Community Medicine Sample Question
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Sample Question Papers on Community Medicine
1. All of the following statements about mosquito are true except :
(1) Itis a definitive host in malaria
(2) Itis a definitive host in filaria
(3) Its life cycle is completed in 3 weeks
(4) The female can travel upto 3 kilometers
2. Percentage of para-para isomer in DDT is:
(1) 20-30%
(2) 40-50%
(3) 60-70%
(4) 70-80%
3. All are true about Pyrethrum except :
(1) Residual action is similar to DDT
(2) Vegetable origin
(3) Contact poison
(4) Synergistic with DDT
4. Phlebotamus argentipes is killed by :
(1) Pyrethrum
(2) DDT
(3) Malathion
(4) None of the above
5. Transovarian transmission is seen in:
(1) Rickettsia Rickettsii
(2) Louse
(3) Flea
(4) None
6. In post disaster phase, for ensuring safe water supply, it is advisable to have a Residual Chlorine Level of :
(1) 0.3 mg/ litre
(2) 0.5 mg/ litre
(3) 0.7 mg/ litre
(4) 0.8 mg/ litre
7. During massive disaster what should be done first ?
(1) Search and rescue, first aid
(2) Triage
(3) Stabilization of victims
(4) Hospital treatment and redistribution of patients to hospital if necessary
8. “Founder effect” describes the distribution of diseases on the basis of?
(1) Occupation
(2) Environment
(3) Genetics
(4) All of the above
9. Which of the following affect the equilibrium in Hardy Weinberg’s law :
(1) Small population
(2) Random mating
(3) Mutations
(4) Gene outflow
10. World Disaster Reduction Day is designated on
(1) Second Tuesday of October
(2) Second Wednesday of October
(3) First Sunday of September
(4) 10th of August
11. The head agency for preparation of Disaster Management plan in India is
(1) Minister of Home Affairs (MHA)
(2) Cabinet Committee of Security (CCS)
(3) National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
(4) National Crises Management Committee (NCMC)
12. Not true about Screw feed technique is :
(1) 80% volume reduction
(2) Pathological waste are removed
(3) Weight is decreased by 20-30%
(4) Based on non-burn — thermal treatment
13. According to the Biomedical Waste Rules (1998), for the hospital waste products disposed by incineration, the temperature of primary chamber of incineration should be :
(1) 600+ /— 50°C
(2) 800 + /— 50°C
(3) 1000+ /- 50°C
(4) 1200+ /— 50°C
14. Natural disaster causing maximum deaths :
1) Hydrological
2) Meteorological
3) Geological
4) fires
15. Which component of network analysis represents activities rather than events
(1) Programme evaluation and review techniques
(2) Critical path method
(3) Queuing theory
(4) System Analysis
16. Biomedical waste rule 2016 is applicable to all except
(1) Hospital waste
(2) Research Institution
(3) Radiological waste
(4) Forensic Laboratories
17. Punishment under Human organ transplantation act 2011 (modified)
(1) Imprisonment of 10 years + fine 20,00,000 to = 1,00,00,000
(2) Imprisonment of 10 years + fine 5,00,000 to 10,00,000
(3) Imprisonment of 5 years + fine 20,00,000 to 1,00,00,000
(4) Imprisonment of 5 years + fine 5,00,000 to 10,00,000
18. Which committee from the following recommended for establishment of Medical and Health Education commission ?
(1) Kartar Singh Committee
(2) Jungalwalla Committee
(3) Srivastava Committee
(4) Bhore Committee
19. Which is true for Didactive communication ?
(1) Autocratic
(2) Democratic
(3) Participatory
(4) More likely to influence human behaviour
20. Which of the following is the socratic method of teaching ?
(1) Lecture
(2) Films
(3) Exhibition
(4) Panel discussion
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21. Following are the group health education approaches except :
(1) Lecture
(2) Demonstration
(3) Role Play
(4) Documentary
22. All of the following are approaches to health education except :
(1) Service approach
(2) Regulatory approach
(3) Health education approach
(4) Mass media
23. Efficacy of a new drug A is compared with an existing drug B in
(1) Clinical trial phase
(2) Clinical trial phase
(3) Clinical trial phase III
(4) Clinical trial phase IV
24. All are True regarding Meta-analysis except
(1) Statistical Techniques for combing the finding from several independent studies on special topic
(2) Its purpose is not to identify the risk factors
(3) Its purpose is to increase statistical power by increasing the sample size
(4) The validity does not depend on quality of systematic review
25. Roll back malaria initiative is extended to
(1) Reduce the mortality rate due to malaria by at least 70% by 2025 compared to 2015
(2) Reduce the mortality rate due to malaria by at least 85% by 2025 compared to 2015
(3) Reduce the mortality rate due to malaria by at least 75% by 2025 compared to 2015
(4) Reduce the mortality rate due to malaria by at least 85% by 2030 compared to 2015
26. Maximum rate of Drug failure is seen in Phase of clinical trail
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4
27. Soil is an important reservoir for all except :
(1) Brucellosis
(2) Coccidiomycosis
(3) Anthrax
(4) Tetanus
28. Rideal-Walker Coefficient is employed for the assessment of :
(1) Effect of autoclaving
(2) Sufficiency of Pasteurisation
(3) Effect of Incineration
(4) Germicidal Power of a disinfectant
29. Disinfection of water by routine chlorination can be classified as
(1) Sterilization
(2) Concurrent disinfection
(3) Terminal disinfection
(4) Pre-current disinfection
30. The amount of bleaching powder necessary to disinfect choleric stools, is :
(1) 50 gm/lit
(2) 75 gm/lit
(3) 90 gm/lit
(4) 100 gm/lit
31. Fibreoptic scopes are sterilized by :
(1) Glutaraldehyde
(2) Ethylene oxide
(3) Autoclaving
(4) Alcohol
32. In assessing the association between maternal nutritional status and the birth weight of the newborn, two investigators A and B studied separately and found significant results with P values 0.02 and 0.04 respectively. From this information, what can you infer about the ; magnitudes of association found by the two investigators ?
(1) The magnitude of association found by investigator A is more than found by B
(2) The magnitude of association found by investigator B is more than that found by A
(3) The estimates of association obtained by A and B will be equal, since both are significant
(4) Nothing can be concluded as the information given is inadequate
33. The number of deaths due to diarrhea, total cases of measles, total number of accidents and the total number of drug addicts were to be reported by a researcher. The best title given to all of this data would be
(1) Mortality data
(2) Morbidity data
(3) Case fatality data
(4) Health related data
34. The health statistics department revealed that the sale of anti-Asthma drugs was more in those countries where Asthma deaths were more. This association may prove wrong when the individual based study designs are conducted. This association is an example of
(1) Ecological fallacy
(2) Berkesonian bias
(3) Indirect association
(4) Specific association
35. Most difficult criterion to establish Causal Association in aetiology of a disease is:
(1) Temporality
(2) Strength of association
(3) Specificity of association
(4) Biological plausibility
36. A village has 100 under five children. The coverage of measles vaccine is 60%. Following a measles case 26 children developed measles. The secondary attack rate is :
(1) 25%
(2) 40%
(3) 50%
(4) 65%
37. Eight months old child had history of unusual crying and convulsions following previous vaccination after BCG, DPT & OPV (first dose), and Hepatitis B. Now parents have brought child for next doses of vaccinations. Which vaccine is contraindicated in this situation ?
(1) Measles
(2) DPT
(3) Hepatitis B
(4) DT
38. In the context of epidemiology-a set of questions is constructed in such a manner that it takes into account all the important epidemiological factors of a given disease :
(1) Health model
(2) Epidemiological triad
(3) Epidemiological surveillance
(4) Mathematical model
39. A doctor was attending a patient suffering from Hepatitis B; he accidentally got a prick from a contaminated needle for maximum preventive use of Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG), it is given as
(1) 0.5 ml/kg body weight within 2 hours
(2) 0.5 ml/kg body weight within 24 hours
(3) 0.06 ml/kg body weight within 3 days of exposure & repeating after one month
(4) 0.0 m5I/kg body weight within one month & repeating after 6 months
40. A mother brought her four year old child to the doctor. She gave the history that her child was in close contact with a case of diphtheria in school. She was very anxious about her child and gave history of booster dose of DT 2 years ago. What would be line of management for such a child ?
(1) Booster dose of DIT with penicillin
(2) Active and Passive immunization
(3) Active and Passive immunization with chemoprophylaxis
(4) Only observation for 7 days
41. A test has high false positive rate in a community. True is :
(1) High prevalence
(2) Low prevalence
(3) High sensitivity
(4) High specificity
42. A screening test is more sensitive :
(1) Few false positive
(2) Few false negative
(3) More false positive
(4) More false negative
43. The method of choice of tuberculosis detection mass screening is :
(1) Tuberculin test
(2) Mass Miniature Radiography (MMR)
(3) Sputum smear examination by direct microscopy
(4) Sputum culture
44. Most important factor for a test to be a good screening test is
(1) Specificity
(2) Sensitivity
(3) Reliability
(4) Predictive value
45. Criteria of screening was developed by
(1) Haddon
(2) JMG Wilson
(3) James Watson
(4) Edwin Chadwick
46. In neonates Gutherie test is done for screening of
(1) Phenylketonuria
(2) Galactosemia
(3) congenital hypothyroidism
(4) Sickle cell disease
47. Glycernic index for glucose is
(1) 0.5
(2) 1
(3) 1.5
(4) 2
48. According to WHO, which of the following is the best indicator of cardiovascular risk.
(1) Waist height ratio
(2) Waist hip ratio
(3) Lorentz index
(4) Ponderal index
49. WHO STEPS is used for :
(1) Communicable diseases
(2) Non- communicable diseases
(3) Immuno-deficient diseases
(4) Auto-immune diseases.
50. Haddon matrix is related to
(1) Hypertensive disorders
(2) Communicable diseases
(3) Maternal and Child mortality
(4) Injury prevention