Agriculture Engineering Important Question Papers
1. Where it is feasible to grade the field to a true plane _________ method of land levelling is used:
(1) Profile
(2) Plane
(3) Plan inspection
(4) Contour-adjustment
2. Unsteady flow is that type of flow, in which:
(1) the velocity, pressure and density at a point changes with respect to time.
(2) the fluid characteristics like velocity, pressure, density etc., at a point do not change with time
(3) the velocity at any given time do not change with respect to space (i.e. length of E direction of the flow)
(4) the fluid particles move along well defined paths or stream lines and all the stream lines are straight and parallel
3. Thermocol used for insulation of refrigerated room is made of:
(1) Foamed polysterene
(2) Cork
(3) Asbestos fibre
(4) Polyethylene
4. Rising limb of hydrograph is dependent on:
(1) Storm and basin characteristics
(2) Storm characteristics only
(3) Basin characteristics only
(4) None of the above
5. If direct runoff is 15 ha-cm and basin area is 0.5 sq. km, the excess rainfall will be:
(1) 0.3 cm
(2) 4.5 cm
(3) 0.45 cm
(4) 3.0 cm
6. The capacity of each compaftment (bucket) of tipping bucket type of rain gauge is:
(1) 1 mm
(2) 0.50 mm
(3) 0.25 mm
(4) 0.75 mm
7. Bel-fast truss is also sometimes known as:
(1) steel truss
(2) mansard truss
(3) latticed roof truss
(4) truncated truss
8. Grain property not used in cleaning of paddy is:
(1) Size
(2) Specific gravity
(3) Weight
(4) Strength
9. The Weir does not require corrections for end contractions:
(1) Rectangular Weir
(2) Cipoletti Weir
(3) Triangular Weir
(4) All of the above
10. ___________ type of fertilizer metering mechanism is used on animal drawn seed cum fertilizer drill.
(1) Pick up
(2) Double run
(3) Star wheel
(4) Auger
11. The use of glass sheet cover(s) solar heating devices is for ____________.
(1) Reflecting the sun light
(2) Absorbing the heat
(3) Preventing the loss of absorbed heat
(4) All above
12. The size of the foundation should be determined on the basis of:
(1) Bearing pressure of the soil
(2) Tensile strength of the soil
(3) Crushing strength of the soil
(4) None of the above
13. The recommended air temperature for drying parboiled paddy in LSU dryer is:
(1) 45°C
(2) 85°C
(3) 95°C
(4) 75°C
14. The parboiling of paddy is a cumulative function of one of the following.
(1) moisture and temperature
(2) moisture, temperature and drying
(3) only steam heating
(4) moisture and drying
15. Construction of Nala bund facilitates:
(1) reclamation of gullied lands
(2) recharging of ground water
(3) reduction of soil erosion and thereby silting of natural water courses
(4) all the above
16. The earthen check dam, is being used extensively under watershed development programme in Maharashtra for enhancing ground water recharge, is:
(1) Cement weir
(2) Drop structure
(3) Nala bund
(4) Chute spillway
17. In El30, index method of rainfall erosivity estimation, I30 stands for:
(1) threshold rainfall intensity of 30 mm/hr
(2) maximum rainfall intensity for 30 minute duration during the storm
(3) rainfall intensity at successive 30 minute interval during storm
(4) 30 cm depth of rainfall
18. The benefit-cost ratio in watershed management works should be minimum of:
(1) 11:1
(2) 12:1
(3) 2:1
(4) 15:1
19. By DAD analysis, the maximum average depth over an area due to one day storm is 60 cm. For the same area the maximum average depth for a 2-days storm can be expected to be:
(1) <60 cm
(2) ≥ 60 cm
(3) 60 cm
(4) 30 cm
20. Institute in India which developed sugarcane planters is:
1) IIT
2) N.D.D.B.
3) C.F.T.R.I.
4) I.I.S.R.
More Questions on Agriculture Engineering
21. Which of the following is most desirable for earthen embankment?
(1) gravel+sand +clay
(2) gravel+fine sand
(3) sand+clay
(4) clay
22. As per land use classification, class-IJI land is suitable for cultivation and demands:
(1) occasional cultivation
(2) no conservation measures
(3) moderate conservation measures
(4) intensive conservation measures
23. When the velocity is doubled, the soil erosive capacity as represented by the kinetic energy of the flowing water is increased about:
(1) 2 times
(2) 4 times
(3) 6 times
(4) 10 times
24. For suspended load sampling, following type of sampler is used:
(1) Basket type
(2) Slot or pit type
(3) Pan or tray type
(4) Depth integrating type
25. Heat can be transferred by except one of the following ways?
(1) Conduction
(2) Radiation
(3) Convection
(4) Proportion
26. In case of hydraulic design for non-steady state sub-surface drainage ________ formula is used.
(1) Glover-Dumm
(2) Ernst
(3) Hooghoudt
(4) Kirkham
27. In excavated farm pond, the side slope usually kept in firm soils is::
(1) 1:1
(2) 15:1
(3) 2:1
(4) 1:2
28. When average annual rainfall and evaporation over land masses and oceans on the earth are considered:
(1) annual evaporation from land area is found to be same as annual rainfall
(2) more rainfall occurs over land area than evaporated back from the same area
(3) more rainfall on oceans than what is evaporated
(4) annual rainfall and annual evaporation over oceans are equal
29. Surplus weirs are generally used to protect breaching of:
(1) contour bund
(2) graded bund
(3) terrace
(4) diversion drain
30. The science of artificial application of water to the land, in accordance with the crop requirement throughout the crop period for full-fledged nourishment of the crops is called as:
(1) Evaporation
(2) Runoff
(3) Rainfall
(4) irrigation
31. During conditioning of wheat, moisture content is increased to 15 – 16 percent by soaking and then tempered in bins for:
(1) 18-72 hours
(2) 2-10 hours
(3) 10-20 hours
(4) 70-80 hours
32. The erosion control structure adopted for the non arable land is:
(1) contour bunds
(2) graded bunds
(3) trenches
(4) ponds
33. Engineering measures of erosion control for arable land become necessary, when land slopes are:
(1) more than 2%
(2) more than 3%
(3) more than 5%
(4) more than 10%
34. In the drum or roller dryer the food is coated as a thin paste over the surface of a slowly revolving heated cylinder in one of the following positions?
(1) Vertical
(2) Horizontal
(3) Inclined
(4) Declined
35. If temperature and pH are favourable a Carbon-Nitrogen (C/N) ratio of which range will permit optimum digestion in biogas plant?
(1) 10
(2) 5
(3) 50
(4) 30
36. A queen post truss is suitable for roof of spans varying from __________.
(1) 10 to 15 meters
(2) 05 to 10 meters
(3) 08 to 12 meters
(4) 05 to 15 meters
37. Indicate which is not a sprayer in this group.
(1) Hand atomizer
(2) Engine powered sprayer
(3) Air plane sprayer
(4) Orient sprayer
38. Cold storages are used to maintain the fruits at:
(1) Low temperature
(2) Low humidity
(3) High temperature
(4) High humidity
39. The milk house is generally placed away from the dairy barn at about:
(1) 4m
(2) 2m
(3) 6m
(4) 8m
40. The most important factor affecting the terminal velocity of a spray droplet is:
(1) droplet size
(2) droplet density
(3) droplet volume
(4) droplet frequency
41. Among the methods of sedimentation control in reservoirs, which method is comparatively expensive and situation oriented?
(1) Construction of vegetation screens
(2) Control of sediment inflow
(3) Removal of sediment deposit
(4) erosion control in the catchment
42. If the wind speed is increased twice then the power available will increase how many times?
(1) 8 times
(2) 20 times
(3) 16 times
(4) 32 times
43. A minimum furrow grade of __________ per cent is needed to ensure surface drainage.
(1) 0.01
(2) 0.03
(3) 0.05
(4) 0.10
44. An area is classified as a drought prone area if the probability “p’ of occurrence of a drought is:
(1) 0.4<p≤1.0
(2) 02<p≤0.4
(3) 0.1≤p<0.2
(4) 0.0<p<0.20
45. The mass curve of rainfall is drawn as a plot of:
(1) Rainfall intensity Vs time
(2) Accumulated rainfall intensity Vs time
(3) Accumulated rainfall Vs time in chronological order
(4) Rainfall volume Vs time
46. Bucket elevator with a belt carrier can be used at a high speed of:
(1) 2.5 to 4.0 m/sec
(2) 5.0 to 8.0 m/sec
(3) 7.5 to 12.0 m/sec
(4) 10.0 to 16.0 m/sec
47. Which one of the following is not a positive displacement pump?
(1) Reciprocating piston pump
(2) Gear pump
(3) Rotary pump
(4) Centrifugal pump
48. Soil erodibility factor ‘K’ is higher in:
(1) Sandy soils
(2) Clayey soils
(3) Silt clay soils
(4) Loamy soils
49. In thin layer drying grain bed thickness is:
(1) 20 cm
(2) 40 cm
(3) 60 cm
(4) 80 cm
50. Rice milling machinery having the highest shelling efficiency is:
(1) Under runner disc sheller
(2) Rubber roll sheller
(3) Huller
(4) Centrifugal dehusker