(B) is good to understand how children play at different ages with one another
(C) studies the same group of children at different times
(D) gives a favorable a picture of the effects of play on children
35. An idea of oneself as relatively masculine or feminine is known as :
(A) Gender consistency
(B) Gender roles
(C) Gender identity
(D) Gender intensification
36. Learning in a non-formal education programme takes place through :
(A) Democratic discussion and dialogue
(B) Telephone
(C) Classroom
(D) Internet
37. An out-of-school system of education for rural women :
(A) Management
(B) Participation
(C) Extension education
(D) Communication
38. ……………… extending technical knowledge to wives, in urban and rural areas on food, child care and home decoration.
(A) Industry
(B) Organization
(C) Home science extension
(D) Management
39. .. …………… . education has no examination.
(A) Extension education
(B) Non-formal education
(C) Formal education
(D) College education
40. ………………. is a method of indirect control and provide development of personnel.
(A) Supervision
(B) Extension
(C) Planning
(D) Evaluation
41. Sharing of ideas, facts, opinions, information and understanding are referred as :
(A) Relation
(B) Co-ordination
(C) Learning
(D) Communication
42. ……………… is a traditional method of communication.
(A) Internet
(B) Cell phone
(C) Telephone
(D) Bhajan
43. Which one is ingredient of communication ?
(A) Message and channel
(B) Audio aids
(C) Organiser
(D) Visual aids
44. The community involvement process does not include :
(A) Rapport building
(B) Need assessment
(C) Interview of all members
(D) Securing people’s participation
45. Teaching in higher education implies :
(A) Presenting the information given in the text-book
(B) Asking questions in the class and conducting examination
(C) Helping students prepare for and pass the examination
(D) Helping students learn how to learn
46. Which among the following is a quantitative method ?
(A) Focus group discussion
(B) Structured observation
(C) 24 hour diet recall
(D) Case study
47. Which selecting children from a school, the list of children is taken from the attendance register. This is referred to as :
(A) Sampling
(B) Random sampling
(C) Lottery method
(D) Sampling frame
48. A statistical hypothesis test that derives inference based on small samples :
(A) Chi-square
(C) T-test
(D) Mean
49. The qualitative information is one which concerns the :
(A) Value of some variable
(B) Rate of change
(C) Condition or status of a system
(D) Presence or absence of some specific object