Sociology Model Question Papers

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Sociology Model Question Papers

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Model Question Papers on Sociology

1. The debate on the mode of production in India centres around the issue:
(A) A shift in Indian economy from a capitalist to a post-capitalist mode of production
(B) A shift in Indian agriculture from a primitive to an Asiatic mode of production
(C) A shift in Indian agriculture from a feudal to a capitalist mode of production
(D) A shift in Indian Agriculture from an Asiatic to a colonial mode of production

2. Diaspora refers to:
(A) Voluntary transactional migration
(B) Migration from rural to urban areas
(C) Human trafficking
(D) Dispersal of an ethnic group from their homeland to foreign land

3. Which of the following is not related with property relations?
(A) Classes
(B) Agrarian structure
(C) Relations of production
(D) Monetary relations

4. Unstructured observation is mostly used in:
(A) Descriptive/Diagnostic studies
(B) Exploratory/Formulative studies
(C) Experimental studies
(D) Analytical studies

5. Which of the following is not the objective of “National Mission for Green India”?
(A) Restoration of Wetlands
(B) Agroforestry and Social Forestry
(C) Disaster Management
(D) Enhancing Tree Cover in Urban Areas

6. The Mahalanobis model was influenced by which of the following?
(A) Gandhian model
(B) Soviet model
(C) Latin American model
(D) Democratic model

7. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): Haphazard development of cities has resulted into degradation of urban environment.
Reason (R): This is due to absence of urbanization policy in India.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

8. Which among the following is not a major cause for cultural change?
(A) Invention
(B) Discovery
(C) Diffusion
(D) Assertion of tradition

9. Epistemology can be understood as:
(A) Theory of knowledge
(B) Basis of methodology
(C) Methods and techniques
(D) Framework of data analysis

10. Whose name is closely associated with the concept “Little and Great Traditions”?
(A) Louis Worth
(B) Judith Butler
(C) Robert Redfield
(D) Milton Singer

11. Which of the following programmes has been started by the Government of India for creating environmental awareness amongst the children?
(A) Nature Lovers
(B) Soldiers of Nature
(C) National Green Crop
(D) E-Waste Management

12. Concept of ‘symmetrical family’ was propounded by ……………… .
(A) P. Willmott and M. Young
(B) T. Parsons and R. Bales
(C) C. Harris
(D) R. Brown

13. Which one of the following statements about Ethnicity is incorrect?
(A) Involves we/they distinction
(B) Is only subjective
(C) Involves labelling
(D) Establishes boundaries

14. Which one of the following does not denote modernisation?
(A) Changing dress style
(B) Changing ways of life
(C) Developing infrastructure
(D) Maintaining traditions

15. The secondary needs (the derived needs) as mentioned by Malinowski are ……………….. .
(A) Biological
(B) Psychological
(C) Social-structural and instrumental
(D) Symbolic and cultural

16. “In a working day, the value created by workers over and above the value of their labour time which goes to owners of the means of production to make profit in the market” is termed by Marx as:
(A) Surplus value
(B) Use value
(C) Production value
(D) Exchange value

17. Growing digital divide in globalization is a matter of change in ………………… .
(A) Material culture
(B) Non-material culture
(C) Popular culture
(D) Mass culture

18. The consequence of any cultural or social act, which is intended and recognised and contributes to the adaptation in a given system is called ………………. .
(A) Latent function
(B) Manifest function
(C) Latent dysfunction
(D) Manifest dysfunction

19. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): Discourse on domestic violence is not as loud as it should be.
Reason (R): Domestic violence occurs within the four walls of the house.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

20. When an overseer is called a junior engineer, it is an example of:
(A) Upward mobility
(B) Parallel mobility
(C) Fictitious mobility
(D) Occupational mobility

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21. Who used the term ‘avtar’ to denote a new form of caste?
(A) Andre Beteille
(B) Yogendra Singh
(C) S. C. Dube
(D) M. N. Shrinivas

22. Who is the author of ‘The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach’?
(A) D. Harvey
(B) M. Castells
(C) P. Saunders
(D) L. Sawers

23. “The end of patriarchialism with more divorces, less marriages, more use of reproductive technologies and women’s denial to patriarchal authority” is suggested by ………….. .
(A) A. Giddens
(B) M. Castells
(C) J. Butler
(D) B. Freiden

24. The tribal movements in northeastern parts of India were launched mainly for seeking:
(A) Socio-cultural status
(B) Forest based rights
(C) Political autonomy
(D) Movement against economic exploitation

25. Who proposes ‘The iron law of oligarchy’?
(A) Robert Merton
(B) Max Weber
(C) Karl Marx
(D) Robert Michels

26. Which is the odd one out with regards to the Millennium Development Goals?
(A) Eradication of Poverty
(B) Reduce Child Mortality
(C) Achieve Universal Primary Education
(D) Shelter for all

27. ‘Disneyisation’ term is coined by ………………… .
(A) Bauman
(B) Bryman
(C) Bourdieu
(D) Ritzer

28. Disadvantage of participant observation is:
(A) False image
(B) Misinterpretation
(C) Confusion
(D) Too much of identification

29. All gender issues must be addressed and integrated at all levels of society, politics and programmes. This view is called:
(A) Gender Justice
(B) Gender Mainstreaming
(C) Gender budgeting
(D) Gender equality

30. Which one of the following is most inequitable metropolitan city of India as per Gini-coefficient as a measure of inequality?
(A) Mumbai
(B) Meerut
(C) Bengaluru
(D) Kolkata

31. Who described post-modernism as “incredulity towards the metanarratives”?
(A) Baudrillard
(B) Bauman
(C) Lyotard
(D) Foucault

32. When knowledge is only a commodity:
(A) Information is not knowledge
(B) Technology becomes important
(C) Knowledge is narrative
(D) Spiritual knowledge is important

33. Which type of development projects have displaced maximum number of persons?
(A) Mines
(B) Dams
(C) Industrial
(D) Wildlife sanctuaries

34. E. Said’s orientalism referred to:
(A) Essentialising the Non-Western World
(B) Glorifying the Eastern World
(C) Demonising the Middle East
(D) War with Iran

35. Structured interview helps in ……………… .
(A) Standardisation
(B) Interpretation
(C) Deconstruction
(D) Discourse analysis

36. Which of the following features of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005 is incorrect?
(A) Includes abuse that is physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and economic
(B) Covers wife, live-in partner, sisters, widows and mothers
(C) Deals with women’s harassment at the workplace
(D) Recognizes women’s right to reside in the matrimonial home

37. A ……………. is anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share a culture.
(A) Value
(B) Belief
(C) Moral
(D) Symbol

38. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R):
Assertion (A): The patriarchalfamily, the comerstone of patriarchialism, is being challenged at the turn of the millennium.
Reason (R): Most self-conscious educated women prefer to live alone.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

39. Which of the following is not correct about the structured observation?
(A) The observer must carefully define the units to be observed
(B) Must focus on selection of pertinent data
(C) It is not necessary to record the information
(D) Standardization of conditions must go along with it

40. Which one of the following is true about the questionnaire method?
(A) Ensures greater proportion of returns
(B) Contains specific and clear-cut directions
(C) Administered on all types of subjects
(D) Easy to understand the content of the questions

41. Agency refers to:
(A) Normative behaviour of an individual
(B) Rebellion
(C) Individual’s political action
(D) Capacity of an individual to act independently

42. Environmental sociology generally focusses on the …………….. .
(A) Social dimensions of either the natural environment or the human-built environment
(B) Environmental and economic dimensions of society
(C) Social dimensions of people associated with environment
(D) All environmental issues

43. Which one of the following is a probability sampling?
(A) Snowball sampling
(B) Cluster sampling
(C) Quota sampling
(D) Accidental sampling

44. Whose names are associated with the book “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media”?
(A) Sussman, G. and Galizio, L.
(B) Edward, S. Herman and Noam Chomsky
(C) Robinson, J.P. and Davis, D.K.
(D) McQuail, D. and Windahl W.

45. Which approach focusses on the feature that reproduction and economic roles are linked to gender inequalities of masculinity and feminity?
(A) Welfare approach
(B) Women in development
(C) Efficiency approach
(D) Gender and development

46. Which of the following viewpoints has not been envisaged by Radhakamal Mukerjee?
(A) The fusion of empirical and normative approaches
(B) Interdisciplinary approach to study social issues
(C) Inclusion of value component of facts in the study of society
(D) Rationalization of tradition

47. A hypothesis is not essential for:
(A) Positivist research
(B) Ethnography
(C) Epistemology
(D) Survey

48. Unorganized sector is different from organized sector in:
(A) Length of employment
(B) Unemployment
(C) Migration
(D) Social security measures

49. The book entitled “Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism” examines the relationship between ………….. .
(A) Religion and Polity
(B) Economy and Polity
(C) Religion and Economy
(D) Economy and Environment

50. Which word is used by Edward Said to describe the Western scholarship about the Eastern World?
(A) Structuralism
(B) Orientalism
(C) Marxism
(D) Colonialism