NCLEX Typical Questions and Answers

The candidates can download the NCLEX Typical Questions and Answers for Preparation. The NCLEX-RN Typical Papers will help the aspirants to crack the exam easily. Also, Visit our website for the NCLEX-RN for the Last 5 Years Papers Typical Papers. Refer the NCLEX Typical Questions and Answers to get an idea of the difficulty level of exam. The aspirants who are going to attend the NCLEX-PN Examination can use this syllabus and Typical Papers as a reference for the preparation.

Interested applicants can go through this page to download the Typical Questions of National Council Licensure Examination Exam. The NCLEX-PN Typical Papers are the most important aspects for the proper exam preparation. With the help of these NCLEX Typical Question Papers, you will get an idea about the test pattern, subjects, difficulty level, and weightage of each section. So, download the NCLEX-RN Typical Papers along with the answers. We are providing the National Council Licensure Examination Typical Question Papers of for free of cost. Use these Last 5 Years NCLEX-RN Exam Typical Question Papers as a reference for the exam preparation.

NCLEX Typical Questions and Answers

Typical Questions and Answers for NCLEX

1. The nurse is providing home care to an elderly woman who had a cerebro-vascular accident several weeks ago. All of the following need to be done. Which should the nurse plan to do first?
A. Auscultate lung fields
B. Hygienic care
C. Assist with ambulation
D. Range-of-motion (ROM) exercises

2. The nurse is caring for several clients who have ostomies. Which client will have the most wellformed drainage? The client whose colostomy is in the:
A. ileum.
B. ascending colon.
C. transverse colon.
D. descending colon.

3. Because a client is scheduled for a bronchoscopy tomorrow, the nurse should do which of the following?
A. Encourage fluids before the procedure
B. Keep the client NPO after midnight
C. Give the client a cleansing enema this evening
D. Withhold all medications the day before the procedure

4. The client has a prescription for a calcium carbonate compound to neutralize stomach acid. The nurse should assess the client for:
A. Constipation
B. Hyperphosphatemia
C. Hypomagnesemia
D. Diarrhea

5. An adult is admitted with pernicious anemia. Which factor in the client’s history is most likely related to the development of pernicious anemia?
A. The client had an upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleed a year ago.
B. The client had chemotherapy three months ago.
C. The client had a gastrectomy six months ago.
D. The client’s mother had iron deficiency anemia”

6. A 15-year-old client presents at the clinic with fatigue, a severe sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. A monospot test is positive. What instructions will be most appropriate for this client?
A. “Take the prescribed antibiotic for the full 10 days even if you feel better.”
B. “You will need plenty of rest and good nutrition for the next few weeks.”
C. “You may go to school but should not engage in extracurricular activities for the next two weeks.”
D. “Stay home from school until the blisters are all scabbed over.”

7. “Which comment by the client is most significant in light of the fact that he has Ménière’s disease?
A. “I take a walk every day.”
B. “I listen to my iPOD a lot.”
C. “I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.”
D. “It is very noisy at my workplace.””

8. A client is admitted with suspected Legionnaires’ disease. Which factor increases the risk of developing Legionnaires’ disease?
A. Treatment of arthritis with steroids
B. Foreign travel
C. Eating fresh shellfish twice a week
D. Doing volunteer work at the local hospital”

9. The nurse is to remove an indwelling urinary catheter from an adult client. Which step should be done first?
A. Cut the catheter with scissors.
B. Withdraw the fluid from the balloon.
C. Clamp the catheter.
D. Remove the catheter.

10. The nurse is caring for an aging client. Which statement the client makes indicates that he is having difficulty with the developmental tasks of aging?
A. “I like to make toys for my grandchildren.”
B. “I used to be a farmer, but now I can’t do all that hard work.”
C. “I wish I had changed careers when I really wanted to; now it’s too late.”
D. “We don’t have as much money now as we did before I retired.”

11. “An adult is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which assessment is essential for the nurse to make?
A. Number of bowel movements
B. Confirmation that the tube is in the stomach
C. Auscultation of bowel sounds
D. Daily weights

12. “The nurse is discussing mammogram screening with a family. No one in the family has had a mammogram. The mother is 52, there are four daughters, ages 10, 15, 21, and 34, and the grandmother is 75. Which of the following women should receive a mammogram? Select all that apply.
A. The 10-year old daughter
B. The 15-year old daughter
C. The 21-year old daughter
D. The 34-year old daughter
E. The 52-year old mother
F. The 75-year-old grandmother”

13. The doctor has ordered 80mg of furosemide (Lasix) two times per day. The nurse notes the patient’s potassium level to be 2.5meq/L. The nurse should:
A. Administer the Lasix as ordered
B. Administer half the dose
C. Offer the patient a potassium-rich food
D. Withhold the drug and call the doctor

14. The physician has ordered Dilantin (phenytoin) 100mg intravenously for a Client with generalized tonic clonic seizures. The nurse should administer the medication:
A. Rapidly with an IV push
B. With IV dextrose
C. Slowly over 2-3 minutes
D. Through a small vein

15. A client receiving Vancocin (vancomycin) has a serum level of 2O0mcg/mL. The nurse knows that the therapeutic range for vancomycin is:
A. 5-10mcg/mL
B. 10-25mcg/mL
C. 25-40mcg/mL
D. 40-60mcg/mL

16. The nurse is caring for an adult who has atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis. Atenolol is prescribed. The nurse should expect that this medication was prescribed to:
A. decrease elevated blood pressure.
B. decrease inflammation.
C. relieve pain.
D. slow the heart rate.

17. An adult who has hepatitis A asks the nurse why her skin is yellow. The nurse should include which information when replying?
A. The diseased liver is not able to convert bilirubin into bile, so bilirubin pigments stay in the bloodstream and cause the skin and sclera to turn yellow.
B. The virus that causes hepatitis A leaves a yellow pigment in the bloodstream.
C. The affected liver cells produce more bilirubin than usual, causing the skin to turn yellow.
D. The body is trying to get rid of fecal waste products through the skin.

18. The nurse is teaching a mother how to administer eardrops to her children who are 1 and 6 years old. What should be included in the teaching?
A. Before putting ear drops in your 1-year-old child’s ear, pull the ear down and back. Pull the ear up and back before putting ear drops in your 6-year-old child’s ear.
B. Before putting ear drops in your 1-year-old child’s ear, pull the ear up and back. Pull the ear down and back before putting ear drops in your 6-year-old child’s ear.
C. Pull the ears down and back before putting eardrops in the ears of both of your children.
D. Pull the ears up and back before putting eardrops in the ears of both of your children.

19. The nurse is caring for a client with leukemia who has received the drug (daunorubicin) Cerubidine. Which of the following common side effects would cause the most concern?
A. Nausea
B. Vomiting
C. Cardiotoxicity
D. Alopecia

20. A low-residue diet is ordered for an adult. The nurse knows that the client understands the diet when which menu is selected?
A. Lettuce and tomato salad, steak sandwich, orange slices
B. Gelatin salad, mashed potatoes, sliced chicken
C. Corn casserole, pork chop, rice
D. Broccoli, broiled fish, sesame seed roll

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21. An adult is admitted with a head injury following an accident. He has a severe headache and asks the nurse why he cannot have something for pain. The nurse understands that the client should not receive a narcotic analgesic for which reason?
A. Narcotic analgesics cause mydriasis, which will raise intracranial pressure.
B. Narcotic analgesics are not effective for pain caused by brain trauma.
C. Narcotic analgesics cause vomiting, which would mask a sign of increased intracranial pressure.
D. Narcotic analgesics may depress respirations, which would cause acidosis and further brain damage.

22. Prior to discharge from the postanesthesia care unit following a vein stripping of the left leg, the nurse should tell the client to:
A. apply heat to the affected leg for 10 minutes out of every hour for the next 24 hours.
B. sit with the legs up or walk but avoid prolonged standing and sitting with the feet down.
C. avoid weight bearing on the affected leg for the next week.
D. remove the compression bandages after 24 hours.

23. A nurse is caring for a 45-year-old married woman who has undergone hemicolectomy for colon cancer. The woman has two children. Which concepts about families should the nurse keep in mind when providing care for this client? Select all that apply.
A. Illness in one family member can affect all members.
B. Family roles don’t change because of illness.
C. A family member may have more than one role at a time in a family.
D. Children typically aren’t affected by adult illness.
E. The effects of an illness on a family depend on the stage of the family’s life cycle.
F. Changes in sleeping and eating patterns may be signs of stress in a family.

24. A client is admitted to the emergency room with a gunshot wound to the right arm. After dressing the wound and administering the prescribed antibiotic, the nurse should:
A. Ask the client if he has any medication allergies
B. Check the client’s immunization record
C. Apply a splint to immobilize the arm
D. Administer medication for pain

25. The nurse is teaching the client regarding use of sodium warfarin. Which Statement made by the client would require further teaching?
A. “I will have blood drawn every month.”
B. “I will assess my skin for a rash.”
C. “I take aspirin for a headache.”
D. “l will use an electric razor to shave.””

26. The nurse is caring for an adult who has ulcerative colitis. When planning care, the nurse knows that which nursing diagnosis is of highest priority?
A. Deficient fluid volume
B. Disturbed body image
C. Risk for impaired skin integrity
D. Risk for ineffective health maintenance”

27. A 6-year-old child is receiving chemotherapy for leukemia. Which comment by the child indicates to the nurse that the child is adjusting well to the therapy?
A. “I am so tired. I want Mommy to hold me.”
B. “Look at my new hat. I wear it all the time. It’s pretty.”
C. “See all my bruises. They are funny colors.”
D. “I wish I could eat pizza, but everything makes me throw up.”

28. An adolescent tells the nurse that she is afraid she will get AIDS and asks how she can avoid this. What should be included in the nurse’s response?
Select all that apply.
A. Avoid using public toilets because the virus may be on the seat.
B. Do not have sexual intercourse until you are married.
C. Using a condom lowers the risk of contracting HIV.
D. Oral contraceptives lower the risk of contracting HIV.
E. Do not share razors with anyone else.
F. The virus may be transmitted by drinking from the same glass.

29. A 3-year-old child who is up to date with all immunizations is seen at clinic. The child has a fever of 102°F and a pruritic rash with fluid-filled vesicles that began on the trunk. The physician says the child has varicella. The child’s mother says to the nurse, “I thought my child couldn’t get this because she had all her shots.” What is the best response for the nurse to make?
A. “You child probably did not respond to the vaccine as most children do.”
B. “The nurse must not have administered it correctly.”
C. “It is still possible to contract the illness, but your child will most likely have a less severe case.”
D. “The vaccine is only effective after the child has received two doses.””

30. The client with a history of diabetes insipidus is admitted with polyuria, polydipsia, and mental confusion. The priority intervention for this client is:
A. Measure the urinary output
B. Check the vital signs
C. Encourage increased fluid intake
D. Weigh the client

31. A mother has brought her 9-month-old baby to the physician’s office for a well baby visit. Based on knowledge of normal growth and development, the nurse would expect that the ability the child has acquired most recently is which of the following?
A. Sitting up unsupported
B. Rolling over without help
C. Holding head up without assistance
D. Smiling in response to a familiar face

32. Acticoat (silver nitrate) dressings are applied to the legs of a client with deep partial thickness burns. The nurse should:
A. Change the dressings once per shift
B. Moisten the dressing with sterile water
C. Change the dressings only when they become soiled
D. Moisten the dressing with normal saline

33. The nurse has received her assignment for the day and is to care for the following clients. Which client should the nurse go to first?
A. A 56-year-old who was admitted last evening vomiting blood; the night nurse says he has had no emesis for the last four hours
B. A 65-year-old who had hip replacement surgery two days ago
C. A 68-year-old who fell yesterday and is scheduled for hip surgery later this morning
D. A 69-year-old who was admitted last evening with severe right upper quadrant and right scapular pain

34. The nurse is performing discharge teaching on a client with polycythemia vera. Which would be included in the teaching plan?
A. Avoid large crowds
B. Keep the head of the bed elevated at night
C. Wear socks and gloves when going outside
D. Recognize clinical manifestations of thrombosis

35. “The home nurse who is caring for an older person who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with continuous nasal oxygen is helping the family set up a humidifier in the room. The humidifier cord is not long enough to reach the outlet in the room and must be plugged into an extension cord. The extension cord is wrapped with black tape. When the nurse asks the family members about the tape, they reply that the cord is an old cord, and the electrical tape covers up the frayed part and makes it safe. They say a contractor friend told them how to make it safe. How should the nurse respond?
A. Refuse to set up the equipment until a new cord is available
B. Carefully inspect the taped area and set up equipment if it appears intact
C. Ask the family to let the nurse discuss the safety of the cord with the contractor friend
D. Set up the equipment and suggest that the family get a new extension cord as soon as possible

36. The client with an abdominal aortic aneurysm is admitted in preparation for surgery. Which of the following should be reported to the doctor?
A. An elevated white blood cell count
B. An abdominal bruit
C. A negative Babinski reflex
D. Pupils that are equal and reactive to light

37. The nurse is caring for a patient with suspected diverticulitis. The nurse would be most prudent in questioning which of the following diagnostic tests?
A. Abdominal ultrasound
B. Barium enema
C. Complete blood count
D. Computed tomography (CT) scan

38. A client is ordered to receive a sodium phosphate enema for relief of constipation. Proper administration of the enema includes which steps? Select all that apply.
A. Chill the solution by placing it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
B. Assist the client into Sims’ position.
C. Wash hands and put on gloves.
D. Insert the tip of the container 1⁄2into the rectum.
E. Allow gravity to instill the solution.
F. Encourage the client to retain the solution for 5 to 15 minutes.

39. The nurse is observing a certified nursing assistant (CNA) caring for a client who has AIDS. Which action, if observed, is not correct?
A. The CNA wears gloves when cleaning the client after an episode of fecal incontinence.
B. The CNA uses chlorine bleach to wipe up blood after the client cut himself shaving.
C. The CNA is observed giving the client a back rub without gloves on.
D. The CNA wears a mask whenever entering the client’s room.”

40. The nurse understands that the diagnosis of oral cancer is confirmed with:
A. Biopsy
B. Gram Stain
C. Oral culture
D. Oral washings for cytology

41. The nurse has performed discharge teaching to a client in need of a high-iron diet. The nurse recognizes that teaching has been effective when the client selects which meal plan?
A. Hamburger, French fries, and orange juice
B. Sliced veal, spinach salad, and whole-wheat roll
C. Vegetable lasagna, Caesar salad, and toast
D. Bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich; potato chips; and tea

42. A healthcare worker is referred to the nursing office with a suspected latex allergy. The first symptom of latex allergy is usually:
A. Oral itching after eating bananas
B. Swelling of the eyes and mouth
C. Difficulty in breathing
D. Swelling and itching of the hands

43. The nurse is caring for several clients who are to have diagnostic tests. Which clients will receive similar instructions?
A. The client who is having an upper GI series and the client who is having a lower GI series
B. The client who is having a gallbladder sonogram and the client who is having a gallbladder x-ray
C. The client who is having a barium enema and the client who is having a colonoscopy.
D. The client who is having a gastroscopy and the client who is having a colonoscopy.

44. The nurse has completed teaching the client about his low-sodium, low-fat diet. Which menu, if selected by the client, would indicate to the nurse that the client understands his diet?
A. Mashed potatoes, spinach, and meatloaf
B. Swordfish with Hollandaise sauce, carrots, and rice pilaf
C. Baked chicken, wild rice, and broccoli
D. Roast beef with gravy, baked potato with sour cream, and creamed peas

45. A client has had a unilateral adrenalectomy to remove a tumor. The most important measurement in the immediate post-operative period for the nurse to take is to:
A. Check the blood pressure
B. Monitor the temperature
C. Evaluate the urinary output
D. Check the specific gravity of the urine

46. A 21-year-old male with Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a senior at the local university. He is engaged to be married and is to begin a new job upon graduation. Which of the following diagnoses would be a priority for this client?
A. Sexual dysfunction related to radiation therapy
B. Anticipatory grieving related to terminal illness
C. Tissue integrity related to prolonged bed rest
D. Fatigue related to chemotherapy

47. The nurse is assessing a client for hypovolemia. Which laboratory result would help the nurse in confirming a volume deficit?
A. Hematocrit 55%
B. Potassium 5.0mEq/L
C. Urine specific gravity 1.016
D. BUN 18mg/dL

48. A client with Parkinson’s disease is scheduled for stereotactic surgery. Which finding indicates that the surgery had its intended effect?
A. The client no longer has intractable tremors.
B. The client has sufficient production of dopamine.
C. The client no longer requires any medication.
D. The client will have increased production of serotonin.

49. A client is admitted with disseminated herpes zoster. According to the Centers for Disease Control Guidelines for Infection Control:
A. Airborne precautions will be needed.
B. No special precautions will be needed.
C. Contact precautions will be needed.
D. Droplet precautions will be needed.

50. A newly admitted client has sickle cell crisis. He is complaining of pain in his feet and hands. The nurse’s assessment findings include a pulse oximetry of 92. Assuming that all the following interventions are ordered, which should be done first?
A. Adjust the room temperature
B. Give a bolus of IV fluids
C. Start 0
D. Administer meperidine (Demerol) 75mg IV push

Is it better to be a nurse in UK or USA?

The nursing profession is a vital part of the healthcare system worldwide, and nurses play an essential role in providing care to patients. Nurses are responsible for providing support and care to patients, including administering medication, performing diagnostic tests, and providing emotional support to patients and their families. Nurses work in various settings such as hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities, and the nursing profession has many opportunities for growth and development. In this article, we will explore the differences between being a nurse in the UK and the USA, including the education and training required, job prospects, salaries, and work conditions.

Education and Training

In both the UK and the USA, nursing is a regulated profession, and individuals must meet specific educational and training requirements to become a nurse. In the UK, nurses must complete a pre-registration nursing degree, which takes three to four years to complete. The nursing degree covers a wide range of topics, including anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, nursing practice, and patient care. In addition to the nursing degree, nurses in the UK must also complete a period of supervised practice, known as preceptorship, which usually lasts for six months to a year.

In the USA, nurses can enter the profession through a variety of educational pathways, including associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and diploma programs. Associate degree programs take two to three years to complete, while bachelor’s degree programs take four years. Diploma programs are less common but are still available and usually take two to three years to complete. Nurses in the USA must also pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become licensed to practice.

Job Prospects

The nursing profession is in high demand in both the UK and the USA, and there are many job opportunities available for qualified nurses. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of registered nurses in the USA is projected to grow by 7% from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations. In the UK, there is a high demand for nurses, particularly in areas such as mental health and community nursing.


The salaries for nurses in the UK and the USA can vary significantly depending on the location, level of experience, and specialization. According to PayScale, the average salary for a registered nurse in the USA is $70,000 per year, while in the UK, the average salary for a registered nurse is £25,750 per year. However, it is important to note that salaries can vary significantly depending on the location and type of healthcare facility.

Work Conditions

The work conditions for nurses in the UK and the USA can vary significantly depending on the healthcare facility and the specific role. In general, nurses in both countries work long hours and may be required to work weekends, evenings, and holidays. However, there are also opportunities for flexible working arrangements, such as part-time and shift work.

In the USA, nurses may be required to work in high-pressure environments, particularly in emergency departments and critical care units. In the UK, nurses may also work in challenging environments, particularly in mental health and community nursing.

In conclusion, both the UK and the USA offer excellent opportunities for those who wish to pursue a career in nursing. Both countries have high demand for nurses and offer competitive salaries and benefits. However, there are some differences in the education and training requirements, job prospects, salaries, and work conditions between the two countries. Ultimately, the decision of whether to pursue a nursing career in the UK or the USA will depend on individual preferences and circumstances.

Factors such as personal goals, lifestyle preferences, and the level of education and training required may play a role in the decision-making process. Some individuals may prefer the more structured and standardized education and training requirements in the UK, while others may prefer the flexibility and variety of educational pathways available in the USA.


Another important factor to consider is the healthcare system in each country. The UK has a publicly funded healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS), which provides healthcare services to all residents of the UK. The USA, on the other hand, has a primarily private healthcare system, with a mix of public and private insurance options. The healthcare system in each country can have an impact on the work conditions and job prospects for nurses, as well as the level of support and resources available to them.

It is also worth noting that cultural and social factors may influence the decision to become a nurse in the UK or the USA. For example, the role of nurses in the UK may be perceived differently than in the USA, and cultural norms and expectations may vary. Additionally, the cost of living and quality of life in each country may differ, which may influence an individual’s decision to pursue a nursing career in either country.

Ultimately, the decision to become a nurse in the UK or the USA will depend on a variety of factors, including personal preferences, career goals, educational requirements, job prospects, and cultural and social factors. Regardless of the choice, the nursing profession is a rewarding and fulfilling career that offers many opportunities for growth, development, and making a positive impact on the lives of patients and their families.

Moreover, both the UK and the USA offer opportunities for specialization and career advancement within the nursing profession. Nurses can specialize in areas such as pediatrics, critical care, mental health, and community nursing, among others. They can also pursue advanced degrees, such as a master’s or doctoral degree in nursing, to become nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, or nurse educators.


In addition to career advancement opportunities, the nursing profession also offers opportunities for international work and travel. Nurses can work in other countries as part of international aid organizations or for private healthcare providers. They can also participate in volunteer programs and medical missions to provide healthcare services to underserved communities around the world.

One important consideration for nurses in both the UK and the USA is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare system and the nursing profession. Nurses have been on the front lines of the pandemic, providing critical care and support to patients and their families. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of the nursing profession and the need for investment in healthcare infrastructure and resources.

In conclusion, the nursing profession offers many opportunities for growth, development, and making a positive impact on the lives of patients and their families. Whether in the UK or the USA, becoming a nurse requires dedication, hard work, and a commitment to providing compassionate and high-quality care. The decision to pursue a nursing career in either country will depend on individual circumstances, including personal preferences, career goals, educational requirements, job prospects, cultural and social factors, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare system and the nursing profession.