Agriculture Engineering Question Bank
1. What can effectively protect a stream bank when a stream takes sharp bend and bed scour is not deep and vertical?
(1) Brush wood rollers
(2) Brush wood edging
(3) Spur dikes
(4) Wooden Jack series
2. The maximum slope length of 35 m is restricted in case of contour farming for the land having how much percent slope?
(1) 9 to 12
(2) 13 to 16
(3) 6 to 8
(4) 3 to 5
3. As per the WMO recommendations, in flat regions of temperate, mediterranean and tropical zones, in ideal conditions one raingauge should cover how much of an area?
(1) 900 to 3000 ha
(2) 600 to 900 km2
(3) 100 to 250 miles
(4) 1500 to 10,000 m2
4. When the particle Reynold number is more than 400, what will be the value of shield’s Entrainment function?
(1) 0.056
(2) 0.065
(3) 0.56
(4) 0.65
5. In case of loamy soils for graded bunding, what should be the gradient of channel?
(1) 0.1 to 0.2%
(2) 0.5%
(3) 0.3 to 0.4%
(4) 0.5 to 0.7%
6. Which is the more effective retard of installation to control the stream bank erosion, where the stream bank currents are not swift?
(1) Masonry jack
(2) Metal jack
(3) RCC jack
(4) Wooden jack
7. How is the runoff, classified on the basis of time lag between precipitation and runoff?
(1) direct runoff and indirect runoff
(2) interflow and channel flow
(3) surface flow and base flow
(4) quick return flow and prompt flow
8. What is the interface between two distinct air masses of the weather system called?
(1) Front
(2) Glaze
(3) Snow
(4) Cyclone
9. If through a basin area of 0.5 direct runoff of 15 ha – an is generated. What will be rainfall depth, if total rainfall losses are 30%?
(1) 4.29 mm
(2) 4.29 cm
(3) 6.0 mm
(4) 60 cm
10. How much losses take place in water conveyance through unlined channels from source to field, of the total water lifted from the pond?
(1) 15%
(2) 20 to 50%
(3) 50 to 60%
(4) 10 to 20%
11. Which principle is used in DU Boys formula for estimation of bed load?
(1) Theory of tractive force
(2) Uniform size of sediments
(3) Effect of grain diameter
(4) Experimental data
12. Complete the following sentence meaningfully.
Trenches for hill slopes are designed on the basis of:
(1) land slope
(2) length of slope and erosive runoff velocity
(3) slope length only
(4) runoff volume to be stored
13. What is the value of form factor (Rf), if the drainage area is 50 square kilometres with the length of drainage basin. 5000 m?
(1) 0.01
(2) 0.02
(3) 0.20
(4) 2.0
14. Which type of drains are provided at the upper part of the cultivated area to intercept the uncontrolled flow of water from the upper catchment and divert it laterally safe into a natural or protected waterways?
(1) Diversion
(2) Mole
(3) Vertical
(4) Metal
15. Among the following which condition is suitable for dug out type of ponds?
(1) Land slope less than 4 percent
(2) Land slope greater than 4 percent
(3) Land slope between 5 to 8 percent
(4) None of the above
16. What is the property of rainfall that causes erosion?
(1) Emulsion
(2) Erosion
(3) Erosivity
(4) Erodibility
17. What is the kinetic energy of rainfall for rainfall intensity 10 cm/h?
(1) 203.10 units
(2) 210.30 units
(3) 201.30 units
(4) 299.30 units
18. What are the special constructional features of a detention reservoir for flood control in downstream area?
(1) Provided with adjustable gates and valves.
(2) Provided with ungated outlet regulating outflow automatically.
(3) Provided with gates to regulate flood volume.
(4) Provided with storage to permanently detend flood volume.
19. Which sentence is correctly related to Universal Soil Loss Equation?
(1) It computes the sediment deposition
(2) It is not an empirical equation
(3) It computes the gully erosion
(4) It computes the average annual soil loss
20. Which one of the following is selected on the basis of cost benefit ratio?
(1) Design flood
(2) Peak flood
(3) Annual flood
(4) Ordinary flood
More Questions on Agriculture Engineering
21. How many rows of wooden pole spurs are constructed along the eroded portion of stream bank to control stream bank erosion?
(1) Two
(2) Three
(3) Four
(4) Five
22. What is the general relationship that exists between rainfall intensity (i), duration (t) and return period (T)?
(1) iαt/T
(2) iαt.T
(3) iαT/t
(4) iα1/t.T
23. The condition of the site for farm pond, where the largest storage volume can be obtained with least amount of earth work will be fulfilled where, _______________.
(a) Valley is narrow
(b) Side slopes are relatively steep
(c) Valley is wide
(d) The area is plain
(1) (a) and (c)
(2) (b) and (d)
(3) (a) and (d)
(4) (a) and (b)
24. Erosion causing annual soil loss from 0.05 to 0.5 mm depth is categorized as which type of erosion?
(1) Harmful
(2) Weak
(3) Medium
(4) Serious
25. State the process in which part of rainfall first leaches into the soil and moves laterally without joining the water table, streams, rivers or oceans?
(1) Surface runoff
(2) Subsurface runoff
(3) Total runoff
(4) Base flow
26. Complete the following statement.
The effectiveness of contour farming in erosion control is incorporated in factor of universal soil loss equation Le.
(1) P
(2) C
(3) K
(4) LS
27. What has the lowest runoff coefficient among various categories of following land use?
(1) Agricultural lands
(2) Forest lands
(3) Barren lands
(4) Grass lands
28. What terminology is referred as the product of relief and drainage density?
(1) Reynold number
(2) Froud number
(3) Ruggedness number
(4) Geometric number
29. What is the recurrence interval of rainfall magnitude whose probability of event is 50 percent?
(1) 1 year
(2) 2 years
(3) 25 years
(4) 50 years
30. Which type of bunds are constructed between two contour bunds, so as to limit a horizontal spacing to the maximum required?
(1) Side
(2) Marginal
(3) Lateral
(4) Supplemental
31. What is the suitable grade for graded bunding in areas of medium and heavy rainfall?
(1) <0.1%
(2) 0.2 to 0.3%
(3) 0.3 to 0.5%
(4) 0.5 to 1.0%
32. The unit hydrograph method to compute the direct runoff is limited to how much area of the watershed?
(1) 5000 km2
(2) 4000 ha
(3) 2500 acre
(4) 10,000 m2
33. State in which condition V – shape gullies are developed?
(1) In alluvial plains
(2) Easily erodible soil
(3) Subsoils are louse
(4) Subsoils are tough to resist the runoff
34. For effective functioning of water harvesting structure, how much storage or water spread area should there be?
(1) <10ha
(2) 25 to 35% of catchment area
(3) 20% of catchment area
(4) 1/8th to 1/5th of catchment area
35. Under ground dams are advocated under watershed development programmes, to:
(1) prevent subsurface soil movement
(2) control deep percolation losses
(3) control surface runoff, to achieve water harvesting and to recharge subsurface permeable layers
(4) improve moisture availability for cropping
36. Surging is the one of the most effective method of:
(1) Irrigation
(2) Drainage
(3) Drilling of Well
(4) Well development
37. Which of the following rain gauge do not produce a mass curve of rainfall as record:
(1) tipping bucket type rain gauge
(2) weighing bucket type rain gauge
(3) natural siphon type rain gauge
(4) symon’s rain gauge
38. Drains are designed to lower and maintain the ground water:
(1) above the crop root zone
(2) within the crop root zone
(3) below the foliage of crop
(4) below the crop root zone
39. Biogas is a substitute for conventional engine fuels with little modification in engine and the petrol replacement of the order of is possible using biogas.
(1) 85%
(2) 95%
(3) 100%
(4) 75%
40. Impervious core wall is provided in the embankment, when:
(1) foundation material is of impervious nature
(2) embankment material is of impervious nature
(3) embankment material is pervious to water
(4) embankment and foundation material impervious to water
41. The depth of water table is obtained by:
(1) Piezometer
(2) Observation well
(3) Driven well
(4) All of above
42. Which of the following design involves the estimation of design runoff rate and flood volume?
(1) hydraulic design
(2) structural design
(3) hydrologic design
(4) none of the above
43. Sediment yield is equal to:
(1) sediment yield index/ delivery ratio
(2) delivery ratio x gross soil erosion
(3) gross soil erosion/ delivery ratio
(4) none of the above
44. The width of border strip is not economical if it is less than:
(1) 4m
(2) 3m
(3) 2m
(4) 1m
45. The size of the watershed should be selected depending upon the possibilities of developing it completely within a period of::
(1) 1-2 years
(2) 2-3 years
(3) 3-5 years
(4) 5-7 years
46. The probable maximum precipitation at a basin or a station is:
(1) the greatest rainfall for a given duration that is physically possible
(2) an impossibly large rainfall of a given duration
(3) a rainfall of a given duration that can occur with a return period of 1000 years
(4) a rainfall of a given duration that has the maximum probability of occurrence
47. The dry bulb always registers the actual air temperature. But the wet bulb registers a temperature which is:
(1) higher than dry bulb temperature.
(2) lower than dry bulb temperature.
(3) same as dry bulb temperature.
(4) double than dry bulb temperature.
48. ___________ per cent of the total rural population is available for doing farm work.
(1) 30
(2) 40
(3) 35
(4) 45
49. Indicate the safe moisture level for harvesting the crop, reducing shedding and shattering losses in the field.
(1) 3-5%
(2) 13-15%
(3) 23-25%
(4) 33 – 35%
50. Percentage loss of paddy during harvest and post harvest period between field and the consumer is estimated as:
(1) 10 to 25 per cent
(2) 25 to 30 per cent
(3) 30 to 35 per cent
(4) 35 to 40 per cent