Computer Networks Practice Questions and Answers Paper
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Practice Questions and Answers on Computer Networking
1. An example of network layer is
(a) Internet protocol (IP) – ARPANET
(b) X.25 Packet Level Protocol (PLP)-ISO
(c) Source routing and Domain naming Usenet.
(d) all of these
2. The amount of uncertainty in a system of symbol is called
(a) Bandwidth
(b) Loss
(c) Entropy
(d) Quantum
3. Most data communications involving telegraph lines use
(a) simplex lines
(b) wideband channels
(c) narrowband channels
(d) dialled service
4. A packet-switching network
(a) is free
(b) can reduce the cost of using an information utility
(c) allows communications channels to be shared among more than one user
(d) both (b) and (c) above
5. In a communication system the term sink refers to
(a) the receiving unit
(b) the sending unit
(c) the part of information which cannot be communicated
(d) none of the above
6. Communication between computers is almost always
(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) series parallel
(d) direct
7. Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) terminal section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
(b) receiver section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
(c) transmission section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
(d) control section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler
8. A message packets received by the hub is
(a) just passed as it is to all ports connected
(b) repeats the signal and sends to the networks server
(c) repeats the signal and sends to all the nodes connected to it
(d) repeats the signal and sends to the server and other nodes except the source.
9. Error detection at the data link level is achieved by
(a) Bit stuffing
(b) Cyclic redundancy code
(c) Hamming codes
(d) Equalization
10. Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) Buffering is the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds
(b) Buffering is a method to reduce crosstalk
(c) Buffering is a method to reduce the routing overhead
(d) Buffering is storage of data within the transmitting medium until the receiver is ready to receive.
11. A remote batch-processing operation in which data is solely input to a central computer would require
(a) telegraph line
(b) mixed bad channel
(c) simplex lines
(d) all the above
12. Transmission mode which is used for data communication along telephone lines is
(a) Parallel
(b) Synchronous
(c) Serial
(d) hybrid
13. Error detection at a data link level is achieved by
(a) bit stuffing
(b) hamming codes
(c) cyclic redundancy codes
(d) equalization
14. When two computers communicate with each other, they send information back and forth. If they are separated by a reasonable distance, they can send and receive the information through a direct cable connection which is called a null-modem connection. Presently what is the maximum distance in meters permitted in this null-modem connection?
(a) 50
(b) 30
(c) 100
(d) 150
15. Communication lines which is best suited to interactive processing applications is
(a) Narrowband channels
(b) Full-duplex lies
(c) Simplex lines
(d) mixed band channels
16. Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network vis a
(a) file server
(b) printer server
(c) utility server
(d) gateway
17. The linking of computers with a communication system is called
(a) Networking
(b) Pairing
(c) Interfacing
(d) assembling
18. When you connect to an on-line information service, you are asked to provide some kind of identification such as you name, an account number and a password. What is the name given to this brief dialogue between you and the information system?
(a) Security procedure
(b) Identification procedure
(c) Safeguard procedure
(d) Log-on procedure
19. Communication circuit that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time are operating in
(a) a simple mode.
(b) a full-duplex mode
(c) a half-duplex mode
(d) an asynchronous mode
20. Data communication method which is used for sending data in both directions at the same time is
(a) super duplex
(b) half duplex
(c) simplex
(d) full duplex
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21. The packets switching concept was first proposed
(a) in the late 1980s for the defence Ministry of US
(b) in the early 1960s for military communication systems, mainly to handle speech
(c) in the late 1950s for Defence Ministry of US
(d) all of the above
22. The main difference between synchronous and asynchronous transmission is
(a) the clocking is derived from the data in synchronous transmission
(b) the clocking is mixed with the data in asynchronous transmission
(c) the pulse height is different
(d) the bandwidth required is different
23. In a synchronous modem, the digital-to-analogue converter transmits signal to the
(a) Equalizer
(b) Demodulator
(c) Modulator
(d) terminal
24. The transfer of data from CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is achieved through
(a) Modems
(b) Interfaces
(c) computer ports
(d) buffer memory
25. Packet Switch Stream (PSS) was introduced in
(a) the US in 1961
(b) the UK in 1971
(c) the UK in 1981
(d) the US in 1961
26. Coaxial cable has conductors with
(a) equal resistance.
(b) the same diameter
(c) a common axis
(d) both (a) and (b) above
27. The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called
(a) Attenuation.
(b) Scattering
(c) Propagation
(d) interruption
28. How many pairs of stations can simultaneously communicate on Ethernet LAN?
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) none of the above
29. How many digits of the networks User Address are known as the DNIC (data network identification code) ?
(a) first three
(b) first five
(c) first four
(d) first seven
30. Item which is not used in Local Area Networks (LANs) is
(a) Computer
(b) Printer
(c) Modem
(d) Cable
31. A band is always equivalent to
(a) a byte
(b) 100 bits
(c) a bit
(d) none of the above
32. FDDI is a
(a) ring network
(b) mesh network
(c) star networks
(d) bus based network
33. With telecommunications and a personal computer you can
(a) “download” free public domain programs
(b) send letters to be printed and delivered by the post office
(c) order goods at a substantial discount
(d) all of the above
34. What is the name given to the exchange of control signals which is necessary for establishing a connection between a modem and computer at one end of a line and another modem and computer at the other end?
(a) Handshaking
(b) Protocol
(c) Modem options
(d) Duplexing
35. Avalanche photodiode receivers can detect bits of transmitted data for receiving
(a) 100 photons
(b) 200 photons
(c) 200 photons
(d) 200 photons
36. A hub in network is a
(a) a multi port signal repeater or concentrator
(b) a multi plug like device to allow many computers to be connected
(c) the server which serves every node
(d) the central power supply
37. In a LAN every computer can communicate with
(a) all the other computers
(b) the main computer
(c) the output devices of other computers
(d) all of the above
38. In communication, software can be called the “traffic cop” of a micro. communication system, then what would be modem be called
(a) Park
(b) Interface
(c) Bridge
(d) link
39. An example of a medium-speed, switched communication services is
(a) series 1000
(b) DDD
(c) data phone 50
(d) all the above
40. Four bits are used for packets sequence numbering in a sliding window protocol used in a computer network. The maximum window size is
(a) 4 b
(b) 15
(c) 8
(d) 15
41. The device that converts computer output for transmission over telephone lines is called a/an
(a) Interface
(b) Modem
(c) Interpreter
(d) I/O port
42. The area of coverage of a satellite radio beam is known as
(a) Footprint
(b) circular polarization
(c) identity
(d) beam width
43. While transmitting odd-parity coded symbols, the number of zeros in each symbol is
(a) Odd
(b) a and b both
(c) even
(d) unknown
44. Which layer of international standard organization’s OSI model is responsible for creating and recognizing frame boundaries?
(a) Physical layer
(b) transport layer
(c) data link layer
(d) network layer
45. Various computer devices in an online can be connected by the use of
(a) LAN
(b) WAN
(c) Satellite
(d) all of the above
46. The core diameter of single-mode fibres is about
(a) 10 times the wavelength of the light carried in the fiber
(b) 0 times the fiber radius
(c) 7 times the light carries in the fiber
(d) 3 times the wavelength of the light carried in the fiber
47. Number of bits symbol used in Baudot code
(a) 7 b
(b) 5
(c) 8
(d) 9
48. A hard copy would be prepared on a
(a) typewriter terminal
(b) potter
(c) line printer
(d) all of the above
49. Communication circuits that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time are operating in
(a) a simple-mode
(b) a full duplex mode
(c) a half-duplex mode
(d) an asynchronous mode
50. A band is always equivalent to
(a) a byte
(b) 100 bits
(c) a bit
(d) 16 bits
51. A required characteristic of an on-line real time system is
(a) more than one CPU
(b) no delay in processing
(c) off-line batch processing
(d) all of the above
52. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications ?
(a) Narrow band channels
(b) Full-duplex lines.
(c) Simplex lines
(d) Mixed band channels
53. A characteristic of a multi programming system is
(a) simultaneous execution of program instruction from two applications
(b) concurrent processing of two or more programs
(c) multiple CPUs
(d) all of the above
54. Most data communications involving telegraph lines use
(a) simplex line
(b) narrow band channels
(c) wide band channels
(d) dialled service
55. Which of the following does not allow multiple users or devices to share one communication line ?
(a) Doubleplexer
(b) Concentrator
(c) Multiplexer
(d) Controller
56. Which of the following is considered a broad band communications channel?
(a) Coaxial cable
(b) Microwave circuits
(c) Fiber optic cable
(d) Satellites system
57. Which of the following is required to communications between two computers ?
(a) Communication software
(b) Protocol
(c) Communication hardware
(d) Access to transmission medium
58. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so that they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as
(a) Modulation
(b) Demodulation
(c) Synchronizing
(d) none of the above.
59. After coding a document into a digital signal, it can be sent by telephone, telex or satellite to the receiver where the signal is decoded and an exact copy of the original document is made. What is it called?
(a) Telex
(b) Word processor
(c) Electronic mail
(d) Facsimiles
60. Videotext is a combination of
(a) Television
(b) computer technology
(c) communication
(d) all of the above.
61. Usually, it takes 10-bits to represent one character. How many characters can be transmitted at a speed of 1200 bps ?
(a) 10
(b) 120
(c) 12
(d) 1200
62. What is the name of the computers based EMMS that provides a common forum where users can check in at their convenience, post message actively exchange ideas and participate in ongoing discussions?
(a) E-mail
(b) Bulletin board system (BBS)
(c) Videoconferencing
(d) Teleconferencing
63. Who invented the modem?
(a) Wang Laboratories Ltd.
(b) AT & T Information Systems, USA
(c) Apple Computers Ind.
(d) Digital Equipments Corp.
(e) None of the above.
64. Computers cannot communicate with each other directly over telephone lines because they use digital pulses whereas telephone lines use analog sound frequencies. What is the name of the device which permits digital to analog conversion at the start of a long distance transmission ?
(a) Interface
(b) Modem C Attenuation
(c) None of the above.
(d) Teleprocessor
65. Which of the following items is not used in Local Area Networks (LAN) ?
(a) Computer
(b) Modem
(c) Cable
(d) Printer
66. Communication between computers is almost always
(a) Parallel
(b) Direct
(c) Serial
(d) series parallel
67. Business meeting and conference can be held by linking distantly located people through a computer network. Not only the participants exchange information but are able to see each other. What is it called?
(a) Telemeeting
(b) Telemailing
(c) Teleconferencing
(d) Teletalking
68. What is the name given to the exchange of control signals which is necessary for establishing a connection between a modem and a computer at one end of a line and another modem and computer at the other end ?
(a) Handshaking
(b) Protocol
(c) Modem options
(d) Duplexing
69. If communications software can to called “traffic cap” of a micro communication system, then what should the modem be called?
(a) Park
(b) Interface
(c) Bridge
(d) Link
70. What is the name of the device that converts computer output into a form that can be transmitted over a telephone line?
(a) Teleport
(b) Modem
(c) Multiplexer
(d) Concentrator
71. What is the name of the device that connects tow computers by means of a telephone line?
(a) Tape
(b) Bus
(c) Modem
(d) Cable
72. AWATS arrangement
(a) is always less expensive than flat rate service
(b) is less expensive than flat-rate service only when the number of calls is large and the duration of each is short
(c) is less expensive than flat-rate service only when the number of calls is small and the duration of call is long.
(d) is never less expensive that flat-rate service
73. Identify the odd term amongst the following group?
(a) Coaxial cable
(b) Twisted pair wire
(c) Optical fiber
(d) Microwaves
74. The OCE reading unit attached to a POS terminals is called a
(a) Wand
(b) light pen
(c) cursor
(d) all of the above